November 2021

1 November

INT Malaysia wanted to see the ASEAN adopt a principle of "non-indifference" policy toward Myanmar's humanitarian crisis.

VIO 30 young people and teenagers were arrested in Yangon, as junta forces raided several residential areas around the city. Clashes: in Sagaing Region (killed 15 soldiers and one PDF sniper).


2 November

POL Kayan Township was hit by a wave of resignations (almost every local administrator quit); the junta struggles to retain control.

INT Former U.S. ambassador Bill Richardson held talks with MAH in Myanmar.

EXM With the military putting down protests on the streets, a parallel battle is playing out on social media, with the junta using fake accounts to denounce opponents and push forward its message that it seized power to save the nation from election fraud.

VIO The junta soldiers raided the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) office in Karen State, near the Thai border. Clashes: in Sagaing Region and Chin and Kayah states (12 regime troops killed) on 1-2 November.


3 November

POL The military stood by its decision to deny the Southeast Asian envoy access to ASSK, resisting growing international pressure to comply with a regional peace plan agreed in April.

VIO The junta escalated its campaign against anti-coup opponents nationwide by stepping up its arrests, torture, and killings. Clashes: in Shan State (4 000 villagers fled their homes).


4 November

EXM Detained American journalist Danny Fenster was hit with a new charge under Immigration Act.

VIO Clashes: in Yangon, Mandalay, Magwe, Sagaing, Tanintharyi regions, Chin, Shan, and Kayah states (100 junta soldiers and some PDFs killed) on 3-4 November.


5 November

ECN NUG started selling bonds to fund the revolutionary movement against the junta.

CDM 500 civil rights groups called for a UNSC meeting to stop escalating violence in Myanmar's Chin State, which has become a forefront of resistance against military rule.

POL Military-linked parties begin a 3-day conference on switching to the PR electoral system.


6 November

POL The NUG announced that they plan to end military rule within 2 years, at which point they will work to rebuild Myanmar with domestic and international businesses who paid taxes to them.


7 November

ECN The NUG hit out at the Japanese government for funding the junta via a lucrative gas project (Nippon Oil Exploration Myanmar). The project has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues since 2000.

VIO The AAPP reported that more than 9 800 people have been arrested and over 1 200 people killed since the 1st reported fatality after the coup.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (the military used helicopters in fighting).


8 November

CDM Myanmar social media is filled with people sharing their memories of voting one year ago and expressing their sadness that their voices were not listened to.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (20 soldiers killed; 12 houses burned down), and in Shan State (30-40 houses burned down or damaged).


9 November

ECN Plans by Norway's Telenor to withdraw from Myanmar by selling its telecom operations there to a Lebanese firm further stalled after the junta indicated it favored at least part-ownership by a local company.

VIO From 6 November, over 80 junta-appointed local officials in Magwe Region resigned due to threats from local PDFs.


10 November

INT The UNSC expressed deep concern over increased violence across Myanmar and in a rare statement, agreed by the 15 members, called for an immediate end to the fighting.

POL Myanmar court sentenced 2 members of ASSK’s political party to 90 years and 75 years in prison after finding them guilty of corruption.

ECN Campaigners called for stricter regulations to force electric vehicle makers like Tesla to vet their supply chains more thoroughly, since some metals used in electric vehicles may come from mines controlled by the junta.

VIO According to the NUG report, the junta committed war crimes against civilians by shelling and burning down houses as well as religious buildings in 56 villages and a town across 7 regions and states.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Tanintharyi Regions, and Chin, Mon and Shan States on 9-10 November (104 junta soldiers died).


11 November

VIO According to the NUG Defense Ministry, the military suffered its heaviest losses yet in October, with 1,300 soldiers killed and 463 injured in clashes with PDFs. The junta’s casualties are almost double the number the regime suffered in September.

VIO The junta continued to seize homes of those with ties to NLD and NUG.


12 November

INT EXM The US journalist Danny Fenster was sentenced to 11 years in prison with hard labor after he was found guilty on a series of charges including incitement. The U.S Department of State and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet condemned this move, adding it was illustrative of a wider reduction of media freedom in Myanmar.

