March 2022

1 March

INT The Gambia delivered its 2nd round of oral arguments at the ICJ in its case against Myanmar, bringing the preliminary hearing portion of the case to a close.

INT Burma Campaign UK added 28 more companies to its “Dirty List,” among them Japanese companies and 2 American tech companies. There are now 116 companies on the list.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (24 junta soldiers were killed). 


2 March

INT ECN An Iranian-owned cargo plane arrived at Naypyitaw and unloaded cargo that may have included raw materials for printing banknotes as well as ammunition. 

CDM The junta released 5 celebrities who had been previously jailed for their anti-military and anti-coup resistance to mark Peasants' Day.

VIO Clashes: in Chin State (40 junta soldiers were killed when the Chin National Army used landmines to attack a military convoy of 30 vehicles).


3 March

CDM 100 Tatmadaw Air Force personnel defected and joined the CDM. 

INT UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun cosponsored and voted in favor of the UNGA resolution condemning the Russian invasion.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay Region (junta soldiers torched 150 houses) and in Magway Region (junta forces burned down 230 houses). 

ECN VIO The military turned to digital messaging accounts operated by nationalist supporters to target and track down opponents


4 March

VIO POL The junta terminated the citizenship of 11 (incl. 8 members of the NUG) prominent resistance figures.


5 March

INT Myanmar junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun said that the regime might have difficulties purchasing arms from Russia after the exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT system in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

POL The AA held a virtual press conference in which it restated the group’s neutrality


6 March

EXM The junta cut internet access across Sagaing Region where armed resistance to the junta is strong. 

VIO Clashes: in Kayah State (75 junta soldiers were killed) and in Kayah State (85 junta soldiers were killed during the weekend).


7 March

POL The junta-controlled Ministry of Immigration and Population imposed new travel restrictions on its citizens, making national registration cards, necessary for travel as of 1 April.

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen requested Japanese Special Envoy Yohei Sasakawa to work with Cambodian Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, who is serving as the ASEAN chair’s special envoy on Myanmar, in his efforts to bring democracy to Myanmar. 

EXM Myanmar’s regime cut internet access across 34 townships in Sagaing Region where armed resistance to the junta is strong. 

VIO Clash: in Kachin State (30 military soldiers were killed).


8 March

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (14 soldiers and 3 civilians were killed) and in Magway Region (20 soldiers were killed).


9 March

INT The US State Department recognized the NUG’s Deputy Minister for Women, Youth and Children Affairs Ma Ei Thinzar Maung for her human rights and pro-democracy activities with the International Women of Courage award.

VIO Clash: in Karen State (the junta dropped bombs from a helicopter after the KNU warned them to leave the territory so that displaced persons could return home).


10 March

INT The ICJ allowed the junta to represent Myanmar despite objections from international organizations and the NUG. 

INT Yohei Sasakawa, Japan’s special envoy to Myanmar, met with 2 former government peace brokers in Chiang Mai, ahead of his meeting with representatives from several EAOs. 

INT The UK urged Myanmar's former ambassador to leave the official London residence where he has continued to live since he was ousted for criticizing last year's military coup, citing pressure from the junta. 

VIO 10 children were killed by junta forces in less than a week, bringing the number of children killed since last year’s coup to around 120.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing (250 houses were burned down by the junta forces).

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (KNU captured 27 soldiers).

VIO POL The junta terminated the citizenship of another 16 prominent resistance figures (the 1st round was announced on 4 March).


11 March

ECN Veteran democracy activist Min Ko Naing delivered a message on the importance of financially backing the revolution to topple the junta as a new scheme to generate funds will be launched by the NUG.

EXM Telegram removed 2 pro-military channels from its platform – Han Nyein Oo and Thazin Oo, which have been spreading pro-military disinformation, doxing activists, and encouraging violence. 

POL The junta confirmed the switch to a proportional representation system for the 2023 general election (endorsed by MAH on 31 January), allowing MAH to secure the presidency.


13 March

ECN NUG defense minister U Ye Mon said at an online fundraiser to mark Myanmar Human Rights Day that the ministry had so far received US$30 million to arm the PDFs under its command.

