September 2022

1 September

CDM The All Arakan Youth Organization Network called for a boycott of military-linked products in Rakhine State because of hardship caused by military transport bans and civilian casualties from junta attacks.

POL MAH met former dictator Than Shwe.

CDM In Mandalay’s Obo Prison 21 people, including teachers and students that demonstrated against the junta, were sentenced to 3 years in prison under section 505-A of the Penal Code.

VIO Military troops detained 19 members of the Black Dragon Force Pyapon resistance group operating in Ayeyarwady Region.


2 September

POL The military regime has handed a 1-year prison sentences to Britain’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Vicky Bowman, and her husband, Ko Htein Lin, for breaching the Immigration Act.

POL ASSK was found guilty of electoral fraud and sentenced to 3 years in jail with hard labour.


4 September

INT MAH arrived in Vladivostok to attend the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2022). This is MAH’s 3rd trip to Russia, coming just a month after his last visit, and about a week after his deputy Soe Win returned from his trip. 

CDM In Yangon, activists displayed a poster reading “UN Prove Your Existence for Justice” in front of the UN office in Yangon in support of reappointing current ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun. 

VIO  The military carried out airstrikes against the AA in Rakhine State.


5 September

INT The UN Special Envoy on Myanmar said she would visit the Myanmar again only if she were allowed to meet ASSK.


6 September

INT The Myanmar military regime and Russian state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom have signed a roadmap for further atomic energy cooperation including the possible implementation of a modular reactor project in Myanmar on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

INT An unprecedented legal petition has been filed in Indonesia to open a case against the junta for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the genocide against the country’s Muslim population.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (a group of 60 junta personnel raided two villages, and burned down 15 houses).


7 September

INT MAH held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 7th Eastern Economic Forum 2022 in Vladivostok, Russia.

INT ECN Myanmar has started buying Russian oil products and is ready to pay for deliveries in roubles. 


8 September

INT ECN Ooredoo sold its Myanmar operation to the Singapore-based Nine Communications firm for US$576 million, completing the exodus of foreign telecom companies from Myanmar.

INT A personal meeting took place between Czech Minister Jan Lipavsky and NUG Minister Daw Zin Aung Mar Aung.

POL A junta court inside Naypyitaw Prison heard the last testimony in the case against economic advisor Sean Turnell under the colonial-era Official Secrets Act.

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (20 junta soldiers were killed).


9 September

INT NUG Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung, Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min and Representative Officer Lin Thant visited the grave of Vaclav Havel in the Czechia.


11 September

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (13 regime troops were killed) and in Shan State (60 junta troops were killed). / Myanmar’s military carried out multiple airstrikes in northern Rakhine State following the fall of another base to the AA.


13 September

VIO EXM At least 15 people, including 2 freelance journalists, were arrested during a crackdown on a protest in Yangon.


14 September

POL The KNU/KNLA-Peace Council and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army became the latest groups to join the junta’s 2nd round of peace talks

VIO Myanmar’s junta added a charge that carries a death sentence against jailed protest leader Ko Wai Moe Naing for his role in the protest movement against military rule.


15 September

EXM A court in Yangon sentenced Myanmar journalist Htet Htet Khine, a freelance producer for BBC Media Action, to three years in prison with hard labour.


16 September

POL Leaders of the UWSA and AA met in Mongla, Shan State to establish personal ties between the allies and deepen cooperation.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (11 children were killed in junta air strikes). / The military regime ordered the UN and international NGOs operating in Rakhine State to halt their operations. / The military is continuing its efforts to form militias around the country by arming villagers near Naypyitaw.


17 September

INT CDM Myanmar people protest outside UN headquarters in NYC to demand that U Kyaw Moe Tun remain Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN.


19 September

INT Myanmar (along with Russia and Belarus) have not been invited to Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral.


20 September

POL The junta warned the public against showing moral support for the resistance movement, threatening jail terms of up to 10 years just for liking or sharing its content on social media.

ECN Myanmar was discussing with burgeoning ally Russia the use of its Mir bank card for payments.

INT Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saifuddin Abdullah, met with representatives from the NUG, NUCC, CRPH, and Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN, Kyaw Moe Tun. 

INT Japan announced that it would stop accepting Myanmar military cadets for training under its defence ministry beginning in 2023.


25 September

VIO Junta soldiers raided Kyatsu Aint village in Magway Region, before launching an arson attack, due to which 700 residents had to flee. 


26 September

INT Progressive Voice published 2 open letters against the junta. The first was signed by 567 CSOs, calling for leaders from EAOs not to attend the junta’s peace talks. And the other letter was signed by 36 CSOs, urging France to formally support the Gambia’s case against Myanmar at the ICJ. The UK, Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands already supported it.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay Region (34 junta soldiers were killed). 


27 September

EXM Freelance BBC reporter Htet Htet Khine was sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the country’s Unlawful Associations Act


28 September

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (11 regime troops were killed). 


29 September

POL ASSK’s economic advisor Sean Turnell was sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act and for visa violations. The Australian Senate Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong issued a statement calling for the immediate release of Sean Turnell.

POL ASSK was sentenced to an additional 3 years in prison for breaching the Official Secrets Act. 


30 September

VIO A passenger was injured on a Myanmar National Airline flight when the plane was hit by a bullet as it prepared to land at Loikaw, Kayah State.