ECN MAH met the Chairman of Russia-Myanmar Technological Cooperation Joint Commission and the Deputy Director-General of JSC "Rosoboronexport" Company in Naypyitaw. They discussed plans for further cooperation and Russian assistance in upgrading the Tatmadaw’s weapons.

ECN The number of domestic companies that have been deregistered for failing to submit annual returns rose to 1,500 in mid-November, shows a list issued by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration.

POL Politicians and resistance fighters in the Yaw region of Magway formed a People’s Administration Team to govern much of the area after the majority of state employees working under the junta there resigned or defected.

VIO 3 000 people fled their homes in four Tanintharyi Region townships in fear of junta forces. Clashes: in Sagaing, Mandalay, and Yangon Regions, and Chin and Kayah States on 11-12 November, with 90 junta soldiers and 3 civilian resistance fighters killed.


13 November

INT POL Yohei Sasakawa, the Japan Representative for Myanmar National Reconciliation and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, arrived in Myanmar. While his visit was “personal” he traveled to Rakhine State and met with the junta, politicians, and ethnic leaders in Naypyitaw and Yangon. He was also asked by the US to assist in negotiations for Danny Fenster’s release.

INT Chinese special envoy for Asian Affairs Sun Guoxiang arrived in Myanmar on his 2nd visit since August (21-28 August) to hold talks in the prevision of the China-ASEAN summit (scheduled for 22 November) with Myanmar’s participation still uncertain. He met with MAH, Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, and Lieutenant-General Yar Pyae during his visit.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (21 junta soldiers killed).


14 November

INT Don Pramudwinai, Thailand deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister arrived in Naypyitaw to meet with Myanmar Foreign Minister and MAH.

ECN 16 family members from the No.16 Light Infantry Regiment based in Sagaing Region donated K500,000 to the Monywa People's Defence Force.


15 November.

INT EXM The junta released US journalist Danny Fenster.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Magwe, Mandalay, Yangon, and Ayeyarwady regions on 14-15 November (70 junta troops killed).


16 November

INT China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated that China would work with the international community to solve Myanmar’s political crisis. He reiterated that China would encourage the implementation of ASEAN’s 5-point consensus.

POL The National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), the anti-coup movement’s top decision-making body, said during its 1st online press conference, that it would continue its efforts to broaden its alliance against the junta.

POL The military imposed new restrictions on motorbikes, as an attempt to limit the movements of civilian resistance fighters (who use motorbikes to carry out shooting and bombing attacks on junta forces) in Yangon, Tanintharyi, Sagaing, and Mandalay regions.

ECN The military cut off power to factories, workshops, hotels, and businesses in Mandalay that refused to pay their electricity bills.

POL The junta charged ASSK, Win Myint, and 14 other individuals for alleged election fraud.

VIO Clashes: in Ayeyarwady Region (10 soldiers killed); Mandalay Region (15 soldiers killed).


17 November

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (13 members of the Kayin State Border Guard Force and 7 BGF soldiers killed); in Ayeyarwady Region (10 soldiers killed), and in Magway Region (13 civilians including a teenager used as a human shield).


18 November

ECN The multinational beer giant Kirin preparing to take legal action by the end of this year in order to dissolve its partnership with a conglomerate owned by Myanmar’s military.

VIO 27-year-old teacher Aye Sandar and 3 girls and 2 boys between the ages of 6 and 14, taken from the Myat Gone Yi charity school to the custody.

VIO The regime council warned Mandalay residents that they will be beaten if they damage its notices posted in public.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (15 soldiers killed).


19 November

INT POL The military regime rejected a request from Yohei Sasakawa to meet ASSK.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions (80 junta soldiers and 14 civilian resistance fighters killed).


20 November

VIO The Electric Power Corporation office and police station in Yangon Region bombed overnight after a 5-day power outage.


21 November

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 junta soldiers killed) and in Mon State (20 deaths from a mass drowning during a pagoda festival).

22 November

ECN NUG sold more than US$6 million worth of bonds in less than 12 hours.