CDM VIO Teenage girls who participated in an anti-coup protest in Mingalar Taung Nyunt to mark the Myanmar Human Rights Day (the 34th anniversary of the death of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, who were shot dead by riot police on 13 March 1988) were badly injured after being arrested and beaten by junta security forces.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (16 soldiers were killed and 20 injured). 


14 March

POL Former Brigadier General Thura U Aung Ko, who served as the Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture under the NLD government, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for alleged corruption.

POL ASSK denied accepting bribes from U Phyo Min Thein, the Yangon Region chief minister, at a court hearing in Naypyitaw.

VIO The NUG investigated the 1st case against a PDF leader, Lieutenant Thanmani. 90 resistance groups across the country accused his PDF, the PDF-Yinmarbin, of being involved in at least 5 incidents in which they allegedly killed 9 resistance fighters and 12 civilians.


15 March

INT UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet called on the international community to take immediate action against systematic human rights abuses and violence perpetrated by the Tatmadaw, saying they amounted to war crimes or crimes against humanity. 

ECN The NUG defense ministry has developed a new donation structure in which Myanmar citizens at home and abroad are invited to donate money through a sort of sponsorship program. 

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta forces raided and burned down 93 houses). 


16 March

ECN TotalEnergies said Thai PTTEP would take over equity stakes in local units and resume some of its operations in Myanmar.

ECN A delegation led by junta Home Affairs Minister attended in Russia the “EXPOTECXNOSTRAZH-2022” from 16-18 March and discussed with a senior executive of Rosobonexport security products that can be used to combat “violence, drug and gang crimes.”

VIO INT NUG Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min announced that the NUG was planning to take action against the junta in an Australian court over the massacre of at least 42 civilians near Moso village in Kayah State on 24 December. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (10 civilians were killed and the junta forces burned down 30 buildings) and in Shan State (15 soldiers were killed and 3 main roads to Demoso in Kayah State were blocked by fighting between PDF and regime forces).


17 March

ECN There has been an influx of counterfeit cash, stemming from difficulties in printing physical money. With a significant cash shortage, an online black market selling fake currency emerged. 

INT The Deputy Commander of Special Forces in Cambodia invited armed personnel of Myanmar to visit the Cambodian Special Forces Command and also suggested sending Cambodian special forces to train in Myanmar.


18 March

CDM Political prisoners held in Dawei, Tanintharyi Region, who raised 3-finger salutes against military rule before their court hearings, were placed in solitary confinement for nearly a month.

INT The regime’s armed forces Chief of the General Staff General Maung Maung Aye, Chief of Staff  (Army) Lieutenant General Moe Myint Tun and Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo joined the 19th ASEAN Chiefs of Defense Forces Meeting (ACDFM-19).

ECN The junta gave the final approval for the sale of Norwegian Telenor's operations in the country to a local company and a Lebanese investment firm.


19 March

VIO Clash: in Bago Region (3 700 people from 17 villages fled their homes after junta airstrikes). 


20 March

INT US President Joe Biden’s administration determined that the violence committed against the Rohingya amounts to genocide and crimes against humanity. 

INT The PMs of Cambodia and Japan urged the Myanmar junta to comply with the ASEAN 5-point consensus, and pave the way for ASEAN to distribute humanitarian aid to the Myanmar people.  

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (17 soldiers were killed). 


21 March

INT The Cambodian Foreign Minister and ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar, Prak Sokhonn, began his 3-day trip with meetings with top junta leaders (with MAH and Wunna Maung Lwin). After the trip, he concluded that the various stakeholders “are not yet ready for these negotiations”. He didn’t meet with the NUG.

INT The US ruled that the Tatmadaw led by MAH committed genocide against the Rohingya minority.

CDM A campaign was launched to protest against Prak Sokhonn’s itinerary, saying that only Win Myint and ASSK are the official government. Also, activists gathered in Mandalay to demonstrate against Sokhonn.

CDM POL 3 lieutenant colonels serving as battalion commanders for the military defected to the KNU, making them the highest-ranking soldiers to do so since the coup. 

