What is the Myanmar Coup Tracker?

The Myanmar Coup Tracker is dedicated to mapping key events following the military’s attempt to seize power from the civilian government on 1 February 2021.

The TRACKER contains daily entries from the first two years following the coup. It focuses on internal politics (POL), economic issues (ECN), the CDM movement (CDM), international responses (INT), occurrences of violence (VIO), and freedom of expression/media (EXM). For context and clarity, we also include several entries before 1 February 2021, and the 2020 ELECTION RESULTS, which were misused by the military as a justification for the coup.

The ANALYSES section contains relevant articles and webinars from our collaborators about the situation following the coup. Unlike the tracker section, its updates are not limited to the first two years.

Abbrevations​ (click to open)

 5-PC | 5-Point Consensus was established in April 2021 by ASEAN to seek a solution for the Myanmar crisis

AA | Arakan Army = an armed group in Rakhine State, not an NCA signatory

AAPP | Assistance Association for Political Prisoners = the main source for the number of people killed in the violence

ANC | The Arakan National Council = one of three Rakhine nationalist groups operating armies in the country

ASSK | Aung San Suu Kyi = ousted Myanmar leader

CDM | Civil Disobedience Movement = part of the anti-coup movement

CRPH | Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw = shadow parliament, part of the anti-coup movement

CSO | civil society organization

EAO | ethnic armed organization = there are 18 active non-state actors in Myanmar, ten signed the NCA

ICC | International Criminal Court = international tribunal in The Hague with jurisdiction to prosecute individuals

ICJ | International Court of Justice = UN organ, international court that adjudicates general disputes between countries

IDPs | internally displaced people

KIA | Kachin Independence Army = based in Kachin State, not an NCA signatory

KNLA | Karen National Liberation Army = KNU's armed wing, campaigns for the self-determination of the Karen people

KNU | Karen National Union = a political organization based on the Thai-Myanmar border

MAH | Min Aung Hlaing = Commander-in-Chief since 2011, February 1st coup-maker

MEC | Myanmar Economic Corporation = one of the two largest military holding companies in Myanmar

MEHL | Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited = one of the two largest military holding companies in Myanmar

MNDAA | The Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army = based in Kokang Region, not an NCA signatory

MOGE | Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise = Myanmar's state-owned oil and gas enterprise

NCA | National Ceasefire Agreement = started under the military-backed Thein Sein government, it has ten signatories

NLD | National League for Democracy = Myanmar's ruling party after the elections in 2015, overthrown in the coup

NUCC | National Unity Consultative Council = the anti-coup movement’s top decision-making body, formed in April 2021 by 33 individual members

NUG | National Unity Government = interim government, part of the anti-coup movement

PDF | People’s Defense Force = armed wing of the NUG government, precursor of a federal army

SAC | State Administration Council = the official name of the military junta headed by Min Aung Hlaing

SAC-M | Special Advisory Council for Myanmar

SNLD | Shan Nationalities League for Democracy = a political party that campaigns for the interests of the Shan people

TNLA | Ta'ang National Liberation Army = armed wing of the Palaung State Liberation Front in Shan, not an NCA signatory

UEC | Union Election Commission = electoral commission responsible for organizing and overseeing elections

UNGA | United National General Assembly = UN organ

UNHCR | The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees = a UN agency mandated to aid and protect refugees

UNSC | United Nations Security Council = UN organ

USDP | Union Solidarity and Development Party = a political party linked to the military



26 January

POL The spokesman for the Armed Forces Zaw Min Tun said the military would “take action” and use all available options including the Supreme Court. When asked if he could rule out a coup, he said “cannot say so”.


28 January

POL The military said it would abide by the Constitution and act according to law.

POL The UEC rejected the military’s fraud claims. It investigated 287 complaints and although errors had appeared, voters could not cast multiple ballots with fingers marked in indelible ink.


29 January

POL Armored vehicles were sighted in Yangon and other cities.

1 February

POL The military staged a coup (Notification 1/2021) in Naypyitaw and declared a state of emergency for a year, handed over all executive, legislative and judicial powers to MAH, and detained ASSK, President Win Myint, other NLD party leaders, and CSO activists.

POL The military justified the coup by alleging widespread voter fraud in the November elections. Article 417 of the 2008 Constitution cited by the military as allowing a take over in times of emergency. However, only the president has the executive power to declare a state of emergency.

EXM The Internet has been partially blocked, and news channel broadcasting cut. All banks were forced to halt their operations as Internet access was blocked.

POL Myanmar’s military imposed an 8 PM to 6 AM curfew across the country.

POL The NLD published a statement on behalf of ASSK written before she was detained, urging people to protest against the coup


2 February

POL The military put 400 elected MPs under house arrest.

CDM Health workers and civil society started the CDM movement.

POL MAH established the SAC with 13 members (Notification 9/2021).

INT Suzuki Motor Corporation ceased operations in Myanmar.

INT China “took note of the situation” and was seeking further information.

CDM People started banging pots and pans at 8 PM every evening (a traditional way to drive out evil spirits).

INT The UNSC held an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Myanmar.


3 February

POL 5 additional civilian members were added to the SAC (Notification No. 14/2021).

EXM Norwegian-owned Telenor complied with the junta’s demands to block Facebook.


4 February

POL 70 newly-elected MPs from the NLD held their own swearing-in ceremony.

EXM Military-controlled Myanma Posts and Telecommunications blocked access to Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter for 3 days.


5 February

POL NLD lawmakers held an emergency parliamentary session and formed the CRPH to serve as a legitimate Parliament. The CRPH has 20 members, 17 from the NLD.


6 February

CDM Tens of thousands of civilians took to the streets to join peaceful protests.

VIO Australian advisor to ASSK, Sean Turnell, detained.


7 February

VIO Police shot non-violent protesters in Myawaddy.

EXM Internet access was restored, but social media platforms remained blocked.

VIO Soldiers illegally entered and searched Daw Khin Kyi Foundation.


8 February

POL First TV address by MAH.

POL The CRPH publicly announced its formation, condemned the coup, recognized the CDM’s existence and goal of a federal union.


9 February

VIO Police shot Mya Thwe Thwe Khaing (19) in Naypyidaw, she is the first victim of the coup. She died of her injuries on 19 February.

POL 300 MPs-elect join the CRPH to challenge the junta.

EXM The military drafted the Cyber Security Law, which violates digital privacy and freedom of speech.

POL The military began a secretive trial for ASSK and Win Myint without their lawyers present.

VIO The police raided the NLD's headquarters in Yangon.


10 February

EXM NLD politicians and 70 UEC officials were taken into custody.

EXM News of China's involvement in building the firewall circulating among social media users, which prompted demonstrations outside the Chinese Embassy.

CDM Civil servants and police officers at Kayah State protested against the coup.

VIO The military reinstated an old law (abolished in 2016 by the NLD) requiring people to report overnight visitors to their homes. The amendment to the Ward or Village Tract Administration Law announced on a military-run Facebook page.


11 February

INT  The US announced sanctions on the junta leaders and several companies.


12 February

POL The junta released 23 314 prisoners as part of an amnesty to celebrate the 71st Union Day.


13 February

POL SAC made changes to privacy laws which now allow authorities to enter private residences without warrants and detain people without permission from a court.

VIO The military threatened civil servants who refused to return to work.

VIO The junta issued arrest warrants for 7 people, including a singer, writer, think tank director, social media influencers, and former 88 generation student leaders Min Ko Naing and Jimmy, charging them under the Penal Code for “using their popularity to destabilize the country”.


14 February

VIO Armored vehicles rolled into several cities as the Internet shut down.

CDM The CDM spread, disrupting air and train travel.

VIO Police opened fire to disperse protesters at a power plant.

INT Ambassadors to Myanmar from various countries issued a joint statement demanding that the military refrain from violence against demonstrators.


15 February

POL The court in Naypyitaw postponed a hearing of ASSK’s case for another 2 days.

EXM The Internet shut down nationwide from 1 AM to 9 AM every day.

EXM The military amended the Electronic Transactions Law, making the spread of “fake news or disinformation” online a crime.


16 February

POL The new charge against ASSK under the Natural Disaster Management Law for having broken COVID-19 restrictions. The court hearing of ASSK and Win Myint, which was initially postponed to 17 February, started via video without the knowledge of ASSK’s lawyer.

POL The military promised there would be elections and power would be handed over to the winning party, but no election date was set.

CDM Protesters took again to the streets despite a heavy military and police presence.


17 February

CDM Mass demonstrations with more than 100 000 people in the streets of Myanmar.

VIO 17 MPs who formed the CRPH were issued arrest warrants.

EXM 11 Myanmar Press Council members and 10 journalists from Myanmar Times resigned as the junta restricts media freedom.

VIO In Mandalay, railway staff blocked the train tracks in support of the CDM, security forces used rubber bullets and tear gas against them.

EXM The military accused 6 famous artists of using their popularity to call for civil servants to join the CDM and anti-coup protests.


18 February

EXM NLD ousted Chief Minister of Mandalay Zaw Myint Maung was charged with incitement and he was denied access to lawyers.

INT  Britain and Canada imposed sanctions on Myanmar’s generals.

INT Japan, the US, India, Australia called for the return of democracy in Myanmar.

CDM Drivers in Yangon staged a “broken down cars” campaign for a second day, blocking major roads to prevent people from going to work.


19 February

INT The Quad Alliance called for the return of democracy in Myanmar.


20 February

POL NCA signatories announced that they will no longer negotiate with the junta.

INT Norway froze state-to-state knowledge development programs in Myanmar.

INT Singapore said the use of lethal force against unarmed protesters is inexcusable.

INT The UK said it will consider further action against those involved in violence.

INT The EU's Foreign Policy Chief condemned the deadly violence.

INT US State Department spokesperson said the US is “deeply concerned”.


21 February

EXM Facebook deleted the main page of the military.

EXM The military blocked embassy roads in Yangon before the planned “2222” protest and shut down Internet access from 1 AM to 12 PM.

INT UN Secretary-General condemned the use of deadly force.


22 February

CDM Millions of people joined the nationwide “22222” protest.

POL The CRPH appointed Dr. Sasa as its special ambassador to the UN.

POL The CRPH opened an international relations office in Maryland, US.

EXM Facebook took down pages of state-run TV channels MRTV and MRTV Live.

INT The Council of the EU published an 8-point conclusion about Myanmar.

INT Australian Defence Force requested in a phone call the release of Sean Turnell.

INT  The US imposed sanctions on 2 members of the SAC.


23 February

POL The military dissolved the State Counsellor’s Office held by ASSK.

EXM MAH threatened to revoke publishing licenses of media for referring to the military as “regime” or “junta”.

INT G7 and the High Representative of the EU condemned the violence.


24 February

POL The junta-appointed Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin held talks with Thailand and Indonesia in Bangkok.

EXM Union Minister of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Win Myat Aye was charged under the Penal Code for encouraging civil servants to take part in the CDM.

INT Malaysia deported 1 086 people back to Myanmar, defying a court order and appeals from human rights groups

INT World Bank halts payment requests on Myanmar projects made after 1 February.


25 February

CDM “Thanaka campaign”, painting protest messages on the skin using thanaka.

POL The first large pro-military rally since the army seized power in Yangon.

EXM Facebook and Instagram banned the military and military-controlled media.

INT  The UK announced further sanctions.


26 February

POL The junta-appointed UEC conducted a meeting joined by 53 political parties, while most major parties boycotted the meeting.

VIO The military intensifies the use of force in a bloodshed crackdown.

EXM Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi was detained (first detention of foreign reporter), later released.

INT Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN Kyaw Moe Tun urged the UNGA to take action.

POL The military-appointed 7 additional members to the UEC.

INT European Nordic countries condemned the use of deadly force against protesters.


27 February

VIO Hundreds of people were arrested (state-run MRTV reported 479) and dozens were injured.

EXM 10 local journalists were detained while covering the protests.

POL Myanmar's UN ambassador was fired by the military a day after he urged the UN to use "any means necessary".


28 February

VIO The deadliest crackdown thus far, killing 18 protesters in a single day.

CDM “Milk Tea Alliance” street rallies and social media campaigns across Asia.

POL The Foreign Ministry ordered a large number of transfers of ambassadors.

1 March

POL ASSK and Win Myint made a court appearance via video for the first time and were charged with 2 more offenses.

POL The CRPH declared the military (Tatmadaw) a terrorist group.

POL The CRPH requested the former ambassador to the UN Kyaw Moe Htun to continue.

POL MNDAA, TNLA, and AA announced a unilateral 1-month extension of their ceasefires until the end of March.


2 March

POL The CRPH appointed 4 acting Union Ministers to oversee 9 ministries.

POL The military replaced the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN Kyaw Moe Tun with Tin Maung Naing, who resigned the next day and said Kyaw Moe Tun would continue to represent the country.

INT ASEAN held an informal meeting with military representatives attending. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore called for the release of ASSK.


3 March

VIO 38 people killed by security forces, making it the bloodiest crackdown yet.

VIO Kyal Sin (19), of Burmese-Chinese descent, died after she was shot in Mandalay wearing a T-shirt "Everything will be OK", which quickly became a symbol.


4 March

POL The NLD and the ethnic political parties that won seats in the 2020 elections rejected the junta-appointed UEC’s proposal for a PR electoral system.

POL The SAC threatened to take action against those interacting with the CRPH.

CDM 600 police officers joined the CDM.


5 March

EXM YouTube removed 5 channels of military-runTV networks hosted on its platform.

INT The US ambassador to Myanmar urged the military’s second-in-command to stop all violence.

INT The EU suspended all development projects in Myanmar.

POL The CRPH released a statement outlining its 4 objectives: end of military rule; freeing of political detainees; return to democracy, and establishing a new Constitution based on the federal system.


6 March

POL The junta-appointed UEC announced that it inspected the ballot papers used in Tamwe and found 10 000 missing ballots and 5 000 extra ballots.

POL The military filed the first corruption charges against the ousted Minister of Religious Affairs U Thura Aung Ko.

INT The military asked India to return the police officers who crossed the border.


7 March

POL The junta-appointed UEC announced that it had inspected the ballot papers used in Meiktila and found 12 000 missing ballots and 1 000 extra ballots.

CDM Trade unions called for a nationwide work stoppage and support to the CDM.

INT Australia suspended military cooperation with Myanmar.

VIO A ward chairman for the NLD in Yangon died after being taken from the home during a night raid.


8 March

EXM The military banned independent media: DVB, 7Day News, Mizzima, Myanmar Now, and Khit Thit Media. Soldiers raided Myanmar Now’s office in Yangon, seizing computers (the first media outlet to be raided).

INT The President of the UNSC condemned the violence against peaceful protesters (the first use of the word "condemn" by the council in response to the situation).

POL The military accused Sean Turnell of trying to flee the country with secret financial information.

VIO Security forces established bases in local hospitals, universities, and schools.


9 March

EXM Security forces raided Kamaryut Media and Mizzima’s offices in Yangon and made arrests.

INT The EU Military Staff Director urged Myanmar to immediately stop all violence.

INT Myanmar recalled the ambassador in the UK after he called for the release of ASSK.

VIO NLD’s Zaw Myat Linn the second party figure died in detention.


10 March

POL Israeli-Canadian lobbyist Ari Ben-Menashe was hired by the junta.

VIO Police surrounded and arrested 200 students and civilians protesting in Yangon; driving them away in unmarked trucks.


11 March

POL ASSK facing new charges of taking bribes in the amount of $1,3 mil.

POL SAC held its first press conference – here are the main points.


12 March

POL The 10 NCA signatories met to discuss how to prevent further bloodshed.

INT South Korea to suspend defense exchanges and ban arms exports to Myanmar.