INT POL The UK invited ASEAN nations (except for Myanmar) to attend a G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool from 10-12 December.

INT POL MAH didn´t attend the virtual China-ASEAN leaders' summit (the 2nd time the regime has been excluded from a high-level ASEAN meeting after the ASEAN Summit on 26 October).

VIO A Catholic church in Loikaw, Karenni State, forced to close its charity clinic following a raid that resulted in the arrest of 18 staff members. Clashes: in Magwe Region (120 junta soldiers and 15 civilian resistance fighters killed) during regime raids and airstrikes in the past 2 weeks, death toll at hands of the junta reached 1 281 since the coup. Myanmar’s military used 2 newly-acquired Su-30 fighter jets from Russia against KIA targets in Kachin State.


23 November

INT POL NUG Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Tu Hkawng attended an ASEAN seminar (23-24 November) on climate change and diplomatic challenges in the face of the COVID-19 in Southeast Asia (becoming the 1st NUG minister invited to a meeting held by the bloc).

INT POL State media reported that a Myanmar delegation led by Lieutenant-General Than Hlaing attended the 89th Session of the INTERPOL General Assembly, held in Istanbul, Turkey from 23 to 25 November.


24 November

ECN Justice For Myanmar (JFM) published an investigation revealing the companies selling gems on popular online platforms based in the US.

VIO The state-owned MPT cut off telecommunications for all 37 townships in Sagaing Region (such widespread cuts are usually followed by Tatmadaw operations).

VIO The military arrested 18 medics for providing treatment to patients members of "terrorist organizations". Clashes: in Magway Region (2 000 people from 3 villages fled their homes following escalating fighting); in Chin State (50 houses being burnt down, the CDF is claiming that nearly 260 homes burnt down since the coup).


25 November

INT The junta advised Cambodia, chair of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) held by video on 25-26 November, that it will not attend the summit because it was invited to send a non-political representative.

VIO 7 explosions reported in Mandalay city most seem to be targeting junta soldiers and staffers. Clash: in Kayah State (thousands of people fled their villages due to military raids).


26 November

INT The US issued a joint statement along with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, and Britain expressed concern over a military offensive in Myanmar.

INT After the ASEAN-Europe online Meeting (ASEM), the participants issued a joint statement, calling for all parties to engage in peaceful dialogue, calling for the early release of all political prisoners, and for the return to the path of democratic transition.

VIO Junta forces clash with the MNDAA and KIA in Kutkai Township for the first time this month.

VIO The military threatened to arrest citizens who invest in bonds offered by the NUG, warning them of lengthy prison sentences for their involvement in what it called "terrorist" financing.


27 November

EXM The Tatmadaw Lovers Network held an online protest against the military council, where military personnel and their families at Tatmadaw bases throughout the country protested against MAH and senior officers, saying there was no justice or accountability in the military.

VIO Clash: Chin State (50 houses, including a church, burnt down) in total, more than 300 houses out of 1 000 destroyed since the coup.


28 November

ECN Ayeyarwady Region Investment Commission approved 2 projects by Chinese investors to build cut-make-pack garment factories worth US$7.694 million.

INT POL Russia and Southeast Asian countries held their 1st joint naval drills: 2021 ASEAN-Russia Naval Exercise (ARNEX-21) in Indonesia from 28 November to 4 December. Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Brunei sent one warship each.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (50 soldiers killed).

29 November

ECN NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment suspended selling treasury bonds because of high demand.

INT ECN Australia’s wealth fund, the Future Fund, had equity holdings valued at AUD$157,9 million across 14 publicly listed companies directly linked to the Myanmar military, according to new research by Justice For Myanmar.


30 November

POL 3 members of the NLD were charged with terrorism by a military regime court, after being accused of planning to bomb a power station in Naypyitaw. 50 elected leaders and top officials served under the NLD government face lengthy terms of imprisonment for an array of charges brought against them since the coup.

VIO 198 junta soldiers died in fighting with the MNDAA in northern Shan State in July. Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 000residents from about 15 villages fled their homes due to junta airstrikes).