January 2022

3 January

POL The NUG held a virtual press conference regarding the massacre in Kayah State on 24 December.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions and Kayah State (150 regime troops killed over 5 days) and in Mandalay Region (18 soldiers killed)


4 January

INT As Myanmar marks Independence Day only 4 messages of “felicitations” were addressed to MAH: the Cambodian PM, Cambodian King, Russian President, and Belarusian PM. Messages were also sent to the junta’s Foreign Affairs Ministry from Cambodia, Serbia, Russia, and North Korea. France and the US put out statements of condemnations of violence. 

INT Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun told that the regime would not allow Cambodian PM Hun Sen to meet with resistance figures during his state visit planned for 7-8 January.

POL To mark Myanmar’s Independence Day MAH honored 1 000 staff, including soldiers, police, ministries staff and several hundred assassinated ward administrators.

CDM The NUG’s Command &Control Unit claimed that they are able to coordinate with 35 undisclosed resistance groups.

INT 217 Myanmar and Cambodian CSOs condemn Hun Sen's support for MAH and the Tatmadaw.

VIO Clash: in Mon State (30 soldiers killed).


5 January

INT Indonesian President Joko Widodo discussed Myanmar’s political situation with the Cambodian PM Hun Sen over the phone and called for the implementation of the ASEAN’s five-point consensus.

POL The NUG recently met virtually with the leadership of AA where they discussed a range of issues including possible future cooperation.

POL The NUG’s Ministry of Human Rights issued a statement condemning the killings of 35 civilians in the 24 December massacre and calling on the UNSC to hold an immediate plenary meeting on Myanmar and adopt a resolution that blocks the flow of arms and cash to the junta and that it refers the junta’s crimes to the ICC.

CDM 3 resistance groups declared an alliance with the NUG’s Command & Control Unit of Yangon Region. 

VIO The acting president of NUG, Duwa Lashi La, called the ongoing people’s defensive war against the junta (launched nearly 4 months ago) a “second struggle for independence”.

VIO Clashes: in Kayah and Chin States (20 junta soldiers killed over the last 2 days).


6 January

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (23 junta soldiers killed).


7 January

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen began his 2-day visit (on the Cambodian “Victory against genocide day”) at the invitation of MAH. By meeting with MAH he became the 1st foreign leader to meet the junta leadership since the coup. They discussed cooperation in the development of Buddhism, efforts to reduce the double taxation in trade, and humanitarian assistance to Myanmar. Hun Sen suggested that ASEAN member states form a “troika”, which would include Cambodia (current ASEAN chair), Brunei (former chair), Indonesia (future chair), and work together to reinforce the implementation of a ceasefire in Myanmar. Cambodian PM Hun Sen reportedly asked Min Aung Hlaing to release Turnell during their meeting.

CDM Protests in Mandalay, Tanintharyi, and Monywa took place ahead of Hun Sen’s arrival.

ECN The regime announced new taxes on internet services and the registration of mobile SIM cards through an amendment to the 2021 tax law. Users have to pay an additional K20,000 to activate a SIM card, while internet service providers will be required to charge customers a 15% commercial tax (rather than the standard 5%).  

POL CRPH issued a statement regarding Cambodian PM’s visit, stating that “his meeting with MAH will not benefit Myanmar and its people" and might be interpreted as a changing of stance by the ASEAN.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (32 soldiers were killed).


8 January

INT Cambodian foreign minister Prak Sokhonn told reporters that Hun Sen’s visit should not be interpreted as Cambodia legitimising the military regime, but that Cambodia is just exploring various solutions.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (30 soldiers killed; a junta helicopter and tank destroyed, and 20 000 IDPs fleeing).


9 January

INT The NUG ambassador to ASEAN, Bo Hla Tint, commented on Cambodian PM’s trip to Myanmar, claiming that the amount of aid he delivered was “not significant” and that the visit undermined the current position of other ASEAN members.

VIO 130 junta soldiers arrived at a village in Sagaing Region and abducted civilians in the area to use them as human shields before raiding a PDF base. The TNLA inspected shops in Shan State and seized and destroyed any military-linked products. A 5-carriage train carrying security police and soldiers to an operation in Mandalay was hit by a time-bomb, leaving a police injured.


10 January

POL A special court set up by the Myanmar junta in Naypyitaw sentenced ASSK to an additional 4 years’ imprisonment in 3 cases against her, including alleged illegal possession of walkie-talkies and breaching COVID-19 restrictions.

POL Major reshuffle in the junta: the judge advocate general Aung Lin Dwe was transferred to the reserve force (while he remains the secretary of SAC), replaced by Myo Thet Naung; the inspector and auditor general Min Naing was also reassigned to the reserve forces, replaced by Soe Min Oo, and others. 


11 January

INT China stated it “will fully support Cambodia” in its work as the ASEAN chair in “making an important contribution to managing the differences among parties of Myanmar.”

ECN Justice for Myanmar published a report revealing that US companies imported nearly 1 600 tonnes of Myanmar teak wood, despite sanctions.

POL The military is for the 1st time requiring the wives of its mid-ranking officers to undergo military training. 

