February 2022

1 February

CDM Myanmar people marked the 1st coup anniversary with a silent strike. Also, pro-military demonstrations were held in an effort to counter the silent strike.

CDM Aung Aung, a man from Kyaukpadaung, burned himself alive in protest against the military. 

INT The US, UK, and Canada imposed new sanctions.

INT The new UN special envoy to Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, gave an interview where she stated that while the military is not the legitimate government “at this time”, “they have a legitimate role.” A day later, 247 CSOs rejected her proposal that those defying the military must negotiate power-sharing as a solution to the current crisis.

VIO NUG Yangon Division Command launched attacks against 24 junta targets across Yangon; KIA attacked 5 Myanmar army bases in Kachin and northern Shan states.


2 February

INT CDM The CDM and NUG are among the nominees for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

VIO One year since the coup: The junta killed over 1 500 people and detained 11 000 in the year following the coup. Report by Altsean. Clashes: in Sagaing Region (20 junta forces killed when Tatmadaw boats attacked on Chindwin River). 


3 February

INT ASEAN barred the junta regime from an upcoming meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers on 16-17 February.

POL The junta filed the 11th corruption charge against ASSK for bribery under section 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law, for allegedly receiving $550,000 of donations to her Daw Khin Kyi Foundation. 

CDM The junta arrested and charged more than a 100 people in the past week for their social media posts in support of the anti-regime movement.

VIO The KIA and local PDFs in Kachin State´s Putao, Mohnyin, and Hpakant attacked 5 military bases and police stations this week.


6 February

INT Australia's Foreign Minister called for the "immediate release" of Sean Turnell.

VIO Clashes: in Sayaging (38 junta soldiers were killed).


7 February

POL On the 61st anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day, the KIO’s chairman called for greater cooperation with the NUG, as violence once again surges across the state. 

CDM The KNU issued a statement warning all armed forces and civil servants working under the junta in Kayin State to resign and to stand with the people.

CDM ECN A Myanmar citizen filed a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority against Telenor Group in an attempt to stop the transfer of sensitive user data in the controversial sale of its Myanmar subsidiary to military-linked companies.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing region and Kayah State (26 junta soldiers were killed and 700 houses destroyed) and in Kachin State (200 junta troops were killed within 3 days).


8 February

INT US President Joe Biden extended for 1 more year his “national emergency” in Myanmar, an executive order imposed on 10 February 202, which gave his administration broad powers to impose sanctions. 

CDM 30 civil servants working for the General Administration Department and Ministry of Education in Sagaing Region resigned. 

VIO The junta detained at least 46 Rohingya in Kyauktan Township in Yangon Region for traveling without official documents.


9 February 

EXM Internet and phone blackouts continued to sweep through Kayah State.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (50 junta forces were killed; the army carried out airstrikes on 8 villages with 70 people detained). Resistance forces and urban guerrilla fighters began targeting the homes of 45 pilots working for the juta’s airstrike campaigns.


10 February

ECN Taiwan shipping giant Evergreen Marine said it would no longer send its ships to dock at a military-owned port terminal in Myanmar.

VIO A camp for IDPs in Karenni State was hit by an artillery shell fired by the military (1 person was injured and several shelters and a church were destroyed). Mong Ko residents accused the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) of recruiting minors.

VIO A junta court gave hefty prison sentences to a group of 9 students who were accused of trying to join the armed resistance movement and tortured them in detention.


11 February

ECN INT The NUG’s acting president Duwa Lashi La called on the PM of Norway to intervene to prevent the sale of the Myanmar arm of Telenor to a junta-linked company.  

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region and Kayah State (38 junta soldiers and 5 resistance fighters were killed; 5 000 residents of Sagaing Region were forced to flee their homes). The AA and the military repeatedly clashed in Rakhine with dozens of junta soldiers killed and several captured

VIO Junta troops were deployed in Kabaung Kya from 11 to 14 February and torched 39 houses. It was the 13th such attack on Kabaung Kya Village over the past few months, in which a total of 124 houses have been reduced to ashes.


12 February

POL The Diamond Jubilee Union Day ceremony was organized by the junta to celebrate the 75th Union Day commemorating the signing of the Panglong Agreement. Representatives from 10 EAOs attended Myanmar’s junta-organized event in Naypyitaw (6 signatories to the NCA and 4 non-signatories).

POL The junta announced an amnesty for 814 prisoners to mark the country’s Union Day. 

VIO Clashes: in Naypyitaw (40 junta soldiers were killed).


13 February

CDM The All Burma Federation of Student Unions, North Dagon Oppressed People’s Strike Coalition, and the Spring Coalition General Strike Committee protested in Yangon and chanted slogans against the military dictatorship and in support of political prisoners in Insein prison who have gone on a hunger strike. 

VIO Clashes: in Naypyitaw (40 Myanmar junta soldiers were killed by the PDF over the weekend) and in Magway Region (25 soldiers were killed in 3 days).


14 February

INT Japan continues to admit Myanmar military personnel to its education and training programs despite condemning the coup.