VIO The junta ordered private hospitals and clinics in Mandalay to hand over information about doctors, nurses, and patients. Clashes: in Kayin State (12 000 flee as military fires heavy weapons) and in Sagaing Region (the junta kidnapped 30 men, detained 25 people, and raided a village of 150 households).


22 March

POL The junta detained Khin Shwe, a business tycoon and chair of the military-linked Zaykabar Group, as the 1st detained crony since the coup, along with his son Zay Thiha. 

EXM Junta courts sentenced 2 journalists to 2 years in prison, one year after their arrests and charges of violating Section 505a of the Penal Code for incitement.


23 March

CDM Anti-dictatorship activists in Mandalay asked people not to participate in celebrations for the Myanmar New Year (Thingyan) which are being arranged by the military.

POL The junta enacted a new law making it compulsory for law enforcement officers to fight alongside soldiers on the front lines, while expanding their powers to restrict citizens’ civil liberties.


24 March

POL The junta reached out to ethnic armed groups for talks because it wanted to show it is implementing the ASEAN 5-point consensus.

INT The NUG opened a Representative Office in France.

VIO The junta is planning to intensify its anti-resistance activities in Sagaing Region with the help of allied militias.

VIO Fortify Rights published a new report on the military’s attacks against civilians, focusing on atrocities during the first 6 months of the coup.


25 March

INT  The NUG foreign ministry lobbied the international community (especially European countries) to offer asylum to military defectors as a means to boost the revolution.

INT The US, Canada, and Britain imposed sanctions on arms dealers and companies involved in procuring weapons for the junta. Here is the sanction list.

POL The KNU rejected an offer to join a body formed to negotiate a ceasefire in Karen State, saying it cannot participate while regime forces remain in its territory.

POL The UEC announced adopting a Closed List PR system for the upcoming election, except for the ethnic affairs minister races, which will still use FPTP. 

ECN MEHL was 6 months late in sharing profits with soldiers who were required to buy and maintain a stake in the conglomerate.

VIO A Myanmar military convoy consisting of 80 vehicles including artillery and armored vehicles have arrived in Mindat in southern Chin State.


26 March

INT  Members of the Eurasian Economic Union, which has 5 member states including Russia and Belarus, met with the military in Naypyidaw to discuss bilateral trade promotion and defense services.


27 March

INT Justice for Myanmar published a list of 19 Russian arms suppliers that have provided the military with equipment, calling for them to be sanctioned.

POL During Armed Forces Day MAH paid respects to 25 retired senior military officials who attended the anniversary of the founding of the Myanmar military. Former President Thein Sein was a guest of honor.

INT 21 countries issued a statement remembering those killed by the Tatmadaw, including 100 people on Armed Forces Day last year, and also calling on countries supplying arms to the Tatmadaw to stop.

CDM A number of demonstrations were held across the country. 

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (61 soldiers were killed).


28 March

EXM The junta detained Nay Naw, a journalist with the local outlet Karen Information Center. He was later charged with incitement under section 505-A of the Penal Code.

29 March

INT US President Joe Biden and Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong jointly called for the release of all political detainees in Myanmar, in a statement released after talks at the White House.


30 March

INT The 5th annual BIMSTEC summit in Sri Lanka was attended by officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Myanmar junta’s Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin attended virtually.

EXM A court in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, sentenced 2 freelance journalists to 18 months each for incitement under section 505-A of the Penal Code.


31 March

INT  Junta Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin was in China from 31 March to 2 April at the invitation of Wang Yi. Wang expressed Beijing’s desire that the 2 sides should advance the construction of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor; strengthen cooperation on industrial parks, cross-border power grids, and connectivity; and implement landmark projects. On ASEAN’s 5-point consensus, Wang stated that member states should continue to “adhere to the ASEAN way”, specifically pertaining to non-interference, and “work with Myanmar constructively”. 

POL ASSK appeared in court in Naypyitaw after being kept in quarantine after some people at her house tested positive for COVID-19.

POL EXM A court inside Yangon’s Insein Prison gave 3-year sentences to a journalist  Phoe Thar and 9 student activists for their opposition to the military dictatorship.