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (20 soldiers killed); in Sagaing Region (30 soldiers killed); in Magway Region (15 soldiers killed) and in Karenni State (50 000 residents fled due to airstrikes and gunfire).


13 January

INT Malaysian foreign minister Saifuddin Abdullah commented on Cambodia’s PM trip to Myanmar that it should have been avoided because it did no good in terms of mediation between ASEAN and the regime. 

INT The Indonesian foreign ministry urged Cambodia to stick to the 5-point consensus and to implement what has been agreed to in previous ASEAN meetings.

INT Iranian airlines sanctioned by the US may have delivered weapons including guided missiles during the Iranian delegation visit. 

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (30 soldiers were killed). 50 ward and village administrators in Sagaing resigned following death threats from a resistance group.


14 January

POL The junta filed 5 new corruption charges against ASSK and Win Myint, under the Anti-Corruption Law, related to the purchase and use of a helicopter from the National Disaster Management Fund.

INT Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Loong urged in a video call Hun Sen (Chair of ASEAN) to exclude Myanmar from ASEAN meetings until the SAC implements ASEAN’s 5-point consensus.


15 January

POL  The Karenni National Progressive Party rejected an offer for peace talks made by MAH in comments marking the 70th anniversary of Kayah State Day.


17 January

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen met with ASEAN Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi in Phnom Penh where the two discussed Myanmar, specifically Hun Sen’s plan to address the crisis, which includes a ceasefire agreement and the end of violence, providing assistance to those in need, and “open the gate of negotiating a solution.” 

INT A Serbian delegation reportedly arrived in Myanmar to discuss the supply of artillery to the military regime. 

INT Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Naypyitaw, where he signed a contract for the sale of Russian Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems, Orlan-10E reconnaissance drones, and radar equipment.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (10 soldiers were killed), and in Magway Region, junta forces burnt down 100 houses. Hundreds of Buddhist monks fled Loikow and Demoso.


18 January

POL The junta provided military training and weapons to hundreds of military supporters, members of the USDP, and former soldiers in several cities, as it struggled with a shortage of human resources.

ECN 3 electricity pylons supplying the China-backed Tagaung Taung nickel-processing plant in Sagaing Region have been blown up this month, forcing production to halt.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region and Chin and Kachin States (45 soldiers were killed) on 16, 17, and 18 January, and in Magwe Region (hundreds of residents from 20 villages were forced to flee their homes). 2 more journalists and a graphic designer were arrested as part of the junta’s ongoing crackdown on the free press. 


19 January

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (15 junta fighters were killed).


20 January

ECN Several donors donated K30 million to the Tatmadaw for activities to “protect race and religion”.


21 January

ECN The oil giants Total and Chevron decided to withdraw from Myanmar. In a letter to Human Rights Watch, TotalEnergies said it had spoken with French and US authorities about the implementation of targeted sanctions, and would “comply with” and “support” such sanctions. 

ECN Lebanon's M1 Group found a Myanmar firm to partner with to take over Norwegian Telenor's business in Myanmar.

VIO The military gave 88 Generation activist Ko Jimmy the death sentence.

VIO Clash: in Magway Region (the junta forces torched another 132 houses).


25 January

CDM The military warned that those who adhere to or promote revolutionary forces’ calls to close businesses and participate in silent protest on the upcoming coup anniversary could face life in prison.


26 January

INT China has urged the KIO/A to refrain from fighting the Myanmar military, including in areas near the Chinese border, ahead of the upcoming Olympics in Beijing. The KIO/A announced it would cooperate with China by refraining from fighting near the Chinese border.

ECN The NUG announced a blacklist of business owners allegedly supporting the military through the arms trade. 


27 January

POL The junta released 2 ailing NLD figures from prison: NLD Central Executive Committee member Han Tha Myint, and former Planning and Finance Minister U Soe Win.

ECN Australian energy firm Woodside announced its withdrawal from junta-run Myanmar.

POL The NUCC started a 3-day online congress, attended by 388 delegates representing MPs, political parties, and civil society, and ratified Parts I and II of the Federal Democracy Charter and an interim constitutional arrangement.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 junta soldiers were killed over the past 5 days).


28 January

CDM The junta forces arrested 13 Yangon and Mandalay shop owners who notified customers that their businesses will be closed on 1 February.


29 January

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (10 soldiers were killed). In Magway Region, PDF groups led an attack on a police station causing the police and soldiers inside to flee. Weapons were seized from the police station following the raid.


31 January

POL MAH obtained a 6-month extension on the state of emergency from the National Defence and Security Council (made up of top military chiefs and cooperative politicians). 

CDM Civil servants working under the junta in Myaing were warned in a letter to leave by February 10 or action would be taken for non-compliance and urged them to join the CDM. 80% of public employees in Magway Region joined the CDM.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe, Sagaing, and Tanintharyi regions, and Chin, Shan, and Kayah states (3 dozen junta soldiers were killed in 3 days); in Sagaing Region junta forces set fire to 2 villages and burned them to ashes; and in Karenni State (45 locals were killed in military shellings and airstrikes during January).