INT Russia expressed concern over the mounting violence and was “analyzing” whether to suspend military-technical cooperation.

INT Leaders of the Quad Alliance emphasized in a statement the urgent need to restore democracy in Myanmar.

CDM Protests erupted after social media called to mark the death anniversary of Phone Maw (killed in 1988 at the Rangoon Institute of Technology).

EXM The 6 reporters arrested while covering anti-coup protests made their first appearance in court.


14 March

VIO A brutal crackdown on protests with 74 people killed and 100 arrested.

VIO Chinese factories were set on fire in Hlaing Tharyar and Shwepyithar townships in Yangon.

VIO The SAC declared martial law in Hlaing Tharyar and Shwepyithar townships following a violent crackdown in one of the deadliest days since the coup.


15 March

POL Martial law was imposed on South Dagon, North Dagon, Dagon Seikkan, and North Okkalapa townships in Yangon and parts of Mandalay.

POL The court adjourned ASSK’s hearing to 24 March over Internet issues.

INT The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar made a statement calling on the people of Myanmar to avoid undermining “China-Myanmar friendship and cooperation”.

EXM The military imposed a 24-hour shutdown of mobile Internet service.


16 March

CDM Mass funerals were held across Yangon, with hundreds gathering to say goodbye to those killed after the bloodiest day since the coup.

POL Dr. Sasa was charged with high treason for accepting an appointment as Myanmar’s representative to the UN by the CRPH.


17 March

POL The CRPH decriminalized all EAOs and declared the Tatmadaw a terrorist organization.

POL The military launched a second corruption probe against ASSK, accusing her of accepting more than $500 000 from a local businessman.

POL The military released all election sub-commission members and made them sign a statement confirming electoral fraud in their townships.

POL The military is increasing pressure on private banks to reopen by threatening the forced transfer of private deposit accounts to military-controlled banks.

EXM The Standard Time suspended operations; Myanmar lost the last independent media and was labeled a nation without newspapers.


18 March

EXM Myanmar’s military regime accused a third person of high treason, CPRH-appointed Vice-President Mahn Win Khaing Than.

POL INT MAH joined a virtual ASEAN meeting.

INT The UN team of investigators of Myanmar called on the people to collect and preserve documentary evidence of crimes by the military.

VIO NLD’s Information Team member Kyi Toe was arrested by the military.


19 March

INT The US Ambassadors to Myanmar called on the military to cease all violence.

INT Pope Francis appealed for an end to bloodshed in Myanmar.

INT 4 Myanmar diplomats in France, Italy, and Japan announced they will no longer work for the military regime.

EXM BBC journalist Aung Thura was detained by men in plain clothing while reporting outside a court in Naypyitaw.

VIO 2 Australian business consultants were kept under house arrest after attempting to leave Myanmar.


20 March

POL CRPH MPs said efforts to reach a deal with other stakeholders on establishing a federal union are making good progress.

VIO 1000 people fled violence into India’s Mizoram State since the coup.

VIO At least 2 EAOs in Myanmar’s borderlands sheltering politicians, activists, journalists, and civil servants who fled.


22 March

INT  The EU imposed sanctions (first round) on 11 individuals linked to the coup.

INT The US Treasury sanctioned 2 individuals and 2 entities connected to the military.

EXM The BBC Burmese journalist was released after being deprived of sleep for 3 nights.


23 March

POL Sean Turnell under investigation for violating the Immigration and Official Secrets Acts.

POL AA joined other EAOs in condemning the coup.

POL INT The military informed INTERPOL to arrest members of the CRPH.

ECN  The Central Bank of Myanmar notified banks that fail to reopen would be hit with penalties from 2 million to 30 million kyats per week.

CDM The military dismissed 56 staff from the Foreign Ministry who supported the CDM.

VIO A 7-year-old girl was killed in Mandalay.


24 March

POL The military freed 628 coup detainees.

POL ASSK’s video court appearance was deferred to 1 April due to the Internet shutdown.

INT China and Russia expressed “deep concern” about the situation.

CDM People held a nationwide “silent strike”. The junta detained 100 staff from major shopping chains for participating in the silent strike.

VIO KNU blocked food delivery from Thailand for the military in Karen State.

VIO Bank employees were ordered to go back to work, otherwise, they would end up on a blacklist of striking employees.


25 March

VIO Fighting between the military and KIA escalated; KIA seized 10 military bases.

INT The UK announced sanctions against MEHL.

INT The US sanctioned MEC and MEHL.


26 March

POL The junta freed 322 detainees.

CDM The Myanmar CDM was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

INT Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister met MAH in Naypyitaw, seeking to strengthen ties with the military.

INT Thailand marked the CRPH's ambassador to the UN Kyaw Moe Tun and 5 others for arrest and handover to the junta.


27 March

VIO The military launched its first aerial attacks on KNU areas in 20 years, and displaced 20 000 villagers, and killed 22 civilians.

VIO 114 civilians were killed in 44 towns across Myanmar in one day, making it the bloodiest day since the coup.

INT China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand sent representatives to the Armed Forces Day parade in Naypyitaw.


28 March

INT Top chiefs of defense from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Korea, UK, and the US condemned violence by the military.

VIO The military opened fire in the Asia Royal Hospital in Yangon, and at a funeral, as people gathered to mourn the 114 people killed the previous day.


29 March

INT Thailand denied forcing back 2 000 refugees who fled airstrikes.

ECN The US suspended all trade with Myanmar.

INT Russia said it was deeply concerned by the rising number of civilian deaths.


30 March

INT Indian border state withdrew order barring shelter for those fleeing Myanmar.

VIO U Kyaw Kyaw, a third NLD member died in detention.

VIO 10 000 villagers in Magway Region fled their homes, seeking refuge from the military in the forests.

CDM Protesters threw garbage on the streets to express their opposition to the coup.


31 March

POL ASSK met her lawyer for the first time since her detention.

POL The CPRH abolished the 2008 Constitution and replaced it with the Federal Democracy Charter, a 22-page interim constitution envisioning a federal future.

ECN The US Secretary of State called on international companies to cut ties to military-supported enterprises.

1 April

INT The UNSC suggested sanctioning the junta, with China and Russia blocking the attempt. In reaction, protesters called for the shut Chinese Embassy in Yangon.

POL ASSK and Sean Turnell were charged with breaking the Official Secrets Law.

INT Chinese troops gathered on the border to protect the pipelines. China requested a meeting with the military over concerns about the security of its pipelines.

EXM The military shut down the country's wireless services, leaving only fiber lines.


2 April

INT Australian government stepped up calls on the junta to release Sean Turnell.


3 April

POL 10 EAOs met virtually to discuss the situation.

INT 460 Myanmar CSOs condemned China’s position at the UNSC.

EXM 60 celebrities were arrested for opposition to the coup.


4 April

CDM Protesters handed out Easter eggs with painted anti-coup slogans.

POL Total did not halt gas production despite growing calls to do so.

EXM 20 more celebrities charged under the Penal Code.


5 April

EXM The junta raided the Hakha Post, an ethnic media outlet based in Chin State.

CDM Protesters in Yangon clapped together at 5 PM in a show of dissent.

INT Malaysia’s ambassador to Myanmar Zahairi Baharim met with the junta’s Electricity and Energy Minister Aung Than Oo.


6 April

CDM Demonstrators splashed red paint to protest against the military bloodshed.


7 April

POL The CRPH gathered 180 000 pieces of evidence of human rights abuses by the military.

INT Myanmar’s ambassador to London was locked out of the embassy.


8 April

POL SNLD called on other parties, armed resistance groups, and the CRPH to work together to form a federal army.

CDM “Marching shoes strike”, with people placing flowers in shoes in public places.

INT The US imposed sanctions on state-owned Myanmar Gems Enterprise.

INT The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar made contact with the CRPH.


9 April

INT 225 ASEAN CSOs condemned the coup.

INT European Nordic countries released a joint statement on Myanmar.

INT Another joint statement was released by Canadian ambassadors to Myanmar to stop the violence and restore democracy.

VIO 80 people killed in Bago, marking another deadly day since the coup.


10 April

POL 19 people sentenced to death for killing an associate of an army captain; 1st such sentence since the coup.

VIO A police station in Shan State was attacked by the AA, TNLA, and MNDAA, killing 14 police officers.


11 April

CDM “Flash Strike”, aiming flashlights into the night sky to signal rejection of the coup.


12 April

POL ASSK was charged again under the Natural Disaster Management Law during a video court hearing in Naypyidaw. She’s been charged in 6 cases altogether.

INT Taiwan took a tougher line against the military regime and accepted the first parliamentary motion in the Chinese-speaking world to criticize the February coup.

VIO A girl (7) shot in an attack in the Sagaing Region following the deaths of soldiers over the weekend as residents resisted earlier raids.

VIO Thousands of people fled their homes after military raids in Magway Region.


13 April

INT The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights warned that Myanmar is heading toward a full-blown conflict unless the international community steps in.

VIO A military convoy in Kachin State was attacked with explosives.


14 April

EXM The military charged 19 doctors for taking part in the CDM and supporting CRPH.

VIO 100 military troops killed in Kachin State. In response, the military carried out airstrikes, and fighting between the military and KIA intensified.


15 April

EXM The military arrested 36 protest leaders, celebrities, and activists in a single day.

CDM People refuse to celebrate the Thingyan New Year under the military.

VIO Military jet fighters used Chinese air space to attack KIA bases in the Alaw Bum mountain.

INT European Nordic Embassies in Myanmar released a joint statement urging the military to immediately stop violence and respect human rights.


16 April

POL The CRPH formed the National Unity Government (NUG), a government-in-exile, which includes 26 ousted lawmakers, members of ethnic minority groups, and anti-coup figures.

CDM “Silent strike” to mourn the 700 people killed since the coup.

VIO A day after prominent anti-coup leader Wai Moe Nang was hit by a car, arrested, and taken by the military, a picture of him badly tortured went viral.

INT ASEAN considered sending a humanitarian aid mission to Myanmar as a potential first step in a long-term plan to broker dialogue between all parties.

POL Pro-KIA march in Mogok, Mandalay Region, with large “Welcome KIA” banners on the street. The next day, the military forces gunned down at least 2 people in the city.


17 April

POL The junta released 23 184 prisoners to mark the traditional Thingyan New Year.

EXM The Media Freedom Coalition expressed deep concern with the military’s crackdown on media freedom: 1 2021 attacks against media professionals, at least 60 journalists detained and charged. The statement was signed by 28 states.


18 April

EXM The military detained again Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi on a fake news allegation.


19 April

INT The detained Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi was transferred to Insein prison. Japanese diplomats requested a visit in jail but it wasn’t granted.

INT UN Secretary-General and Ban Ki-moon urged ASEAN's governments to push to end the crisis in Myanmar.

INT The EU imposed sanctions (second round) on 10 of the military leaders and 2 giant military conglomerates.

VIO The military dug up bodies and destroyed a monument created to honor civilians killed by their regime in Bago.


21 April

CDM A blue-shirt campaign to call for the release of 3 300 detainees.

INT ECN The US Treasury sanctioned 2 state-owned enterprises, Myanma Timber Enterprise and Myanmar Pearl Enterprise.

VIO Medics confronting routine attacks by the military: 139 medics face charges and the military threatened to revoke their passports and bar them from practice.


22 April

POL INT An open letter from the NUG expressed willingness to join the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting.

POL INT The NUG urged Interpol to work with Indonesian police to arrest MAH when he travels for the ASEAN Leaders’ Meeting on 23 April, his 1st overseas trip.

POL Pro-KIA protests in Kachin State and in central Myanmar.


23 April

INT China expressed hope about the upcoming ASEAN Leaders' Meeting paving the way for a “soft landing”.

EXM Prominent activist Wai Moe Naing facing a 28-year prison sentence.

CDM Protesters returned to the streets of Yangon after a weeks-long absence following military-led massacres that killed hundreds.


24 April

INT ASEAN’s Special Meeting on Myanmar in Jakarta: released a “5 Points of Consensus”. Pro-democracy activists fiercely rejected the agreement.

INT The EU joined ASEAN in calling for an immediate cessation of violence and a start of constructive dialogue involving all parties, including the NUG.


25 April

CDM In Mandalay, the University Students Union called for a boycott of military-provided education as the junta plans to reopen schools.


26 April

POL In a court hearing, ASSK complained about not being able to meet her lawyers in person. The next court hearing is scheduled for 10 May.

INT 249 youth organizations from 65 countries joined the “Joint Statement of World’s Civil Society and Youth on Myanmar’s Human Rights Crisis”.


27 April

EXM 2 journalists from the Mandalay-based Voice of Myanmar detained, bringing the number of detained journalists to 43.

INT The UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Myanmar wrote an open letter to MAH.

VIO 5 000 Kachin villagers fled to churches and monasteries due to intensified tension between the military and KIA and frequent airstrikes.

VIO At least 20 military troops were killed in Chin State.


28 April

EXM More charges including high treason against prominent activist Wai Moe Naing.


29 April

INT CSOs condemned the UN for having Lieutenant-General Than Hlaing representing Myanmar in the 64th session of the Commission on Narcotics Drugs.

INT The EU extended sanctions for another year.

VIO 20 soldiers from the 77th Light Infantry Division were killed during an attack by the KIA in Kachin State.

VIO 2 000 people fled to Thailand escaping ongoing military airstrikes near an IDP camp in Karen State.


30 April

EXM Authorities threatened residents in Kachin State to remove satellite dishes from their homes (with which they can watch independent news) or be fined.

INT The UNSC failed to agree on a joint statement on Myanmar, with diplomats blaming China and Russia for raising objections.

1 May

ECN The military to 'normalize' post-coup economy: partially eased restrictions on Internet access and presented a plan to drop charges against prosecuted civil servants.


2 May

VIO Several bomb blasts in Kyauk Myaung, Tharkayta, Thingangyun, South Okkalapa, South Dagon, and North Dagon.


3 May

POL The CRPH appointed the Minister of Human Rights, the Minister of Labour, and 4 deputy ministers.

EXM Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi was indicted on a “fake news” charge, facing a jail term of up to 3 years.

INT The US urged ASEAN to press Myanmar to implement actions agreed at the regional summit.

INT The Manipur High Court allowed 7 Myanmar citizens to seek UNHCR protection.

VIO An NLD MP, 3 CDM policemen, and a villager were killed by a parcel bomb in Pyay.

VIO KIA attacked a police station in Kachin; Police Chief was killed and others injured.

VIO The military continued with lethal air attacks on villages in Kachin after a military helicopter was shot down by KIA.


4 May

EXM A nationwide ban on satellite television, fine, or 1 year of prison for disregarding.

ECN The military received hundreds of millions of dollars from gas sales through a financial scheme linked to a pipeline exploited by French Total.

VIO Several bomb blasts in different locations – government offices in Magway, college in Mawlamyine, and military-run hospital in Yangon.


5 May

POL The Chief Minister of Sagaing charged under the Anti-Corruption Law.

POL The NUG set up the People’s Defence Force (PDF) as a precursor to the Federal Democratic Armed Forces. Ordinary civilians all around the country began forming local PDF groups.

EXM The military abolished additional 3 media outlets – Myitkyina Journal; The 74 Media, and Tachileik News Agency, totaling up to 8 abolished media outlets.

INT The NUG Foreign Minister met with 36 MPs from Europe and Australia.

VIO Security personnel guarding the Chinese-invested pipeline deadly attacked.


6 May

POL ASSK was charged with breaching the Official Secrets Act at the Yangon court while facing 5 charges at the Naypyitaw court. The next hearing is scheduled for 20 May.

INT G7 countries commit to tough, further measures on Myanmar if the military refuses to change course.


