August 2022

1 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (10 people were killed and 110 students and teachers from an NUG school detained). / 55 000 bags of rice donated by Nippon Foundation to IDPs in 9 townships in Rakhine State could not be delivered because of a ban imposed by the regime council. / The military held 60 children hostage following a raid on a village in Sagaing Region.


2 August

INT US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, met NUG Deputy Foreign Minister, U Moe Zaw Oo, and said sanctions would continue against the junta.


3 August

INT The NUG opened its Australian office in Canberra.

INT The ASEAN 55th Foreign Ministers’ one-day meeting took place in Phnom Penh without the Myanmar junta (which refused to send a non-political representative). According to Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah the conflict in Myanmar was among the major issues that were discussed.

INT Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met in Myanmar with MAH and junta Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, marking one of the highest-level visits by a foreign official since the coup. MAH suggested moving Russia’s Embassy to Naypyitaw and opening a consulate in Mandalay. The  Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova confirmed that Russia intends to normalize relations with the junta following elections planned for 2023.


5 August

ECN The NUG launched the 2nd sale of the MAH’s illegally seized property in Yangon to help fund its revolution, the property beside Inya Lake is valued at over $20 million. 

ECN The junta-appointed Central Bank of Myanmar officially depreciated the kyat further from K1 850 to K2 100 against the US dollar. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (50 junta soldiers were killed in 2 days).


6 August

CDM Anti-coup revolutionary strike held in a village from Sagaing's Yinmabin township.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 people were killed, 12 injured, and 2 men abducted by the junta) / The NUG’s defense ministry announced offering cash rewards to junta soldiers who defect with anti-aircraft weapons, as the regime increasingly uses airstrikes on both resistance fighters and civilian targets.


7 August

CDM INT Myanmar nationals living in South Korea marched in Seoul to condemn Myanmar’s recent execution of 4 democracy activists, demanding action to stop the flow of funds & arms, as well as targeted sanctions against MOGE.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magway regions (100 junta soldiers were killed over the weekend as PDFs launched attacks on military units) and in Bago Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


8 August

ECN Myanmar’s central bank weakened its kyat currency from 1,850 to 2,100 per dollar.

CDM In Yangon, Sagaing Regions, and Kachin State, and in Sydney, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, the United States, and France protests were held to mark the 34th anniversary of the 8888 national uprising against the junta. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (in Tabayin, Myinmu and Monywa townships 29 civilians and PDF fighters were killed in the junta raids from 1-8 August and 100 troops set fire to an estimated 20 houses in Pakokku Township), and Kachin State (10 junta soldiers were killed). / The KIA and PDF seized 2 military camps in Kachin State. 


9 August

VIO 1,851 people from 414 households were reported to have fled the Sezin village in Kachin State because of the fighting and arson attacks by the junta. About 500 houses in the village were set on fire by junta forces and the SNA. 


10 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 PDF soldiers were killed and 25 weapons seized by Konethar and Yameikthar villages).


11 August

POL The UEC issued a notice requiring political parties to seek its prior approval before meeting foreign organizations and individuals.

INT Justice for Myanmar found that 116 companies with 262 directors and shareholders—a third of them registered in Singapore—deserve closer scrutiny and stiffer sanctions for acting as arms brokers for Myanmar’s military. 

INT A lawmaker from Japan’s ruling party met with MAH, following the arrest Japanese filmmaker Toru Kubota on 30 July by the Myanmar junta. 

CDM INT Chiang Mai University in Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding with the Spring University Myanmar to take in 500 students. The SUM was founded in May 2021, in collaboration with the NUG’s education ministry, to provide education for students who were boycotting the junta-led schools. 

POL INT Sean Turnell testified at a hearing in Naypyitaw for the 1st time since his trial began. He denied the allegations against him and pleaded not guilty. 

VIO Clashes: in Chin, Kachin, and Karen states and Sagaing and Magwe regions (80 regime forces were killed in firefights with PDF groups and EAOs); and in Sagaing Region (70 civilians and PDF fighters were trapped in a village after military airstrikes). / TNLA abducted 80 villagers in Mogok, Mandalay Region.


12 August

ECN The junta formed a new committee to buy oil and gas from Russia, led by Lieutenant-General Nyo Saw. 


13 August

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (37 junta soldiers were killed). 