INT Japan’s Foreign Minister met with the son and appointed successor of Cambodian PM, ​​Hun Manet (who is currently commander of Cambodia’s army) and agreed to cooperate in dealing with the situation in Myanmar.

POL ASSK went on trial on election fraud charges, the latest in a series of criminal prosecutions by the military-run government in which she has already been sentenced to 6 years in prison.

INT VIO Combined resistance forces staged an attack against a section of a Chinese oil and gas pipeline in Mandalay. In response, security forces detained 24 people.


15 February

INT The ICJ settled on the junta to represent Myanmar in the case brought forward by The Gambia. The junta-appointed 8-member team led by Ko Ko Hlaing (on the US Treasury sanctions list) will attend the hearing virtually on 21 February.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 regime troops and militia were killed) and in Shan State (armored vehicles carrying over 200 reinforcements deployed across Mobye randomly shot at civilian houses; 200-300 junta soldiers from LID 66 occupied the town of Mobye in southern Shan State, leading to clashes with PDF fighters civilians fleeing).


16 February

INT The 2-day ASEAN foreign ministers’ summit hosted by Cambodia took place without Myanmar representatives (the bloc invited a “non-political representative”). Prak Sokhonn, Cambodia's foreign minister, has been confirmed as the new ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar.

INT A 24-member Russian military delegation comprising pilots has been in Mandalay since 28 January. Russian pilots have often visited Myanmar to provide aviation training and maintain aircraft at Meiktila Air Base in Mandalay Region. 

CDM 3 PDFs active in Naypyitaw demanded the resignations of all local officials, whom they regard as vital to the military regime’s administration of the country. 

EXM Norway’s Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestra announced that Telenor would not be able to prevent the transfer of customer data to the military.

VIO The junta is increasingly confiscating the property of citizens who support the revolutionary movement, such as the Yangon house of high-profile pro-democracy activist and writer Pencilo, who had already fled to the US.


17 February

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (20 junta soldiers and 20 resistance fighters were killed) and in Sagaing Region (14 resistance fighters were reportedly killed).


19 February

VIO Clash: in Yangon Region (17 soldiers were killed).


20 February

POL INT The junta rejected the ASEAN special envoy’s request to meet shadow government representatives. 


21 February

INT The EU announced a new (4th) round of sanction, targeting 22 persons and 4 entities (Htoo Group, International Group of Enterpreneurs, Mining Enterprise 1, and MOGE).

INT The ICJ held public hearings (hybrid form) in the case The Gambia v. Myanmar on 21-28 February. 

CDM VIO 20 youths in Magwe Region were detained for distributing leaflets calling for people to join the “Six Twos Revolution” general strike on the following day (22/02/2022). 

VIO Pekon PDF seized ammunition airdropped to supply junta forces. 


22 February

INT The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews, issued a report to the UN HRC today that identifies Serbia, China, and Russia (2 permanent members of the UNSC) to have supplied weapons to the Myanmar military since the coup.

CDM The turnout in the “Six Twos Revolution” (22/02/2022) was nowhere near as protests last year, they were still widespread. Political prisoners in Insein, Pathein, and Loikaw prisons smeared their faces with thanaka and observed a silence, as an act of solidarity with the protesters outside. 


23 February

POL The junta-appointed UEC for the 2nd time (1st time on 8 February) threatened the NLD and the SNLD (major parties that won in the 2020 election) with disbandment if they don’t comply with its order to submit their financial accounts for inspection by 9 March.

VIO Clash: in Shan State (100 soldiers and 40 resistance fighters were killed in an 8-day fighting), and in Sagaing Region (PDF rescued 40 villagers). 


24 February

INT The Cambodian and Malaysian PMs called for the “timely and effective implementation” of ASEAN’s 5-Point Consensus and the “importance of seeing positive developments in the Rohingya issue on Myanmar during a meeting in Phnom Penh.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing (the junta burned down more than 40 houses and killed 1 resident), and in Yangon (the junta detained more than 70 Rohingya, not clear why).


25 February

INT The military junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun backed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, telling that Russia was acting to maintain its sovereignty, and praising Moscow’s role in balancing global power. Acting president of the NUG, Duwa Lashi La, condemned the invasion.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing (the junta burned down more than 400 houses and killed 3 residents).


26 February

VIO The junta detained 80 preschool children (all under the age of 12) at a school in Chin Pone village in Sagaing Region and held them as human shields after a raid.  

VIO Clash: in Magway Region (10 junta soldiers were killed).


27 February

VIO The military launched another round of airstrikes in Demoso Township in Kayah State and in Yinmabin Township in Sagaing Region. In Chin State the military burned down 100 houses.

INT A military delegation from Belarus arrived in Naypyitaw (due to leave on 3 March).

CDM Activists staged protests to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine.


28 February

POL The junta dissolved 6 departments under its Myanmar Police Force and incorporated them into combat units.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 residents were killed, 5 PDFs, 6 junta soldiers, and 100 out of 250 houses were set on fire); in Yangon Region's Kayan (3 military vehicles were destroyed by mines), and in Sagaing Region (60 junta soldiers targeted and burnt down 100 houses).