7 May

VIO 16 military troops killed and several wounded during shootouts with civilian resistance forces in Sagaing Region. Protesters are using more sophisticated weapons against the military than in the beginning.


8 May

ECN The junta-controlled Investment Commission approved 15 projects, including a Chinese $2.5-billion natural gas power project, the biggest investment since the coup.

VIO The military suspended 1 683 striking teaching and administrative staff from 15 universities.

VIO ANC, the Rakhine nationalist group, joined the KNU in the fight against the military.


9 May

EXM Detained democracy activist Ko Mya Aye faces hate speech charges.


10 May

POL ASSK was tried in person at a special court in Naypyitaw.

POL Myanmar's foreign exchange hit a record low of 1 660 kyats on the dollar.

INT According to Thai authorities, 2 200 Myanmar people who crossed the Salween river were offered shelter in the safe zone with strict health and safety measures.

VIO Fighting between Border Guard Forces and KNU in Karen State, 11 BGF soldiers were killed. 7 000 villagers in hiding.


11 May

POL CDM Protests around Myanmar marking 100 days of the coup.

POL INT 3 reporters (from DVB) and 2 activists arrested in Thailand for illegal entry and face possible deportation. DVB appealed to the UNHCR for help.


12 May

VIO A standoff between the military and the local PDF in Mandalay Region ended with locals besieged, 30 people arrested.

ECN The military opened job announcements for educators to replace striking staff.

POL INT An exodus of international organizations: Coca-Cola, the World Bank, and McKinsey.


13 May

POL The junta put Mindat Township in Chin State under martial law.

POL The military arrested 2 former NLD MPs from Rakhine State.

VIO 15 villages emptied following the fierce fighting between the KIA and the military.

VIO The military detained between 50 and 100 civilians in a raid in Mandalay Region.


14 May

INT Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi returned to Tokyo after charges against him dropped as a diplomatic gesture.

POL NLD member U Win Htein and former captain in the Myanmar military to be tried on sedition charges with a potential prison sentence of up to 20 years.

VIO The military raided civilian resistance fighters' camps in Chaung-U, Sagaing Region, and seized homemade firearms, air guns, and homemade bombs.


15 May

VIO Despite the martial law in Chin State, the fighting continued; the Chinland Defense Force seized 6 military trucks.

INT The UN Special Envoy on Myanmar met with the Thai Prime Minister to discuss the violent turmoil in Myanmar. Prayut promised not to force back fleeing people.

ECN Japan to provide $4 million through the World Food Programme for food assistance in Myanmar.


17 May

INT The US announced sanctions against the SAC as an entity and 16 individuals, including 3 adult children of junta officials.

INT Canada also sanctioned 16 individuals and 10 entities, including many of the same officials sanctioned by the US along with some military-linked companies.

INT  The UK sanctioned gemstone companies linked to the military.

INT ANFREL released its final 2020 election observation mission report: “The results of the 2020 general elections were representative of the will of the people.”

INT 400 Myanmar CSOs sent an open letter to the Australian Foreign Minister; the decision not to impose sanctions is disappointing and emboldens the military.


18 May

VIO The military cut off the drinking water supply to Mindat, Chin State, and attacked those who tried to get the drinking water.

VIO KIA attacked in Shan State 7 junta trucks carrying petrol from the Chinese border.


19 May

POL 50 activists and NLD MPs in Ayeyarwady Region were initially charged with violating the Penal Code, charged also with high treason.


20 May

POL Senior leaders of the People Party resigned as Chair Ko Ko Gyi decided to join the coordination meeting with the junta-appointed UEC and parties on 21 May.

POL The supreme court took over the Official Secrets Act case against ASSK, Sean Turnell, and 3 former cabinet members.

POL The military removed the age limit for positions of Senior and Vice-Senior General.


21 May

POL The military-appointed Thein Soe as the new Chair of the UEC.

POL The junta started recruiting adult jobless children of soldiers and retired officers.

POL 49 political parties joined the military-appointed UEC meeting in Naypyitaw.


22 May

POL The NLD Secretary of Yangon Region was arrested at his home.

CDM 12 police officers in Chin State joined the CDM.

CDM 125 900 school teachers suspended for joining a CDM in their school boycott.

VIO 6 junta trucks destroyed in fighting in Sagaing Region.


23 May

VIO 40 military troops killed in Kayah State during fierce clashes by the Karenni PDF and the Karenni Army.

VIO 20 police officers were killed and PDF seized a police station in Shan State.


24 May

EXM The military arrested Frontier Myanmar editor Danny Fenster at the airport and transferred him to Insein Prison. Altogether, 70 journalists were detained.

POL ASSK’s first in-person appearance at a special court in Naypyitaw, also her first meeting with her legal team.

ECN MAH reassured Beijing that his regime will protect foreign-funded enterprises.

INT Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek held virtual talks with NUG’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Zin Mar Aung. This makes Kulhanek one of the few foreign ministers who has publicly disclosed conversations with the NUG.


25 May

POL ASSK moved to an unknown location, kept in isolation.

EXM The military whitelisted 1 200 online services, excluding Facebook and Twitter to curb anti-coup protests.

INT Transparency International recommended the European Commission impose sanctions on MOGE.

VIO 20 police officers were killed and PDF seized a police station in Shan State.

VIO Military airstrikes displaced 90% of the rural population of Mutraw, Karen State.

VIO Fighting between the KIA and the military intensified again in Kachin State.


26 May

CDM 90 % of students refused to enroll in Myanmar’s education system under the coup regime.

VIO A veteran pro-democracy activist, who is the younger brother of the Chief of Police, died tortured in custody in Bago Region.

ECN Total promises to suspend cash payments linked to the Yadana gas pipeline, which Total operates through a joint venture with MOGE.

VIO The Karenni PDF opened a new front against the junta.


27 May

POL EXM AAPP shared a list of 4331 people in detention since 1 February.

ECN Total and Chevron suspended some payments from a gas joint venture that would otherwise reach the military.

INT Myanmar was excluded from the WHO annual meeting due to not knowing who to recognize as Myanmar's legitimate representative following the coup.

INT Thai authorities seized 27 guns and ammunition bound for Myanmar.

INT The Japan Immigration Agency lets Myanmar students stay even after their visas expire.

VIO The number of IDPs in the Sagaing Region reached 20 000 due to military raids.


28 May

POL The military sentenced 28 people to 20 years in jail for arson attacks on 2 Chinese-backed factories in Yangon.

POL INT The NUG and the Japan Parliamentary Group Supporting Democracy in Myanmar released a joint statement to cooperate in the future and agreed on 9 points.

INT EXM The US pressed the military for the immediate release of Danny Fenster.

POL A Myanmar military tribunal sentenced 28 people to 20 years in jail with hard labor for arson attacks on two Chinese factories.


30 May

POL INT NUG affirmed cooperation with the International Court of Justice in the case of the Rohingya people. Rakhine parties condemned the NUG for this.

POL The NUG launched its official website: www.nugmyanmar.org.


31 May

POL CNF allied with the NUG, becoming the first EAO to take sides with the country’s shadow government formed to topple the military regime.

VIO At least 80 junta soldiers were killed during shootouts between military troops and Karenni civilian resistance fighters in Demoso.

VIO The military used artillery and helicopters against civilians in Kayah state; 37 000 people displaced in southeast Myanmar in recent weeks.

1 June

EXM DVB and Mizzima reporters were sentenced to 2 years in prison.

INT A Thai court sentenced 3 Myanmar journalists from DVB and their 2 associates to 7 months imprisonment for entering Thailand illegally.

INT 40 French MPs urged the country’s administration to declare support for the NUG and to increase pressure on Total.

VIO 5 civilians accused of being military informants from two villages in Gangaw, Magway region found dead.

VIO The military bombed villages in Katha, Sagaing Region, a day after the Katha PDF ambushed a convoy of junta soldiers.

VIO The military shot at Buddhist monks from Ma Soe Yein Monastery who recited religious verses in protest against the military.

VIO The military invaded a refugee camp in Putao and threatened unarmed refugees with the suspicion that KIA intelligence was stationed at the camp.


3 June

POL The military ordered the cancellation of CDM doctors’ passports and their medical licenses.

POL ASSK’s hearing for the Official Secrets Act in Yangon adjourned to 17 June.

POL The military recalled retired soldiers and recruited civilians amid escalating conflict with KIA in Putao.

POL MAH met ultranationalist Ma Ba Tha Buddhist monk in Hpa-an.

CDM Children in Rakhine State attend school, ignoring Myanmar’s school boycott.


4 June

POL The NUG released a statement recognizing Rohingya’s rights to citizenship and suggested repealing the country’s 1982 Citizenship Law.

INT ASEAN envoys held talks with MAH; he reiterated he would only allow fresh elections once the coup-stricken country had returned to "normal."


5 June

POL The NUG appointed 3 new ministers of Justice; Communication, Information & Technology; and Electricity & Energy.

POL INT MAH met with the Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai in Naypyitaw. China supports the consensus reached by the ASEAN on 24 April.


6 June

INT From 6 to 8 June, a special China-ASEAN summit was held in Chongqing on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of relations between Beijing and the regional bloc. Myanmar co-chaired these meetings with China and was attended by Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, appointed by the military junta.

POL 222 heads of middle and private schools from Magway removed from duties.

VIO Fierce fighting between the military and the Chinland's Defense Force of Mindat with 50 military troops and 3 civilian fighters killed.


7 June

POL PDFs formed in Monywa, and Chaung-U, Sagaing Region.

POL The NUG will classify all organizations supporting the military as terrorists.

POL ASSK asked civilians to donate money to cover her legal fees and basic living expenses; she is under house arrest refuses the assistance provided by the SAC.

POL The junta judge overseeing ASSK’s trial to complete the hearing of the 5 cases against her within 180 days, and proceedings in the first criminal case are set to finish on 28 June. The hearings would take place every Monday and Tuesday.

INT ASEAN ministers pressure Myanmar after 'painfully slow' progress.


8 June

EXM CDM 5 people arrested, including a prominent political activist, a well-renowned poet, and former NLD-appointed Chief Minister of Magway Region.

POL In Sagaing Region, 555 education civil servants were removed from their duties.


9 June

POL ASSK was hit with fresh corruption charges, misuse of land for a charity foundation, taking her number of alleged offenses to 7.

INT A military delegation from Myanmar went to Russia to get acquainted with the production of the Pantsir systems (anti-aircraft artillery systems).

VIO 400 soldiers arrived in Demoso; armed conflict is likely to escalate.


11 June

VIO EXM Pro-junta Pyu Saw Htee groups formed across Myanmar (with support from the military) to wage a campaign of violence and disinformation.

VIO The military destroyed supplies of rice and medicine intended for over 3 000 IDPs in Pekon, Shan State, who were forced to flee their homes after intense fighting.

VIO A bomb exploded at a Chinese-backed clothing factory in Ayeyarwady Region.


12 June

INT Worldwide solidarity events in the US, Canada, UK, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Japan, etc.

INT MAH and his Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin met Chinese ambassador Chen Hai, sparking controversy when the Chinese embassy's FB statement identified MAH as the "Leader of Myanmar".

CDM Striking military officers urged the public to welcome and protect military personnel who join the CDM.

POL VIO Myanmar junta accuses ethnic armies of bombings and of killing 25 workers.


13 June

POL The former Head of Myanmar’s COVID-19 immunization program was arrested and the other 26 doctors face charges of high treason.

INT The G7 leaders strongly condemned the military coup.

INT Chinese state-run Global Times referred for the first time to MAH as the “Myanmar leader”.


14 June

POL The military wrote to political parties and lawmakers warning against their involvement with the NUG.

POL Indian arms company supplied military technology for coastal surveillance to the coup regime.

POL The military gave cash to families of assassinated Yangon administrators working for the regime. 30 administrators were killed between March and early June. Several ward administrators have resigned in the wake of the killings.

POL The first of ASSK's 3 trials got underway in Naypyitaw.

VIO The military gave basic arms training to youths in Mandalay who were close to them.


15 June

EXM American editor Nathan Maung of Kamayut Media was deported after 3 months in detention. The military beat him and kept him blindfolded for more than a week of interrogation.

ECN The military to reopen the Russian-backed steel plant in Shan State closed 4 years ago, a project of MEC and a Russian state-owned company.

INT Myanmar's ambassador to the UN called for effective collective measures against the junta, ahead of expected UNSC talks on the situation.

VIO The military went on a rampage in dozens of villages in the Sagaing Region after clashes with local resistance fighters.


16 June

ECN The Confederation of Trade Unions took steps to file a class-action lawsuit against the junta to compensate over 70 000 government workers dismissed by the military junta.

INT Thai representatives met with 8 Myanmar EAOs that joined in the NCA in order to settle the situation in Myanmar peacefully.


17 June

POL AA released 17 police and immigration officers in a sign of warming relations between the AA and the military.

POL The spokesman for the NUG U Zaw Htay was released from military custody after more than 4 months of detention.

ECN South Korea provided $ 900 000 to an UN-led humanitarian aid initiative for Myanmar.


18 June

INT The UNGA adopted a (non-binding) resolution by a vote of 119 countries denouncing the Myanmar military. 36 countries abstained (Thailand, China, Russia) and 1 voted against (Belarus). It was only the 4th time since the end of the Cold War that the UNGA had passed a resolution condemning a military coup, and was a rare occasion in which the body also called for an arms embargo.

VIO The military trying to force striking school staff in Tanintharyi Region to return to work, after the reopening of public schools on 1 June flopped due to a lack of teachers.

VIO A military truck with soldiers blown up in Yangon.

POL AA released another 6 military personnel it captured in clashes with the military (signaling closer ties between the ethnic armed group and the military).

POL The military formed a new Ministry of Cooperatives and Development of Rural Areas, it also reformed the ministry of education and established a new ministry for science and technology.


19 June

CDM ASSK celebrating her 76th birthday under military detention. There were flower protests as well as solidarity events abroad for this occasion.

INT From 13 to 19 June, a 20-member Russian delegation made a secret visit to Myanmar, the delegation included also an arms exporter.


20 June

INT Regime slammed UNGA Resolution calling for an arms trade ban.

EXM International Press Freedom Award 2021 granted to Aye Chan Naing, the Chief Editor of the DVB.

POL INT MAH flew out of the country to attend a conference in Moscow, his 2nd trip abroad since the coup.

POL In Mindat Township, which is still under martial law, local defense forces and the military signed a 14-day ceasefire from 20 June to 4 July.


21 June

POL INT The secretary of Russia's Security Council and MAH committed to further strengthening security ties between the countries at the Moscow meeting.

POL INT MAH attended the Moscow Conference on International Security, where he got to look at more deadly toys. The military is hoping to get its hands on the military tech of Rosoboronexport, a state-run arms export firm that has been under US sanctions since 2015 for selling weapons to Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

INT The UK adds 3 entities to its sanctions list: Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Myanmar Pearl Enterprise, and the SAC.

INT The EU imposed sanctions (third round) on 8 individuals (including attorney general Thida Oo, deputy defense minister Major-General Aung Lin Tun, and deputy information minister Brigadier-General Zaw Min Tun, none of whom are facing other sanctions), and 3 economic entities (MTE, Myanmar Gems Enterprise, and another state-backed timber company, which means there is "no legal source for timber to be imported from Myanmar into the EU"). The EU is also the 1st to sanction the Myanmar War Veterans Organization, which it said serves "as a reserve force of the Tatmadaw".

POL The military locked down the China-backed Shwe Kokko new city project in Karen State, following a spike in COVID-19 infections.


22 June

INT Norwegian pension fund KLP divested from Adani Ports over links to the Myanmar military.

POL INT MAH lauded Russia as Myanmar’s “friend forever” while stating that the US is “not very intimate” compared with neighboring China and India due to its “far distance”, in an interview with Russian media.