14 August

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 junta soldiers were killed); in Kayah State (19 junta soldiers were killed). / A commercial center, homes, and businesses in Sagaing Region were in ruins after a 3-day rampage by regime forces. / Junta soldiers burnt Haimual village in Chin State. / Military operations in Mon State and Bago Region have displaced more than 150 000 people.


15 August

INT ECN Associated Press reported that the EU sanctions on the military-controlled MOGE have significantly cut the Myanmar military’s oil revenues, it led the Bank of China to withhold payments in euros to MOGE for payment of the gas from the Shwe gas pipeline to China. 

POL A court sentenced ASSK to 6 years in prison after finding her guilty in 4 corruption cases. So far, she has been sentenced to 17 years prison with all her cases.

INT UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer met with MAH in Naypyitaw, in her 1st visit to Myanmar. She published a statement after her meeting with MAH claiming that her goal was to “communicate in person the pragmatic steps to de-escalate the violence, address the multidimensional crisis and advance unfettered humanitarian assistance”. Following the meeting, 864 CSOs demand the withdrawal of the envoy’s mandate.  

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed) and in Kayin State (12 junta forces were killed). / The remains of 18 people, including the body of a 10-year-old girl, were found in village of Yin Paung Taing in Sagaing Region.


17 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing (junta soldiers destroyed more than 60 houses). / Military called in air support to the clash site with the AA in Rakhine State. / The junta troops burned down the entire village of NgaTaMhyaw in Sagaing region.


19 August

POL The head of the Central Bank was replaced as part of a surprise reshuffle by the junta. Deputy Governor Than Than Swe, who was hospitalized after being shot by unidentified attackers at her home on 7 April, will now head the bank, replacing Than Nyein.

ECN The German multinational company, Beiersdorf, whose products include Nivea and Hansaplast, is leaving Myanmar.

ECN The kyat’s value dropped to a record low since the coup – the real cost of $1 rose to K3,100, way above the junta’s reference rate. The kyat’s depreciation sent fuel prices up.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Mawgay regions (50 junta soldiers raided Hlaykhote and Ngataraw villages, burning down nearly 750 houses in 3 days). 


21 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions (46 junta forces personnel were killed).


22 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


23 August

POL The junta’s peace talks continued with another round of meetings between the Pa-O National Liberation Organization, the Lahu Democratic Union, and the Arakan Liberation Party, later joined by the Restoration Council of Shan State

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (45 junta soldiers were killed) and in Karen State (the military carried out air raids).


24 August

VIO The military regime has arrested UK’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Vicky Bowman, along with her husband, Ko Htein Lin, a former political prisoner. 


25 August

INT The UK sanctioned 3 Tatmadaw-linked businesses, including companies owned by MAH's son and daughter (Star Sapphire Group of Companies linked to Khin Thiri Thet Mon, and Sky One Construction Co Ltd). The UK also sanctioned the International Gateways Group of Companies Ltd. The UK also confirmed its intention to support the Gambia’s genocide case against Myanmar at the IJC. 


26 August

POL The junta's transport ministry has ordered all bus companies to record the exact personal data of passengers before selling the tickets. Passengers must give a "recommendation letter" and their Citizenship Scrutiny Card. This is likely an attempt to limit the movements of PDF fighters.

INT The Myanmar military attended the International Army Games in Russia. Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief Soe Win met with Russian Deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin.

VIO 100 soldiers raided a PDF camp near Thaungwaing village in Bago Region, detaining 19 civilians and resistance fighters including an 8-year-old boy.


27 August

CDM VIO The junta detained 20 people, including 3 striking civil servants participating in the CDM. 50 soldiers blocked off the staff quarters at the university and searched the houses. 


28 August

VIO Myanmar junta soldiers raped at least 7 women during raids on two villages in Kani Township, Sagaing Region.


29 August

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay (15 soldiers were killed) and in Sagaing (10 people were killed in junta raids and aerial attacks).


30 August

ECN The kyat resumed its wild slide against the US dollar. No business wants to import goods at a great loss and some shops in Shan State were closed due to kyat depreciation. The Central Bank announced it will pump $200 million into the market to counter rising commodity prices.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (25 junta soldiers were killed in 2 days).


31 August

POL KNU and Democratic Karen Buddhist Army came to a historic agreement to reunify as the Kawthoolei Armed Forces, to fight against the military dictatorship. 

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (19 junta police officers were killed) and in Sagaing Region (34 junta forces were killed). / Anti-regime forces attacked 2 bases run by the Shanni Nationalities Army in Sagaing Region.