VIO Mandalay PDF (formed by civilians) declared war on the military. Fighting broke out in Chan Mya Tharzi Township, with casualties on both sides, the 1st such clashes to take place in the city.

VIO 30 military troops killed in Sagaing.

VIO KIA attacked the regime's armed forces in Hpakant.


23 June

POL INT MAH spoke at the international security conference in Moscow, declaring his regime is “simply trying to bring honesty back to democracy since the previous government won last year’s election by rigging the vote”

ECN A massive auction of illegal timber on 23 and 24 June for the junta to line its pockets and fund the coup.

VIO A military informant in Yangon, who owned a tea shop and used it as a meeting place for the ultranationalist group Ma Ba Tha, was shot dead.

VIO The military raided the home village of prominent anti-coup activist Dr. Tayzar San (who led demonstrations in Mandalay), detaining villagers and destroying their property.


24 June

POL The military organized a new legal team to present the defense in the Rohingya genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, previously led by ASSK.

ECN MAH visited the Kamaz automobile plant, which produces military-use vehicles. Most of the trucks used at the Russian Armed Forces were manufactured by this company.

VIO 15 military troops killed in Sagaing.


25 June

POL According to Dr. Sasa, the NUG has collected over 400 000 pieces of evidence of human rights violation, ready to be used in front of the ICC.

POL According to NUG Deputy Foreign Minister U Moe Zaw Oo, the NUG preparing to sign the Rome Statute to sue the SAC at the ICC.

POL MAH visited in Kazan city the Zelenodolsk plant, a ship manufacturing facility that builds military vessels.

INT The Belarus honorary consul to Myanmar, Aung Moe Myint, paid a visit to Minsk for talks with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolai Borisevich, where they discussed “ways of expanding and intensifying bilateral cooperation in various areas”.


26 June

ECN The military sold metal worth at least US$51 million as it seeks to raise hard currency to fund its coup.

ECN MAH toured the factory of Kazan Helicopters, one of the largest military helicopter manufacturers in the world. They export to more than 100 countries, including Myanmar.

VIO A tanker ship carrying aviation fuel (which can be used for military and commercial aircraft) arrived in Yangon after departing from Singapore’s Jurong Island on 23 June.


27 June

VIO Military vehicles were ambushed and 9 military soldiers were killed during a shootout with the Kale PDF.

VIO Junta trucks entered and searched a village in Bago Region, entered the house of the village NLD leader, and said they found improvised explosives, 6 villagers were arrested.


28 June

INT Ex-Japanese minister’s firm partnered with the military-linked company.

VIO Only 5-year-old Su Htet Wine was detained at her home along with her 44-year-old mother and 17-year-old sister, taken as hostages by the military who were unable to track down her father, a local teacher and protest leader in the village.

VIO The military sentenced 16 Yangon residents to death over the murder of an alleged informant.


29 June

CDM TNLA banned the sale of goods from military companies in its territory (Northern Shan State).

POL The Rohingya Solidarity Organization released a statement calling for Rohingya youths to prepare for an armed uprising against the SAC soon.

POL The military dropped charges against 24 celebrities who had been declared wanted under an anti-incitement law after anti-government comments.

POL Head of Myanmar EAO’s Peace Process Steering Team General Yawd Serk stepped down.

INT UK held an informal meeting of the UN Security Council on the "Arria formula", dedicated to the situation in Myanmar.

VIO 40 junta soldiers killed by the Chinland Defense Force during fierce clashes in Chin State.


30 June

EXM 6 journalists were freed after more than 120 days in detention for covering anti-coup protests in Yangon.

EXM The military threatened foreign media with lawsuits for calling it ‘junta’.

POL EXM Deputy Minister of Information announced the release of 2 342 political prisoners, who took part in protests but not in leading roles, among them at least 14 journalists, and also 5-year-old Su Htet Wyne (detained on 28 June).

POL 20 top gem industry figures attended a meeting hosted by the Myanmar Gems Enterprise to discuss securing new technology and foreign investment for the sector.

VIO The military detained and charged 3 Christian pastors from Kachin State who organized prayer for peace in Myanmar.

1 July

INT 150 members of the French Senate signed a petition calling on France to recognize the NUG.

INT Switzerland sanctioned 8 Tatmadaw figures.

POL 230 education civil servants from Kayah State were removed from their duties.


2 July

INT The US imposed sanctions on 22 people linked to the military, including the coup leader’s wife, the junta's social welfare minister Thet Thet Khine, who once billed herself as a democratic alternative to the NLD, and foreign investment minister Aung Naing Oo, who played an important role in implementing economic reforms under both the Thein Sein and ASSK governments, and added 3 Chinese mining companies working on the Letpadaung mine and one telecommunications firm to its trade blacklist for supporting the regime.

ECN The military invited bids for 12 solar power projects to raise foreign currency, with Thai and Chinese companies planning to make bids.

VIO The military forces killed 30 people in Depayin, Sagaing Region since raids in the area began.

VIO The military detained the 7-year-old son of the former head of the country’s COVID-19 vaccination program.

VIO 4 civilians tortured to death in military custody.


3 July

CDM Protesters burned MAH's images on his birthday.

POL INT The Tatmadaw information team stated that the legal team led by lawyer Christopher Staker will continue to defend Myanmar at the ICJ.

ECN China is making contingency plans to deploy troops to the border to protect (1) individuals privately investing mostly in Mandalay and northern Myanmar, (2) corporations investing in industrial estates and farming land, and (3) state-level investment in long-term developmental projects.

INT China's foreign minister Wang Yi criticized sanctions as "inappropriate intervention". Wang's Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, made similar comments. Moreover, Lavrov said Russia supports ASEAN in resolving the Myanmar crisis.


4 July

POL VIO “Mango” PDF (Thayet) formed in Thayet, Magway Region.


5 July

EXM Today was the deadline for telecom companies to fully implement intercept technology to let authorities spy on calls, messages, and web traffic and to track users.

INT The British-government-funded project Myanmar Witness is willing to share information with the UN Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar, which is probing suspected international crimes.

VIO The military returned to its tactic ‘four cuts’ to stamp out resistance to its rule, previously used against the Karen in the 1960s and the Rohingya in 2017.

VIO 20 military personnel and 2 members of the PDF were killed in a clash in Kawlin Township, Sagaing Region.


6 July

VIO The military detained a 12-year-old boy along with 6 others after resistance fighters clashed with the military.

INT During the 47th session of the Human Rights Council stressed that the (1) NUG and other CSOs be involved in the political process; (2) addressed the need for safe repatriation for the Rohingya; (3) showed concern over the ceasefire in Rakhine; (4) encouraged the SAC to implement ASEAN’s 5-point consensus; (5) recommended ASEAN to closely monitor its implementation; and (6) called to prevent arms sales to Myanmar.


7 July

POL 405 CSOs (collectively calling themselves Myanmar Spring) publicly criticized the CRPH for effectively following the 2008 Constitution and lack of discussion with non-NLD forces.

INT International brands abandon Myanmar’s devastated economy: US pretzel chain Auntie Anne’s, Chinese hot pot chain Little Sheep, and Taiwanese bubble tea franchise KOI Thé.

POL ASSK’s personal aide U Zaw Naing Win, ex Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was sentenced to 7 years in jail.

CDM Protesters hit the streets across Myanmar to mark the anniversary of 1962 student protests against the country’s 1st junta.

INT UN human rights expert urges sanctions on Myanmar's oil and gas sectors.


8 July

ECN Telenor sold its Myanmar business to the regime-linked Lebanese M1 Group, added to the Burma Campaign UK’s Dirty List in 2019, for just US$105 million (before the coup valued at several billion dollars) due to the junta’s recent demand to install software that would give security forces real-time access to users’ phone calls, SMS and data traffic (like state-owned MPT and military-linked Mytel are already doing).


9 July

POL The UEC announced it finished its audit of the 2020 elections and claimed that 11 305 290 illegal votes had been cast.


10 July

POL The NUG Ministry of Electricity and Energy announced tax exemption on oil and petroleum products until further notice to cut SAC revenues.


11 Jul

POL MAH has not appeared in public for 2 weeks since he returned from Russia on 27 June.

POL The newly formed Shan State Front for Federal appealed on unity in Shan State where 2 major armed groups - the Shan State Progressive Party and the Restoration Council of Shan State - are in conflict over a territorial dispute (since 2016, intensified after the coup with the military busy in Yangon) instead of targeting the military.


12 July

POL Order-letter issued to administrators in Yangon requiring late-night household inspections to enforce the rule (announced on 10 February) requiring households to register overnight guests, which has gone unenforced since attacks on local administrators began in May.

INT The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken gave a press conference, calling out 6 countries guilty of genocide including Myanmar - against the Rohingya in 2016-2017. With regards to the current political situation, Blinken called for an end of violence.

VIO The Karenni Army (KA) fought an all-day battle with the military across several locations in Kayah State; the clashes followed an informal ceasefire agreed by both sides last month.

VIO In Kani, Sagaing Region, residents made the discovery of 15 bodies in the woods, accusing the military of massacring civilians. Many of the bodies were blindfolded, tied up, and bore signs of torture.


13 July

POL ASSK faces a potential prison sentence of 75 years for a total of 10 cases after the military filed 4 new corruption charges in Mandalay in its effort to ensure that she stays behind bars.

VIO The wife (44) and daughter (17) of an anti-regime protest leader in Mogok, Mandalay Region, detained together with 5-year-old Su Hteh Wyne on 28 June, sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for incitement.

VIO The military restricted oxygen supplies to COVID-19 patients. MAH denied that there was any oxygen shortage at all, while many people queue for hours to buy private supplies to treat their relatives at home. Oxygen cylinder prices increased from 130 000 to 250 000 kyats; they are passed on from one home patient to another.

VIO Civilians were injured in the Hpakant battle between KIA and the military, villagers in the area fled amid heavy shelling by the military.


14 July

INT Via virtual meeting with ASEAN, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged his Southeast Asian counterparts to press for an end to the violence in Myanmar.

INT UN Special Rapporteur Tom Andrews called for international help to prevent the further exponential increase of COVID-19 cases and the collapse of the healthcare system in Myanmar.

POL INT Israeli-Canadian lobbyist Ari Ben-Menashe, hired by the military in March, stopped his work with the generals because sanctions prevented him from being paid.

POL Minister of Defence stated that more than 8 000 PDF recruits were fully trained.


15 July

ECN Independent Economists for Myanmar warned of a twin electricity sector crisis: (1) A short-term financing gap because customers are not paying their power bills; (2) which could lead to high inflation if the junta is forced to increase the money supply to cover the financing shortfall. Authorities are trying to force people to pay bills by cutting off supply – the response of guerrilla groups is bombing electricity offices.

POL Major Tun Tauk Naing, a leading member of the Mandalay PDF who was arrested on 23 June, now actively working with the SAC to try and convince PDF members to return back to the fold.

CDM 176 CDM civil servants of the education department from 18 townships of Shan State were removed from their positions.

INT Human rights groups called for Japan to cancel a real estate project involving Myanmar's defense ministry, saying the project is linked to the military.


16 July

INT The UK Parliament released a report on the Myanmar crisis and called on the UK Government “to treat the democratically elected NUG as a government-in-waiting.”

VIO Two boys, aged 12 and 15, charged with violating the Explosive Substances Act, and face at least 5 years in prison if convicted.


17 July

POL The NUG Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation blacklisted 21 directors and managers from Myanma Gems Enterprise for pressuring CDM staff.


18 July

INT The NUG requested the international community to provide humanitarian assistance amid the escalating COVID-19 crisis: 945 000 people are in need of aid, 336 000 people are internally displaced, and 6.2 million people experiencing food insecurity.

CDM INT The son of ASSK Htein Lin (Kim Aris) attended and addressed the Martyrs' Day event in London.

VIO 5 000 residents from 3 villages in Sagaing Region fled their homes after junta raids.


19 July

CDM Martyrs’ Day ceremony marking the assassination of General Aung San and his colleagues on 19 July 1947, opponents of the coup held protests.

VIO 44 soldiers were killed after stepping on landmines in Magway Region’s Pauk Township.

VIO The Tatmadaw bombed 2 villages in Kachin State, displacing some 200 villagers.


20 July

POL SAC released an order under Section 419 of the Constitution, providing amnesties to all those charged prior to 1 February, in order to prevent the proliferation of COVID-19 cases in detention facilities.

INT  A UNHCR convoy of trucks arrived in Mindat, Chin State. The UNHCR will distribute mosquito nets, sleeping mats, blankets, kitchen sets, solar lamps, and personal protective equipment for COVID-19 prevention.

ECN Russia postponed the construction of an iron-smelting plant in Myanmar to 2023.


21 July

POL The NUG formed an 11-member COVID-19 Task Force with local health organizations in the country’s ethnic areas to control the virus in cooperation with international agencies.

INT Head of Russia's state arms exporter said that Moscow was cooperating closely with the junta to supply it with military hardware, including aircraft.

VIO The ceasefire broke in the Chin State as the military soldiers clashed with civilian resistance fighters.


22 July

INT  730 000 (out of 2 million) vaccines donated by China arrived in Yangon.

ECN In the MAKS-2021 aerospace exhibition, the head of the Russian state-owned arms company Rosoboronexport said that Myanmar is their main customer in SE Asia.


23 July

CDM Thousands of political prisoners held protests against prison authorities by shouting anti-regime slogans at Yangon’s Insein Prison.

POL A new temporary head of the embassy in London appointed by the junta.


24 July

INT ECN The EU allocated € 2 million of financial support to independent humanitarian organizations to help fight the pandemic.

INT The UNHCR is not allowed to distribute humanitarian aid in Chin State to 6 000 IDPs outside of Mindat because of security reasons – only 66 families staying in a church and a monastery received aid. ​​The remaining supplies were left on site and the convoy left.


26 July

ECN According to the World Bank, Myanmar’s economy contracted by 18% this fiscal year.

INT Russia delivered a consignment of warplanes to the military.

POL The military officially canceled the November 2020 elections, citing its unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud. The NLD rejected the annulment.


27 July

INT The Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) on behalf of 474 Myanmar CSOs submitted a complaint against Telenor to Norway, contending that Telenor’s sale of its Myanmar business fails to meet the standards of responsible disengagement set out in the OECD Guidelines.

VIO PDF in Mon State destroyed the gas pipeline to Thailand.

VIO 5 unidentified bodies were discovered in Sagaing Region, the discovery comes 2 weeks after 15 bodies were found in the same township.


28 July

INT US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin decried the actions of the military and urged ASEAN to keep demanding an end to the violence.

VIO 57 members of the Mingin PDF in Sagaing Region were detained after an ambush by soldiers.


29 July

VIO PDF in Pale issued a written warning to all village heads in the township that if they continued to serve the regime council they would be attacked for betraying the people.


30 July

ECN The military-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar sold nearly US$90 million since the coup as the kyat’s value tumbles.

VIO 7 bodies with bullet wounds were found in the jungle area of Kani, Sagaing Region, after clashes with the army.

VIO The 3rd mass grave was found in Sagaing Region with 12 bodies including one of a 14-year-old boy.


31 July

EXM Rakhine State military council said journalists will not be included in target groups for the current round (100 000 people) of COVID-19 vaccinations.

VIO Tatmadaw infantry troop hit by a landmine near Thit Win Village, 15 soldiers killed.

VIO Chair of Moe Thauk Kyal Anti-Narcotic Association in Sagaing Region shot dead by 8 gunmen. He was accused of being a military informant.

1 August

POL MAH took on a new title as Prime Minister of the newly formed caretaker government (replacing the SAC) and extended the state of emergency until new multi-party elections by August 2023 and promised cooperation with any special envoy named by the ASEAN.

POL Deputy Commander-in-Chief Soe Win, previously Vice-Chair of the SAC, now appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the caretaker government.

POL The SAC Councils transformed into state and regional governments. The chairpersons of the councils will remain as the chief ministers of the new regime, with some exceptions.

VIO A joint statement from UNFPA and UN Women in Myanmar was released expressing the impacts of the compounded political and health crisis on women and girls in Myanmar.

VIO The leader of a PDF in Magway Region was killed in a shootout with police while providing covering fire so his fighters could flee an ambush.


2 August

INT 462 CSOs made formal submissions to the EU, UK, US, and Australia, demanding sanctions on the military-controlled Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE).

POL NUG declared the military caretaker government illegal and condemned MAH for taking the prime minister role.

CDM 20 civil servants arrested for supporting the CDM released from Insein Prison.

INT British Foreign Secretary condemned the junta's extension of the state of emergency.

VIO The military and members of the extremist Pyusawhti group destroyed 30 houses and shops in Magway Region’s Pauk Township.


3 August

VIO The military force used heavy artillery in an attack on Laiza in Kachin State where the headquarters of the KIA is based.

VIO 9 village heads in Pale resigned after receiving a warning from PDF in Pale on 29 July.

INT Myanmar’s UN envoy Kyaw Moe Tun sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General accusing the military of a massacre in Sagaing area and requesting action.


4 August

INT ASEAN appointed a special envoy to address the crisis in Myanmar, naming Brunei’s foreign minister Erywan Yusof, who was accepted by the military.

POL The military limited the number of foreign staff allowed to work in domestic banks, a move that could further impede financial development.

INT The 1st announced contact between a senior US official State, Deputy Wendy Sherman, and NUG Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung.

INT Myanmar UN envoy Kyaw Moe Tun stepped up personal security amid threats.


5 August

POL 28 political parties, including USDP, Rakhine State National United Party, Wa National Party, Mro National Development Party, Karen People’s Party, and National Development Party issued a joint statement saying they will work with the junta.

VIO Explosions at 6 sites in Loikaw, Kayah State, including 2 government offices.


6 August

CDM Beauty queen Htar Htet is collecting donations to support comrades involved in the CDM.

POL The military offered amnesty to some protesters in hiding, prompting a skeptical response from several facing charges.

POL Hundreds of CSOs rejected the appointment of the special envoy by the ASEAN, saying the organization should have also consulted opponents of the junta and other parties.

INT VIO 2 Myanmar citizens - Phyo Hein Htut and Kyaw Moe Tun - arrested in New York for plotting with an arms dealer in Thailand (who sells weapons to the Burmese military) to kill Myanmar's UN envoy. The junta still demands the envoy be extradited to face charges of high treason, which can carry a death sentence. The US Department of Justice released a statement on the incident.

POL ​​The junta’s Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin indicated the regime’s opposition to Erywan's meeting with NUG representatives at the ASEAN-EU ministerial meeting.


8 August

CDM Anti-military protests broke out across the country on the 33rd anniversary of the 1988 uprising. The campaign slogan was “Blood feuds from ’88 must be settled by 2021.”

INT In the UK and other countries, such as Italy, hundreds of people gathered outside the Myanmar embassy to join the 33rd anniversary of the 1988 uprising as a campaign for international recognition of the NUG


9 August

VIO 750 regime personnel were killed in more than 350 violent incidents during July, according to figures released by the NUG.

EXM Facebook removed 79 accounts, 13 pages, 8 groups, and 19 Instagram accounts linked to the military.


10 August

INT  The US gave Myanmar $50 million in aid as a result of an online meeting between US ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield and head of the NUG's new COVID-19 Task Force Dr. Cynthia Maung.

ECN Mindat CDF offers K5 million reward to regime forces who defect to it with their weapons.

INT More than 500 000 people signed a petition for the New Zealand government to recognize NUG.

VIO The military launched a series of raids and arrests in Yangon after the city saw a surge in attacks against the junta.

VIO Hundreds of residents of at least 10 villages in Sagaing Region were forced to flee after junta forces raided their villages.


11 August

VIO 5 anti-junta activists leaped from a high-level building in Yangon, plunging to their deaths rather than facing arrest.

INT China to fund 21 development projects in agreement with the military, which China now started calling the military “government”.


12 August

INT CDM The UNGA is expected to decide next month whether the junta or the NUG represents Myanmar on the world stage. Small-scale demonstrations (e.g. in Mandalay) were held across the country in recent days, with protesters displaying messages of support for the NUG. The related "Accept NUG, Reject Military" profile campaign on social media reached about 2 million netizens in 3 days.

VIO 30 junta soldiers killed by armed resistance fighters in Kayah State and Sagaing Region.

INT A group of 45 global and Myanmar human rights, media, and other organizations called on Norway’s Telenor Group to halt the controversial sale of its Myanmar operation to M1 Group.


13 August

INT Thai arms manufacturer Chaiseri Metal and Rubber Co. Ltd denied any connection with an assassination attempt against Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN.

VIO 4 unidentified men killed the chair of the junta-allied National Democratic Force’s Karenni State chapter at his home in Loikaw.


14 August

VIO In Sagaing Region a military convoy hit a landmine; 3 security personnel were killed and 10 were injured.


15 August

EXM 2 more journalists detained - Sithu Aung Myint and Ma Htet Htet Khine - bringing the number of media staff detained since the coup to 95.

POL Tickets in the NUG Spring Lottery, aimed at raising funds, sold out on the 1st day within 2 hours.

VIO A group of unidentified attackers killed 5 police officers on the Yangon train.

VIO In Mindat Township, fighting between security forces and CDF Mindat continued.


16 August

VIO Resistance fighters from Shan and Kayah states killed 10 junta soldiers after an attack on the power line.

VIO Leader of the Mandalay Protest Alliance Force Kyaw Thiha stopped on his motorbike, beaten and arrested at gunpoint by plainclothes junta soldiers.


17 August

INT The UK's ambassador to the UN called for an "immediate and sustained" ceasefire in Myanmar in order to vaccinate the public for COVID-19.

ECN The junta’s UEC announced plans to audit the financial records of Myanmar’s political parties, which may be used as a pretext to disband certain parties.

VIO A man was shot in the head in Mingin after drunk soldiers questioned him about not wearing a face mask.

ECN Australian company, the largest investor in the Bawdwin lead, silver, and zinc mine in northern Shan State, announced that it sold all of its shares in the project and would be leaving Myanmar.

INT The UN Security Council held closed consultations on the situation in Myanmar and also met with the ASEAN Special Envoy on Myanmar.

INT Russia called for lifting sanctions on Myanmar to improve the humanitarian situation.


18 August

ECN A new report by the Independent Economists for Myanmar argued that mismanagement by the military triggered a full-scale banking crisis by (1) arresting 4 of Myanmar’s leading financial experts; (2) suspending 200 staff at the Central Bank; (3) stopping depositors from accessing most of their money; and (4) using threats to force people to place their cash into banks.

POL In Naypyitaw, 4 ousted officials charged under Section 55 of anti-corruption law

VIO The military raided the homes of three elected NLD parliamentarians in Sagaing Region’s Depayin Township, arresting members of their families when the MPs themselves could not be located.

VIO The death toll as a result of the coup topped 1 000, according to AAPP.

VIO The Yaw PDF killed 20 junta soldiers in a remote mine attack.


19 August

CDM 40 military troops based in Tanintharyi and Magwe regions fled the armed forces and joined in against the junta.

CDM For the 1st time, after 143 years, the national lottery is being boycotted by the public, as people refuse to make any kind of payment to the military.

VIO Chair of free oxygen distribution group in Yegyi Township, Ayeyarwady Region, shot dead, and Yangon woman who provided free oxygen arrested.

VIO 1 of 3 survivors of a fall from a downtown Yangon building during a junta raid on 10 August was released from a military hospital and sent to an interrogation center.

VIO The military beat and arrested at least 15 young people during night raids in Yangon, while also looting shops and offices.


20 August

VIO Internet blackout in Hpakant in Kachin State, the area is the scene of frequent clashes between the Tatmadaw and the KIA.

POL The NUG launched Radio NUG to support effective communication between it and the people. In response, the military is confiscating radios from shops and plans to restrict imports.

VIO 50 junta soldiers killed in landmine attacks over the previous 2 days by civilian resistance fighters in Magwe Region.

INT Chinese Special Envoy for Asian Affairs was in Myanmar from 21 to 28 August at the invitation of the junta.


22 August

POL The CRPH condemned the exclusion of its representatives to attend the 42nd session of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (to be held 22-25 August) while the SAC’s representative was approved to be an observer.

VIO Resistance fighters from Tamu, Sagaing Region, killed 26 junta soldiers and police officers in 3 different attacks.


23 August

POL MAH is considering changing the country’s electoral system from the existing majoritarian model to proportional representation.

INT After the meeting with Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Alexander Fomin, Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Air Force Maung Maung Kyaw said that Myanmar counts on Russia's support in strengthening the combat potential of its armed forces.

INT Russian projects in the field of military-technological cooperation with Myanmar, including Rosoboronoexport, are being implemented according to plan.

VIO The Yaw Defense Force in Gangaw Township, Magwe Region, killed 30 junta soldiers and wounded others during an ambush.


24 August

EXM The regime cut MPT and Telenor mobile and Wi-Fi connections in areas of Mogaung Township, Kachin State.

POL The junta added a genocide law to the country’s colonial-era Penal Code, an attempt to ease international pressure on the regime as it faces a genocide charge at the ICJ for the atrocities against the Rohingya.

POL The NUG marked the 4th anniversary of the start of a campaign of violence against the Rohingya by a statement condemning the military's "atrocity crimes". The NUG also reiterated its plans to abolish the discriminatory 1982 Citizenship Law.


25 August

POL According to NUG Deputy Foreign Minister, the ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar, Erywan Yusof, has not yet contacted the NUG officially.

POL INT Myanmar bought Russian Pantsir S-1 systems (tactical air defense system).

ECN China opened a section of a rail line, part of BRI, which will provide China with access to the Indian Ocean via Myanmar.

VIO Salai Van Bawi Thang (10) was shot dead during gunfire by junta forces in Thantlang, Chin State.

VIO The military arrested the wife and son of U Naing Gan Lin, Yangon Region Minister for Social Affairs when they visited Insein prison.

VIO The military detained around 150 civilians (activists, NLD lawmakers, and striking civil servants) in 10 days this month as it continues its crackdown on the opposition.

VIO The chair of the Kachin National Congress M Kawn La was arrested by the military in Naypyitaw, as the 1st leader of an ethnic political party to be detained since the coup.


26 August

INT South Korea’s presidential office says it will continue to interact with NUG; it responded to an online petition signed by more than 268,000 people that calls on the Seoul government to recognize the NUG.

ECN Myanmar became the main importer of special military vehicles from Moscow (purchased for $ 7.14. million).


27 August

CDM Striking police officers in Kayah State formed a police force that will work together with anti-regime groups to fight the military rule, the 1st such shadow police force formed since February.

INT China voiced concern over the military regime’s plan to dissolve the NLD.

VIO The military and the KNU both mobilized their troops in villages south of Kawkareik Township, Karen State, as tensions rose.


28 August

CDM The NUG urged security forces not to obey SAC’s orders and pledged assistance to soldiers defecting to join the resistance.

VIO 1st clash between PDF and regime forces in Ye town, Mon State.


29 August

VIO Residents found at least 6 bodies in Kabaungkya village, 3 days after Tatmadaw forces raided the area.

VIO A series of explosions rocked at least 12 locations in Yangon and Mandalay Regions on 29 to 30 August, including offices of the NLD and the USDP.

VIO Soldiers raided the home of former NLD Regional Chief Minister Mahn Johnny and detained his relatives after a Facebook page released a photo of him holding a large rifle and wearing military fatigues.


30 August

VIO The Naypyitaw PDF attacked a military truck in Pyinmana Township and killed 11 soldiers.

VIO According to AAPP, 110 political prisoners died in regime custody since the military seized power.


31 August

CDM The People’s Soldiers group of military personnel who defected the Tatmadaw apologized to the public over killings by the military.

INT ASEAN Special Envoy Erywan Yusof held an online meeting with the military-appointed Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin. He requested a 4-month ceasefire to grant humanitarian access to aid organizations.

VIO The junta Air Force took delivery of one hundred 50kg bombs from a military factory for bombing practice.

VIO A truck carrying junta soldiers bombed by unidentified attackers in Yangon.

VIO Junta soldiers used artillery and raided Kin Ma, Magwe Region, the result of which 2 000 villagers fled to the forests.

1 September

ECN German food giant Metro announced the termination of its operations in Myanmar by October.

INT Vice Senior General Soe Win, Deputy Military Chief, and Vice Chairman of the SAC attended the closing ceremony of the International Army Games-2021 in Russia. High-profile monk Sitagu Sayadaw accompanied the junta.

INT A high-level delegation from the Pakistani Defense Ministry visited Myanmar; they held talks between 1-5 September on technology, aircraft repair, and maintenance, and naval munitions.

VIO 30 000 residents from 30 villages in Pauk, Magwe Region, fled their homes due to junta raids that started last week.


2 September

INT The junta will be present at the Eastern Economic Forum 2021 held in Vladivostok on September 2-4 during which it will hold a series of meetings with Russian businesspeople and officials.

VIO The junta troops burned donations of rice, food, and tarpaulins intended for 2 000 IDPs from Kin Ma, Magwe Region. Resistance forces killed an alleged military informant in Yangon and then detonated 2 bombs, injuring junta forces who arrived at the scene to investigate.


3 September

POL Ethnic Karen leaders announced that the NCA was no longer valid due to the military coup.

INT The UK government imposed sanctions against Myanmar tycoon Tay Za and his businesses for providing financial support and arms to the military.

INT Russian Deputy Minister of Defence Alexander Fomin held a meeting with Soe Win about deepening the military cooperation.

VIO The military destroyed religious buildings in Chin State.


4 September

INT Russia continues to fulfill the contract with supplying Myanmar with Yak-130 aircraft, weapons, and ammunition, signed with Myanmar 5 years ago.

VIO The military used artillery on civilians in Waingmaw and Laiza in Kachin State.


5 September

POL A live YouTube broadcast featured a raffle for donors who contributed to the NUG’s "5 Million Challenge" fundraiser.

6 September

POL Another lottery, the NUG's Spring Lottery sold out in half an hour.

INT ASEAN's special envoy Erywan Yusof said the Tatmadaw agreed to a 4-month ceasefire for the delivery of humanitarian aid. He did not speak with pro-democracy forces.

VIO Explosions at Telenor and Ooredoo telecom towers in Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region.


7 September

POL NUG President Duwa Lashi La announced the D-Day - people’s resistance war against the junta - and urged the public across the country to revolt against the military regime (the NUG itself did not appear to have significantly scaled up its capacity to wage war). The NUG declared a state of emergency and announced (more symbolic than anything) that all ministries under the military government were shut down. While there aren’t any nationwide, coordinated attacks yet, the announcement has seemingly emboldened guerrilla fighters to escalate assassinations and bomb attacks.

POL The chair of the KNU’s Dooplaya District called on the NUG to withdraw its declaration of war.

POL The junta denied that it ever agreed to the ceasefire proposed by the ASEAN envoy.

POL The junta released anti-Muslim monk Wirathu, 10 months after his arrest and 7 months after the coup.

ECN Telenor’s exit plan is proving a little difficult - the junta is reluctant to approve the sale of Telenor’s Myanmar subsidiary to Lebanese M1, which will delay M1's plan to invest $330 million over 3 years.

INT The UK expressed mild opposition to the NUG announcement in a tweet by the UK ambassador calling on "all parties to engage in dialogue". Similarly, the US said that it "doesn't condone violence as a solution to the current crisis”.

INT The Thai police were alerted to arrest anyone related to the NUG found to be staying in Thailand.

VIO Protesters destroyed around 68 military-owned communications towers.

VIO Resistance coalition between the PDF and KNLA clashed with the junta in Tanintharyi. Fighting ignited between the KIA and the junta in Sagaing. The PDF attacked a military battalion at the base of Mandalay Hill, killing 2 junta troops.

VIO The military council raided the house of NUG President Duwa Lashi La in Lashio, Shan State.


8 September

POL The chair of the KNU’s Dooplaya District called on the NUG to withdraw its declaration of war.

VIO PDFs across the country announced an escalation in attacks on junta forces in response to the declaration of war by the NUG. PDF fighters and the junta engaged in a clash in Sagaing Region’s Myaung, Sagaing Region, fired heavy artillery near a village – killed a civilian; residents fled. 3 bodies were found violently killed in Kalay, Sagaing Region, after military raids.


9 September

INT 23 political parties object to the NUG’s submission to the UN for Kyaw Moe Tun to remain as Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN.

INT Malaysian Foreign Minister said the NUG declaration of war reflects ASEAN'fs failure.  

INT The NLD attended an online meeting organized by the Communist Party of China.

VIO Junta troops killed 18 people, including civilians, in Magway Region, in the deadliest clash since the NUG declared the resistance war. PDF fighters killed 22 soldiers and captured 3 police officers during clashes in central Myanmar. During the battle with the Chinland PDF in Thantlang, Chin State, 2 junta soldiers were killed. 5 000 people from 15 villages in Pauk, Magway Region, fled their homes out of fear of military assaults following the NUG’s declaration of war. KNLA managed to take over the military base in Bago Region.


10 September

POL Fuel prices rose by between 70% and 80% in 7 months since February.

VIO Resistance fighters and the Chin National Army overran a military outpost near the border with India, killing 12 junta soldiers in the attack. Regime forces seized rice trucks heading to areas controlled by the New Mon State Party and KNU, raising concern among residents about food shortages.

11 September

CDM Singer Song Oo Hlaing performed at a concert in NYC to raise funds for the Spring Revolution. The event raised US$75 000.

VIO 15-20 villagers, including teenagers, were killed in fighting between junta troops and resistance forces in Gangaw, Magway Region. 5 soldiers were killed in fighting in Saw, Magway Region.


12 September

VIO Soldiers torched 27 houses and killed 2 people during an assault on a Magway Region village. Police station attacked and 35 police killed in Gangaw, Magway Region. Abbot, monks, and nuns were arrested after an explosion at a monastery in Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region.


13 September

POL ASSK was unable to appear at a court hearing for health reasons (dizziness).

POL INT Both the junta and the NUG launched rival bids to fill Myanmar’s seat for UNGA, which convenes next week. The UN avoided making a decision (for now) - the US and China have brokered an agreement, to keep still-serving Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, but he will not speak during the high-level engagement. This is a compromise of China and Russia pushing for junta rep while the US is pushing for Kyaw Moe Tun. The Credentials Committee will still have to make a decision by November as the UNGA procedure requires that all decisions be made by the end of the year.

INT Acting Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator at the UN OCHA, Ramesh Rajasingham, visited Myanmar from 13-15 September. He met with 3 junta ministers. The junta health minister rebuffed the UN official’s request for greater humanitarian access.

VIO 2 tortured bodies discovered in Gangaw, Magwe Region. Soldiers burned down 14 houses in Hnan Khar, Magway Region.


14 September

POL ASSK attended a hearing at a special court in Naypyitaw, as she was feeling better.

INT Myanmar UN representative Kyaw Moe Tun attended the closing of the 75th session and the opening of the 76th session of the UNGA; his SAC counterpart was not present.

VIO Targeted Internet shutdowns by the junta in several towns in Sagaing, Mandalay, and Magway regions.

VIO Clash in Kanpetlet, Chin State, with 10 Chinland PDF soldiers killed. Another 3 mutilated bodies were found in Gangaw, Magwe Region. 6 Dagon University students were arrested at an apartment in Kyauktada on the pretext of failing to report the required overnight guest registration.

VIO According to the NUG, a total of 1 710 junta soldiers were killed and more than 630 wounded during 1 171 shootouts and assassinations involving EAOs and PDFs over the past 3 months.


15 September

VIO The military fired artillery in the headquarters of the KIA in Kachin State. Clashes: in Chin State, Sagaing and Magwe regions on 15-16 September, with 21 junta soldiers killed; in Sagaing 5 members of the anti-junta Chaung-UPDF were killed.


16 September

ECN Myanmar’s military regime auctioned off 12 500 tons of hardwood on 16 and 30 September as it seeks to raise hard currency.

ECN The kyat fell to an all-time low this week after the country's central bank reversed exchange rate regulations imposed in August.

EXM 2 more journalists arrested by junta forces, raising the number of journalists being held by the military regime to 53.

VIO A warehouse of the military-backed Myanmar Beer bombed in Monywa, Sagaing Region. Junta raids in Myaing, Magwe Region, with 3 civilians dead; in Yangon with 1 civilian killed.


17 September

POL INT The NUG appointed a team for its representative office in South Korea that will handle bilateral relations.

POL ASSK will begin weekly court hearings for 4 out of 11 corruption charges against her on 1 October.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe and Sagaing regions; Chin and Kayah states (26 junta soldiers killed) on 17-18 September; in Tedim, northern Chin State (5 policemen killed); in Kachin State.


18 September

VIO 10 houses burnt down by security forces in Thantlang, Chin State. Clashes: in Nga Hlaing Twin, Kin Mun Chon, Kywe U, and Ber La Villages (thousands of villagers had to flee); in Yesagyo Town (10 security personnel killed); in Chin State (30 junta troops killed).

VIO 7 more Mytel Towers targeted: Kyunhla (3) and Homalin Townships (1), Sagaing Region; Ye and Bilin Townships (1), Mon State; Pathiengyi Township (1), Mandalay Region.


19 September

CDM Kachin youth gathered in downtown Myitkyina to show their opposition to MAH’s visit.

VIO The entire population (8 000 residents) of Thantlang, Chin State, fled after a day-long clash between resistance groups and the military over the weekend.

VIO 8 more Mytel Towers targeted: Ye Township, Mon State (2); Kyaukse (2) and Taungtha Townships (1), Mandalay Region; Kanbalu Township (2), Sagaing Region; Hpakant Township (1), Kachin State.


20 September

 ECN The Myanmar Foreign Ministry asked the Myanmar junta to increase security for Chinese projects in Myanmar including gas pipelines.

 ECN An agreement to conduct preliminary field investigation work for the Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone Deep Sea Port Project (part of BRI) was signed, signaling another step forward for the project.

VIO Firefights: in Kayah State and Sagaing Region (40 junta troops killed). The military stepped up its operations in Sagaing Region.

VIO The junta continues blocking the Internet in Kachin State and in Sagaing Region.


21 September

POL A military council court in Naypyitaw indicted ASSK for incitement under Section 505b of the Penal Code.

CDM Hundreds of people are receiving military training at a camp of the People's Revolutionary Army camp in Sagaing Region.


22 September

VIO Clash: a church and several buildings in Mindat hit by artillery shells.


23 September

POL Sean Turnell and ASSK appeared in court alongside 3 ousted Union ministers for the 1st time since their arrest.

POL INT NUG’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Department of State held a meeting and discussed the current political situations and human rights situations of Myanmar.

VIO The military cut off Internet access in 11 towns in Chin State and in Magwe Region after committing a series of violent assaults in the areas, including shelling towns and burning down villages.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (6 junta troops killed); in Shan State.


24 September

POL The SAC’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on “the international community to refrain from any form of engagement with terrorist organizations and their representatives”, hinting at the NUG and Kyaw Moe Tun.

INT US President Joe Biden, Indian PM Narendra Modi, Australian PM Scott Morrison, and Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga participated in the first-ever in-person Quad Leaders’ Summit and called for an end to the violence in Myanmar in a joint statement.

VIO The military regime burned down more houses in a village in Sagaing Region.


26 September

INT BBC Burmese announced that Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar representative at the UN, will keep his position until September 2022.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (6 killed, launched airstrikes, and cut off access to phone and Internet connections); in Kayah, Karenni State (30 houses burned).


27 September

INT UN human rights experts urged the UNSC to declare the Myanmar military junta a “terrorist organization”.

VIO Meitei rebel fighters from India are cooperating with the military regime.

VIO Clashes: different locations in Shan State (30 military soldiers killed for 3 days).


28 September

VIO 2 anti-junta resistance groups bombed a police station in Yangon. The junta sends more than 200 reinforcements to Bago Region after the captain and some soldiers defect to KNLA.


29 September

ECN Myanmar currency dropped 60% in the last few weeks. As a consequence, the price of fuel more than doubled since the coup.

INT NUG’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Zin Mar Aung met with Swedish Minister Ann Linde in an online meeting to discuss the current political situation of Myanmar.

VIO The junta laid landmines in residential areas while conducting raids on civilian resistance forces in Kayah State. Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe Regions, Kayah State (60 junta soldiers and 6 civilian fighters killed); in Kone Thar, Kayah State (30 soldiers killed, thousands of civilians fled homes).


30 September

ECN Myanmar currency dropped 60% in the last f

INT UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called in a report for an immediate international response to the political crisis in Myanmar, approved by 119 countries, China joining 36 countries that abstained, and Belarus voting against.

POL ECN During a press conference, military spokesperson Zaw Min Tun made a rare admission of culpability, saying the current government will have to take responsibility "for the economic crisis in Myanmar” because of the central bank’s inability to meet local demand for the dollar and the COVID-19 outbreak.

1 October

POL Former Yangon Chief Minister Phyo Min Thein testified against ASSK in a corruption case filed by the junta.

INT The NUG sent a letter to China, commemorating the 72nd anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

VIO The Kalay PDF attacked a small armed group calling themselves the “Informant Elimination Group” after multiple complaints by locals of terrorizing them through robbery, extortion, sexual assault, and extrajudicial killings.


3 October

CDM Monks in Mandalay protested to demand the immediate release of an arrested monk.

VIO Clashes: Wun Pyin and Yinmabin, in Sagaing Region (25 soldiers and 33 soldiers killed); Pongtaungponya, the border between Sagaing and Magway Regions (killed 28 soldiers).


4 October

INT ASEAN is considering not inviting the head of the junta to a summit scheduled for 26 October, due to the lack of progress on an agreed roadmap to restore peace.

INT Military spokesperson Zaw Min Tun continued to insist that ASEAN’s special envoy Erywan Yusof would not be allowed to meet with ASSK during his planned visit.

POL 12 village administrators in Katha Township, Sagaing Region, resigned after the township’s PDF warned them to quit by October 10.

VIO The Pale PDF attacked the convoy of 80 military vehicles with 27 mines, 5 military vehicles damaged.


5 October

INT The European Parliament voted to support CRPH and the NUG as the legitimate representatives of Myanmar, becoming the 1st international legislative body to officially endorse the organizations.

INT The French Senate unanimously approved a proposal to recognize NUG.

VIO 40 soldiers killed and 30 injured in a landmine attack on a military convoy heading for Magway Region. 20 homes burned by junta soldiers in 2 villages in Sagaing Region.


6 October

INT Malaysia’s Foreign Minister; his Indonesian counterpart and Brunei's second foreign minister issued a warning to the junta that Malaysia is ready to hold talks with the NUG if the junta continues to fail to cooperate with the ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar.

INT Russian banks are planning to provide banking services in Myanmar to promote bilateral trade.

POL 20 administration resignations out of fear of being attacked by PDFs in Yangon Region.

POL Military court imposes life jail sentences on 4 garment workers in Yangon on charges including high treason and links to an unlawful association.


7 October

POL Detained American journalist Danny Fenster faces in addition to a charge for incitement also an additional charge of violating the Unlawful Associations Act.

VIO Regime forces raid Brave Bar nightspot in Yangon Region, arresting about 250 people.


8 October

POL 6 more officials resigned in Sagaing, together 100 local administrators in Sagaing, Magwe, and Yangon Regions quit working for the junta in recent weeks fearing for their lives amid clashes between the military and PDF.

POL Tatmadaw veterans in Magway Region were invited by the military to return to army service; nearly 100 veterans signed up.

INT UN chief Antonio Guterres asked to postpone a virtual meeting with ASEAN ministers at the last minute to avoid signaling recognition of Myanmar's junta by being in the same online room as the military's envoy.

VIO Junta deployed 3 000 reinforcements to Upper Myanmar for clearance operations against PDFs.

VIO The junta suffered the bloodiest month with 1 562 soldiers killed.


9 October

VIO Clash: mine attack killed 20 junta soldiers in Magway Region.


10 October

INT NUG human rights minister Aung Myo Min visited Denmark and met Myanmar nationals on 9-10 October.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions and Kayah State (90 junta soldiers killed on the weekend).


11 October

POL The junta media accused 6 EAO´s of terrorism.

POL Win Myint revealed in court that the military tried to force him to resign during the coup, apparently to legitimize the takeover, but he refused.

CDM Protesters gathered in Sagaing Region and chanted slogans calling for the immediate release of ASSK and Win Myint.

INT The ASEAN Special Envoy canceled a visit to Naypyitaw, as the bloc debates stronger action against the junta.

VIO Clashes: 10 soldiers killed in Bago Region; 30 soldiers, including tactical operations commander, killed in Pale Township.


12 October

POL Family members of high-ranking military officers evacuated from Sagaing Region on military aircraft.

VIO Clash: 7 police officers killed in Magway Region.


13 October

ECN 2 Chinese-backed power plants in Yangon halted operations since July as they have become financially unsustainable.

ECN British American Tobacco ceased operations in Myanmar, becoming the latest international company to leave.

INT The EU released a statement expressing support to the ASEAN’s Special Envoy for Myanmar.

VIO The junta burned a church and 12 homes during the operations in Chin State. 1 200 villagers displaced by fighting sought refuge, but China evicted IDPs sheltering near the border in northern Shan State. The junta is accused of using human shields as it steps up its efforts to crush the Sagaing uprising.


14 October

INT Germany's Foreign Minister met with Zin Mar Aung, his counterpart in the NUG.

POL The junta stepped up efforts to switch the country’s electoral system to Proportional Representation, which would make it easier for smaller parties to win parliamentary seats and would therefore benefit the military’s proxy USDP.

POL 2 more lawyers defending ASSK prohibited from talking to the media by the SAC; 4 members of ASSK’s legal team are now under such prohibition.

CDM A 3rd secretary from the Myanmar Embassy in London joined the CDM; she is the 2nd diplomatic official of the embassy to join.


15 October

INT POL The junta turned down the ASEAN Special Envoy’s request to meet ASSK.

POL The junta also released 114 members of ethnic armed groups from prison.

VIO Chlashes: 50 junta soldiers were killed between Wednesday to Friday in Mandalay, Sagaing, Yangon Regions, and Kayah State.


16 October

INT ASEAN decided not to invite MAH to the Oct. 26-28 summit in Brunei after the bloc’s Special Envoy to Myanmar was denied permission to meet all stakeholders in Myanmar’s crisis. ASEAN will be inviting only a “non-political actor” from Myanmar (that the military can choose).


17 October

INT POL Additional charge against American journalist Danny Fenster related to his work with Myanmar Now.

INT US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet traveled to Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia (from 17-22 Oct) and said Myanmar’s situation has been the main focus of the team’s meetings with ASEAN partners at each stop.


18 October

POL The junta released over 5 600 anti-coup protesters; 110 of them were rearrested on the same day and charged under the terrorism law.

CDM An anti-regime protest in Mandalay: (20 civilians injured; 10 people arrested).

ECN The Kempinski Hotel in Naypyitaw closed down, marking the latest blow to Myanmar’s decimated tourism industry.


19 October

ECN Among Myanmar’s emerging cronies with business ties to the military is Dr. Tun Min Latt of the Star Sapphire Group of Companies who brokered drones and aircraft parts for the Myanmar Air Force.

INT The junta rulers asked Telenor executives not to leave the country pending regulatory approval of the company’s deal to sell its operations there “to have discussions physically with some of the Telenor management”.

INT The UK confirmed that the Myanmar military regime was not invited in person to a meeting between ASEAN and the G7 in Liverpool in December. The question is if the junta might be attending via video call.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (20 soldiers killed).


21 October

VIO The military regime ordered its troops to wipe out armed PDFs.

VIO After a month-long Internet blackout, the PDF in Gangaw, Magwe Region, threatened to destroy telecom masts belonging to Myanmar’s 3 main operators, MPT, Telenor, and Ooredoo if mobile services aren’t restored within 3 days.


22 October

VIO Regime forces negotiated with the KNLA to retrieve the 6 bodies of soldiers killed in fighting in Kayin State.


23 October

VIO The junta seized veteran political activist and prominent 88 Generation student leader Ko Jimmy in Yangon for his anti-regime activism (hospitalized in critical condition with a severe head injury after the arrest).


24 October

INT POL The military rulers followed their stern rebuke of ASEAN with a pledge to cooperate “as much as possible” with the 5-point consensus it agreed with ASEAN.

INT ASEAN’s Special Envoy to Myanmar Erywan Yusof officially warned by the SAC not to engage with entities labeled as terrorists, such as the NUG.

INT State media reported that a delegation led by the deputy commander of Russia's navy arrived in Myanmar, meeting with the Tatmadaw's naval chief of staff to discuss cooperation.

POL NUG appointed Bo Hla Tint as its ambassador to ASEAN.

CDM A group of young activists marched in Yangon with fire torches under the slogan "Destroy all pillars supporting the junta".

EXM The junta charged at least 6 journalists under the Counter-Terrorism Law and 5 journalists from Sagaing-based Zeyar Times, all were initially charged under section 505-A of the Penal Code this week.

VIO Clashes: in southern Shan State (10 junta soldiers killed, 1 000 residents forced to flee their homes); in Sagaing, Magwe, Ayeyarwady, Mandalay, Yangon regions, and Kayah (50 regime soldiers killed) over the weekend.


25 October

POL Pro-junta rallies were held in Naypyitaw and other towns with a strong military presence. A mix of Buddhist nationalist monks and the supporters of military-backed political parties paraded with posters declaring their support for the military regime.

INT UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Noeleen Heyzer of Singapore as his new Special Envoy on Myanmar.

INT NUG President Duwa Lashi La and Minister for Foreign Affairs Zin Mar Aung met with Jake Sullivan, the US President’s National Security Advisor to discuss regional and international engagement.


26 October

INT ASEAN leaders voiced disappointment at the Myanmar junta during the 1st day of their annual meeting while also expressing concerns over the situation in the member state. U.S. President Joe Biden joined Southeast Asian leaders rebuking the Myanmar junta excluded from the summit.


27 October

INT The NUG opened a Myanmar representative office in Czechia and David Červenka, director of the Human Rights and Transition Policy Department at Czechia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, addressed the opening ceremony in Prague.

ECN India’s largest port operator Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited said it would withdraw its investment in the military-owned Ahlone Port by June next year.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 junta soldiers killed; 500 residents fled their homes and the military burned down 10 houses); in Shan State (the junta forces used 19 detained civilians as human shields).


28 October

POL A spokesperson from the NUG said they formed a committee in collaboration with some armed ethnic groups called the Central Command and Coordination Committee (C3C).

VIO Regime forces detained more than 10 villagers in Shan State, and use them as human shields. The Tatmadaw’s Light Infantry Division 22 ordered regime forces in Kayin State’s Hpa-an town to shoot or kill if people try to escape or resist when making arrests for anti-dictatorship activities. Clashes: in Sagaing Region (25 more junta soldiers killed).


29 October

POL Win Htein, a senior aide to ASSK, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on charges of high treason.

POL NUG said it formed a command structure to coordinate between civilian resistance forces and allied EAOs to fight the regime.

VIO The army troops shelled the largely deserted Chin State, causing fires that destroyed 164 of the town’s 2,000 homes.


30 October

INT Kyaw Moe Tun, the Myanmar Ambassador to the UN, delivered a speech at the 76th session of the UNGA; he requested the international community to take action against the SAC.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (killed 15 soldiers).


31 October

POL Pro-SAC rallies were held in Ayeyarwaddy Region, in Bago Region, and in Mandalay City.

POL The NUG's Human Rights Ministry called for resistance groups to avoid using violence against civilians "especially children".

VIO Clashes: in Magwe and Sagaing regions and Chin, Shan, and Kayah states (10 civilians) over the past 5 days.

1 November

INT Malaysia wanted to see the ASEAN adopt a principle of "non-indifference" policy toward Myanmar's humanitarian crisis.

VIO 30 young people and teenagers were arrested in Yangon, as junta forces raided several residential areas around the city. Clashes: in Sagaing Region (killed 15 soldiers and one PDF sniper).


2 November

POL Kayan Township was hit by a wave of resignations (almost every local administrator quit); the junta struggles to retain control.

INT Former U.S. ambassador Bill Richardson held talks with MAH in Myanmar.

EXM With the military putting down protests on the streets, a parallel battle is playing out on social media, with the junta using fake accounts to denounce opponents and push forward its message that it seized power to save the nation from election fraud.

VIO The junta soldiers raided the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) office in Karen State, near the Thai border. Clashes: in Sagaing Region and Chin and Kayah states (12 regime troops killed) on 1-2 November.


3 November

POL The military stood by its decision to deny the Southeast Asian envoy access to ASSK, resisting growing international pressure to comply with a regional peace plan agreed in April.

VIO The junta escalated its campaign against anti-coup opponents nationwide by stepping up its arrests, torture, and killings. Clashes: in Shan State (4 000 villagers fled their homes).


4 November

EXM Detained American journalist Danny Fenster was hit with a new charge under Immigration Act.

VIO Clashes: in Yangon, Mandalay, Magwe, Sagaing, Tanintharyi regions, Chin, Shan, and Kayah states (100 junta soldiers and some PDFs killed) on 3-4 November.


5 November

ECN NUG started selling bonds to fund the revolutionary movement against the junta.

CDM 500 civil rights groups called for a UNSC meeting to stop escalating violence in Myanmar's Chin State, which has become a forefront of resistance against military rule.

POL Military-linked parties begin a 3-day conference on switching to the PR electoral system.


6 November

POL The NUG announced that they plan to end military rule within 2 years, at which point they will work to rebuild Myanmar with domestic and international businesses who paid taxes to them.


7 November

ECN The NUG hit out at the Japanese government for funding the junta via a lucrative gas project (Nippon Oil Exploration Myanmar). The project has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues since 2000.

VIO The AAPP reported that more than 9 800 people have been arrested and over 1 200 people killed since the 1st reported fatality after the coup.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (the military used helicopters in fighting).


8 November

CDM Myanmar social media is filled with people sharing their memories of voting one year ago and expressing their sadness that their voices were not listened to.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (20 soldiers killed; 12 houses burned down), and in Shan State (30-40 houses burned down or damaged).


9 November

ECN Plans by Norway's Telenor to withdraw from Myanmar by selling its telecom operations there to a Lebanese firm further stalled after the junta indicated it favored at least part-ownership by a local company.

VIO From 6 November, over 80 junta-appointed local officials in Magwe Region resigned due to threats from local PDFs.


10 November

INT The UNSC expressed deep concern over increased violence across Myanmar and in a rare statement, agreed by the 15 members, called for an immediate end to the fighting.

POL Myanmar court sentenced 2 members of ASSK’s political party to 90 years and 75 years in prison after finding them guilty of corruption.

ECN Campaigners called for stricter regulations to force electric vehicle makers like Tesla to vet their supply chains more thoroughly, since some metals used in electric vehicles may come from mines controlled by the junta.

VIO According to the NUG report, the junta committed war crimes against civilians by shelling and burning down houses as well as religious buildings in 56 villages and a town across 7 regions and states.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Tanintharyi Regions, and Chin, Mon and Shan States on 9-10 November (104 junta soldiers died).


11 November

VIO According to the NUG Defense Ministry, the military suffered its heaviest losses yet in October, with 1,300 soldiers killed and 463 injured in clashes with PDFs. The junta’s casualties are almost double the number the regime suffered in September.

VIO The junta continued to seize homes of those with ties to NLD and NUG.


12 November

INT EXM The US journalist Danny Fenster was sentenced to 11 years in prison with hard labor after he was found guilty on a series of charges including incitement. The U.S Department of State and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet condemned this move, adding it was illustrative of a wider reduction of media freedom in Myanmar.

ECN MAH met the Chairman of Russia-Myanmar Technological Cooperation Joint Commission and the Deputy Director-General of JSC "Rosoboronexport" Company in Naypyitaw. They discussed plans for further cooperation and Russian assistance in upgrading the Tatmadaw’s weapons.

ECN The number of domestic companies that have been deregistered for failing to submit annual returns rose to 1,500 in mid-November, shows a list issued by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration.

POL Politicians and resistance fighters in the Yaw region of Magway formed a People’s Administration Team to govern much of the area after the majority of state employees working under the junta there resigned or defected.

VIO 3 000 people fled their homes in four Tanintharyi Region townships in fear of junta forces. Clashes: in Sagaing, Mandalay, and Yangon Regions, and Chin and Kayah States on 11-12 November, with 90 junta soldiers and 3 civilian resistance fighters killed.


13 November

INT POL Yohei Sasakawa, the Japan Representative for Myanmar National Reconciliation and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation, arrived in Myanmar. While his visit was “personal” he traveled to Rakhine State and met with the junta, politicians, and ethnic leaders in Naypyitaw and Yangon. He was also asked by the US to assist in negotiations for Danny Fenster’s release.

INT Chinese special envoy for Asian Affairs Sun Guoxiang arrived in Myanmar on his 2nd visit since August (21-28 August) to hold talks in the prevision of the China-ASEAN summit (scheduled for 22 November) with Myanmar’s participation still uncertain. He met with MAH, Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, and Lieutenant-General Yar Pyae during his visit.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (21 junta soldiers killed).


14 November

INT Don Pramudwinai, Thailand deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister arrived in Naypyitaw to meet with Myanmar Foreign Minister and MAH.

ECN 16 family members from the No.16 Light Infantry Regiment based in Sagaing Region donated K500,000 to the Monywa People's Defence Force.


15 November.

INT EXM The junta released US journalist Danny Fenster.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Magwe, Mandalay, Yangon, and Ayeyarwady regions on 14-15 November (70 junta troops killed).


16 November

INT China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated that China would work with the international community to solve Myanmar’s political crisis. He reiterated that China would encourage the implementation of ASEAN’s 5-point consensus.

POL The National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC), the anti-coup movement’s top decision-making body, said during its 1st online press conference, that it would continue its efforts to broaden its alliance against the junta.

POL The military imposed new restrictions on motorbikes, as an attempt to limit the movements of civilian resistance fighters (who use motorbikes to carry out shooting and bombing attacks on junta forces) in Yangon, Tanintharyi, Sagaing, and Mandalay regions.

ECN The military cut off power to factories, workshops, hotels, and businesses in Mandalay that refused to pay their electricity bills.

POL The junta charged ASSK, Win Myint, and 14 other individuals for alleged election fraud.

VIO Clashes: in Ayeyarwady Region (10 soldiers killed); Mandalay Region (15 soldiers killed).


17 November

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (13 members of the Kayin State Border Guard Force and 7 BGF soldiers killed); in Ayeyarwady Region (10 soldiers killed), and in Magway Region (13 civilians including a teenager used as a human shield).


18 November

ECN The multinational beer giant Kirin preparing to take legal action by the end of this year in order to dissolve its partnership with a conglomerate owned by Myanmar’s military.

VIO 27-year-old teacher Aye Sandar and 3 girls and 2 boys between the ages of 6 and 14, taken from the Myat Gone Yi charity school to the custody.

VIO The regime council warned Mandalay residents that they will be beaten if they damage its notices posted in public.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (15 soldiers killed).


19 November

INT POL The military regime rejected a request from Yohei Sasakawa to meet ASSK.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions (80 junta soldiers and 14 civilian resistance fighters killed).


20 November

VIO The Electric Power Corporation office and police station in Yangon Region bombed overnight after a 5-day power outage.


21 November

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 junta soldiers killed) and in Mon State (20 deaths from a mass drowning during a pagoda festival).

22 November

ECN NUG sold more than US$6 million worth of bonds in less than 12 hours.

INT POL The UK invited ASEAN nations (except for Myanmar) to attend a G7 foreign ministers meeting in Liverpool from 10-12 December.

INT POL MAH didn´t attend the virtual China-ASEAN leaders' summit (the 2nd time the regime has been excluded from a high-level ASEAN meeting after the ASEAN Summit on 26 October).

VIO A Catholic church in Loikaw, Karenni State, forced to close its charity clinic following a raid that resulted in the arrest of 18 staff members. Clashes: in Magwe Region (120 junta soldiers and 15 civilian resistance fighters killed) during regime raids and airstrikes in the past 2 weeks, death toll at hands of the junta reached 1 281 since the coup. Myanmar’s military used 2 newly-acquired Su-30 fighter jets from Russia against KIA targets in Kachin State.


23 November

INT POL NUG Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Tu Hkawng attended an ASEAN seminar (23-24 November) on climate change and diplomatic challenges in the face of the COVID-19 in Southeast Asia (becoming the 1st NUG minister invited to a meeting held by the bloc).

INT POL State media reported that a Myanmar delegation led by Lieutenant-General Than Hlaing attended the 89th Session of the INTERPOL General Assembly, held in Istanbul, Turkey from 23 to 25 November.


24 November

ECN Justice For Myanmar (JFM) published an investigation revealing the companies selling gems on popular online platforms based in the US.

VIO The state-owned MPT cut off telecommunications for all 37 townships in Sagaing Region (such widespread cuts are usually followed by Tatmadaw operations).

VIO The military arrested 18 medics for providing treatment to patients members of "terrorist organizations". Clashes: in Magway Region (2 000 people from 3 villages fled their homes following escalating fighting); in Chin State (50 houses being burnt down, the CDF is claiming that nearly 260 homes burnt down since the coup).


25 November

INT The junta advised Cambodia, chair of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) held by video on 25-26 November, that it will not attend the summit because it was invited to send a non-political representative.

VIO 7 explosions reported in Mandalay city most seem to be targeting junta soldiers and staffers. Clash: in Kayah State (thousands of people fled their villages due to military raids).


26 November

INT The US issued a joint statement along with Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, and Britain expressed concern over a military offensive in Myanmar.

INT After the ASEAN-Europe online Meeting (ASEM), the participants issued a joint statement, calling for all parties to engage in peaceful dialogue, calling for the early release of all political prisoners, and for the return to the path of democratic transition.

VIO Junta forces clash with the MNDAA and KIA in Kutkai Township for the first time this month.

VIO The military threatened to arrest citizens who invest in bonds offered by the NUG, warning them of lengthy prison sentences for their involvement in what it called "terrorist" financing.


27 November

EXM The Tatmadaw Lovers Network held an online protest against the military council, where military personnel and their families at Tatmadaw bases throughout the country protested against MAH and senior officers, saying there was no justice or accountability in the military.

VIO Clash: Chin State (50 houses, including a church, burnt down) in total, more than 300 houses out of 1 000 destroyed since the coup.


28 November

ECN Ayeyarwady Region Investment Commission approved 2 projects by Chinese investors to build cut-make-pack garment factories worth US$7.694 million.

INT POL Russia and Southeast Asian countries held their 1st joint naval drills: 2021 ASEAN-Russia Naval Exercise (ARNEX-21) in Indonesia from 28 November to 4 December. Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Brunei sent one warship each.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (50 soldiers killed).

29 November

ECN NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment suspended selling treasury bonds because of high demand.

INT ECN Australia’s wealth fund, the Future Fund, had equity holdings valued at AUD$157,9 million across 14 publicly listed companies directly linked to the Myanmar military, according to new research by Justice For Myanmar.


30 November

POL 3 members of the NLD were charged with terrorism by a military regime court, after being accused of planning to bomb a power station in Naypyitaw. 50 elected leaders and top officials served under the NLD government face lengthy terms of imprisonment for an array of charges brought against them since the coup.

VIO 198 junta soldiers died in fighting with the MNDAA in northern Shan State in July. Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 000residents from about 15 villages fled their homes due to junta airstrikes).

1 December

INT POL The US’ top diplomat for Asia, who is currently on a visit to the region, will reaffirm Washington’s commitment to work with Southeast Asian countries, including on the Myanmar crisis.

POL The military regime filed a new corruption charge against ASSK and President U Win Myint related to the rental and purchase of a helicopter for use in the management of natural disasters and state affairs.

INT The UN's credential committee decided to defer the decisions on the representatives of Myanmar, meaning that the Myanmar junta will not be allowed into the world body for now and Kyaw Moe Tun will remain Myanmar's ambassador to the UN.

CDM 2,000 soldiers and 6,000 police officers now joined the CDM against the junta since the coup.

INT Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his Cambodian counterpart Hun Sen agreed during an online conference to “work closely together over the situation in Myanmar” and disputes in the South China Sea.

INT At a ceremony receiving foreign ambassadors’ credentials, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that “the international political, ethnic, and denominal situation in Myanmar should be settled without external interference”.

VIO 400 telecommunication towers in Myanmar were destroyed by opponents of the coup.

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (32 Tatmadaw personnel killed) and in Sagaing Region (burned down around 20 houses).


2 December

VIO Junta forces stealing cattle from IDPs in Sagaing Region and selling them to brokers at cheap prices.


3 December

INT Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said he is ready to visit military-ruled Myanmar, which would make him the first head of government to meet the leaders of the regime.

INT Myanmar people continued being arrested for illegal entry in Thailand and more than 180 people were detained in Thailand in 2 days.

INT The Myanmar military junta participated in the ASEAN-Russia Naval Exercise, hosted by Indonesia on 1-3 December. According to Justice for Myanmar, the exercise shows a deepening level of Indonesian and ASEAN complicity with the Myanmar military junta.

VIO Chin State is facing serious shortages of food and medicine because of restrictions imposed by junta forces on transporting goods to the region.

VIO The junta killed around 100 children in the 10 months since the coup, according to the NUG.


4 December

INT The Czech Government and the NUG reached an agreement for Myanmar citizens in Czechia to extend their passports. Discussions on the technical process are still ongoing. The Czech government has already extended visas for Myanmar citizens by 1 year and 6 months.


5 December

VIO At least 5 protestors were killed and 15 arrested by the SAC members who rammed through and gunned down people in Yangon during the brutal crackdown.


6 December

POL ASSK and Win Myint received their 1st guilty verdicts from a military court, both convicted under section 505(b) of the Penal Code for incitement as well as under section 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law for breaching COVID-19 restrictions. Initially, they were handed 4-year sentences, but the junta unexpectedly announced that both had been issued a pardon, reducing their sentences to 2 years.

INT The UN ambassador of Myanmar’s civilian government Kyaw Moe Tun will remain in the position for the time being, after the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution delaying the decision on who will represent the country at the world body.

VIO Clash: in Mandalay Region (23 soldiers killed).


7 December

INT Japanese Kirin filed for arbitration at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre over the termination of its joint venture with MEHL.

INT An Uzbekistan Airways plane landed at Yangon International Airport, carrying paper used for printing banknotes.

POL The junta made military training compulsory for soldiers' children. Since April, any male or female child over the age of 15 and able to hold a gun has been forced to undergo military training.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (50 soldiers were killed, the junta burned alive 10 villagers, and 2 000 civilians were forced to flee their homes).


8 December

INT POL The US’ top diplomat for Asia, who is currently on a visit to the region, will reaffirm Washington’s commitment to work with Southeast Asian countries, including on the Myanmar crisis.

INT The EU stopped renting its official ambassador’s residence from the family of late Myanmar dictator General Ne Win after 8 years.

CDM Police officers who left their posts to join the CDM in Kalay formed their own law enforcement service in partnership with local PDF fighters.

VIO Myanmar soldiers were accused of rounding up 11 people in a village in Sagaing before shooting them and setting their bodies on fire.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe, Sagaing, Mandalay and Yangon regions and Chin and Kayah states (80 junta soldiers killed).

9 December

INT Facebook removes all pages, groups, and accounts of businesses affiliated with the junta. Meta said it would continue to monitor the situation in Myanmar and take necessary steps to ensure the safety of the Myanmar people.

INT MAH held virtual talks with Cambodia’s Commander-in-Chief, General Vong Pisen, who reportedly invited MAH to attend the 19th ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces meeting in March 2022.

VIO 500 violent clashes were recorded between the junta and the KNU during the last 2 months, killing 461 regime soldiers, according to the KNU.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe, Sagaing, Mandalay and Yangon regions, and Chin and Kayah states (80 junta soldiers were reportedly killed).


10 December

INT A UK-based NGO submitted evidence to the ICC on World Human Rights Day, proving that MAH is guilty of crimes against humanity.

CDM Protesters hold a "Silent strike" nationwide against the military junta after the massacre of villagers by soldiers. The junta pressured the public not to participate and keep shops open.

INT A senior US official urged Cambodia not to make any concessions to Myanmar's military junta when Phnom Peng chairs the ASEAN next year.

INT  Myanmar resumed rare-earth trade with China after border reopening, to ease elevated prices.

INT  European CSOs have been pushing for a new round of targeted economic sanctions on sources of revenue to the military, but the EU has not announced yet whether it considers the 4th round of sanctions.

INT The US imposed extensive human rights-related sanctions on dozens of people and entities tied to China, Myanmar, North Korea and Bangladesh. Canada and the UK imposed the same sanctions on the Myanmar military-linked organizations (but not on the chief ministers), and added the military’s Directorate of Procurement, another weapon institution, to their list as well.

11 December

POL The NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment legalized the use of "USD Tether (USDT)", a stable cryptocurrency for local use, which should eliminate barriers to donate to the NUG and to PDF.


12 December

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (90 junta forces killed) and in Mandalay (8 members PDF dead by the junta forces).


13 December

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (100 houses burned down by the junta forces).


14 December

EXM Journalist Soe Naing died in military custody, after being arrested on 10 December. This is the first known death of a journalist since the coup. The same day the regime sentenced 3 Shan-based journalists and one of their family members to 3 years  in prison.

INT Despite not being formally invited to US President Joe Biden’s democracy summit held 9-10 December, the NUG delivered an address - at the invitation of Venezuelan president Juan Guiadó (whose government is also contested).


15 December

ECN According to Global Witness, despite gemstone mining being currently illegal (since all mining licences expired in 2020), it is funding the junta, including via major international brands. 

INT China facilitated talks in Mong La between the Myanmar junta and 6 EAOs based in the country’s north.

INT An independent group of former UN human rights observers, the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SACM), said the military should be designated and treated as a terrorist organization because of its extreme acts of criminal violence against civilians.

INT Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Prak Sokhonn will be the new ASEAN Special Envoy to Myanmar. 

VIO 200 junta soldiers aimed at flushing out the democracy activists who had taken refuge in Lay Kay Kaw (dubbed the peace town, established in 2015 to house returning refugees from Thailand) in Karen State.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region and Mon State (60 junta soldiers killed within 3 days) and in Kayin State (20 soldiers killed). 


16 December

VIO Clash: in Karen State (18 junta soldiers died). 


17 December

INT Justice For Myanmar calls for investigation and a global arms embargo after the Myanmar military junta commissioned aircraft manufactured in France, Russia & China.

POL ASSK appeared in prison uniform in the court. 

VIO 2 500 people fled fighting between army and ethnic minority groups and took refuge across the border in Thailand. On 19 December, Thailand sent over 600 Myanmar refugees back across the border. 

INT MAH and Tatmadaw leaders’ trial due in Argentine court for genocide against Rohingya. 

VIO Clash: in Magway Region (20 people killed by a regime airstrike).


19 December

ECN Junta troops raided 2 jade trading compounds in Mandalay, detaining around 300 brokers and traders for selling jade via the online Chinese payment platform WeChat, which the military regime has banned. The junta-appointed Mandalay City Development Committee called for all trade to be conducted at its Maha Aung Myay market. However, many don’t dare to go there because they are afraid of both the military regime and the resistance groups that warned against trading at the official market to prevent the regime from receiving taxes. There have been 5 explosions near the market since it reopened.

VIO Clash: in Shan State (100 junta soldiers killed).


20 December

INT Human Rights Watch urged Japan to halt a military study-abroad program in which cadets from Myanmar receive combat training.

INT The military shut down the office of the UN Special Envoy for the country, reasoning that the term of the envoy, Christine Schraner Burgener, is over.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions (10 civilians and resistance fighters killed by junta airstrikes, while hundreds of local residents displaced) and in Naypyitaw (12 junta soldiers killed).


21 December

INT Myanmar and Russia jointly organized the 12th ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group on counter-terrorism. The meeting was chaired by Myanmar through videoconferencing.


22 December

INT India’s Foreign Secretary made an official visit to Myanmar on 22-23 December, the country’s 1st official outreach to the military junta

ECN Myanmar will start accepting Renminbi as an official settlement currency next year for trade with China to restart several joint projects and forge closer economic ties with Beijing.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing (20 civilians killed and 38 homes torched). 


23 December

ECN Faced with record lows of FDI, the military regime is pushing China to restart several stalled infrastructure projects and to accelerate bilateral cooperation over the coming months.


24 December

POL MAH attended the 74th anniversary of the founding of the Myanmar Navy in Yangon and commissioned the Myanmar military’s 2nd submarine (provided by China). 

VIO Massacre in Kayah state (35 people killed, tortured, burnt by the the military).


27 December

POL The NUG and the ethnic Karenni State Consultative Council held a virtual joint press conference regarding the 24 December massacre in Kayah state to publicize their findings. 

INT The UN Humanitarian Affairs Chief, Martin Griffiths, called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the 24 December massacre so that perpetrators can be brought to justice. 


28 December

POL The Brotherhood Alliance (which includes the TNLA, AA, and Kokang’s MNDAA) condemned the 24 December massacre.

INT The US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken condemned the 24 December massacre. 


29 December

INT  The UNSC called for accountability for the 24 December massacre. 

VIO The Karenni community held a funeral for 33 of the at least 35 people who were killed by the military troops in Kayah State on 24 December. 

VIO The international humanitarian aid group Save the Children confirmed 2 staff were among the 35 victims of the 24 December massacre. 


30 December

INT The junta ordered its staff not to accept any notification issued by international courts (sent by the ICC or the Argentinian Federal Court) regarding any efforts to prosecute the junta leaders. 

VIO 62 detainees (including NLD government ministers and leaders, artists, and students) accused of supporting or participating in the anti-regime protests were sentenced to prison.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (19 soldiers killed) and in Chin State (50 more houses and a church were set on fire).


31 December

INT The UN special envoy Noeleen Heyzer delivers her 1st New Year message to the Myanmar citizens assuring them they're not alone as they fight for a better future.

1 February
POL The military staged a coup (Notification 1/2021) in Naypyitaw and declared a state of emergency for a year, handed over all executive, legislative and judicial powers to MAH, and detained ASSK, President Win Myint, other NLD party leaders, and CSO activists.

2 February
CDM Health workers and civil society started the CDM movement.

5 February
POL NLD lawmakers held an emergency parliamentary session and formed the CRPH to serve as a legitimate Parliament. The CRPH has 20 members, 17 from the NLD.

9 February
VIO Police shot Mya Thwe Thwe Khaing (19) in Naypyidaw, she is the first victim of the coup. She died of her injuries on 19 February.

11 February
INT  The US announced sanctions on the junta leaders and several companies.

18 February
INT  Britain and Canada imposed sanctions on Myanmar’s generals.

27 February
POL Myanmar's UN ambassador was fired by the military a day after he urged the UN to use "any means necessary".

28 February
VIO The deadliest crackdown thus far, killing 18 protesters in a single day.

2 March
POL The military replaced the Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN Kyaw Moe Tun with Tin Maung Naing, who resigned the next day and said Kyaw Moe Tun would continue to represent the country.

8 March
EXM The military banned independent media: DVB, 7Day News, Mizzima, Myanmar Now, and Khit Thit Media. Soldiers raided Myanmar Now’s office in Yangon, seizing computers (the first media outlet to be raided).

14 March
VIO Chinese factories were set on fire in Hlaing Tharyar and Shwepyithar townships in Yangon.

22 March
INT The EU imposed sanctions (first round) on 11 individuals linked to the coup.

1 April
INT The UNSC suggested sanctioning the junta, with China and Russia blocking the attempt. In reaction, protesters called for the shut Chinese Embassy in Yangon.

16 April
POL The CRPH formed the National Unity Government (NUG), a government-in-exile, which includes 26 ousted lawmakers, members of ethnic minority groups, and anti-coup figures.

24 April
INT ASEAN’s Special Meeting on Myanmar in Jakarta: released a “5 Points of Consensus”. Pro-democracy activists fiercely rejected the agreement.

5 May
POL The NUG set up the People’s Defence Force (PDF) as a precursor to the Federal Democratic Armed Forces. Ordinary civilians all around the country began forming local PDF groups.

18 June
INT The UNGA adopted a (non-binding) resolution by a vote of 119 countries denouncing the Myanmar military. 36 countries abstained (Thailand, China, Russia) and 1 voted against (Belarus). It was only the 4th time since the end of the Cold War that the UNGA had passed a resolution condemning a military coup, and was a rare occasion in which the body also called for an arms embargo.

8 July
ECN Telenor sold its Myanmar business to the regime-linked Lebanese M1 Group, added to the Burma Campaign UK’s Dirty List in 2019, for just US$105 million (before the coup valued at several billion dollars) due to the junta’s recent demand to install software that would give security forces real-time access to users’ phone calls, SMS and data traffic (like state-owned MPT and military-linked Mytel are already doing).

1 August
POL MAH took on a new title as Prime Minister of the newly formed caretaker government (replacing the SAC) and extended the state of emergency until new multi-party elections by August 2023 and promised cooperation with any special envoy named by the ASEAN.

7 September
POL NUG President Duwa Lashi La announced the D-Day - people’s resistance war against the junta - and urged the public across the country to revolt against the military regime (the NUG itself did not appear to have significantly scaled up its capacity to wage war). The NUG declared a state of emergency and announced (more symbolic than anything) that all ministries under the military government were shut down. While there aren’t any nationwide, coordinated attacks yet, the announcement has seemingly emboldened guerrilla fighters to escalate assassinations and bomb attacks.

16 October
INT ASEAN decided not to invite MAH to the Oct. 26-28 summit in Brunei after the bloc’s Special Envoy to Myanmar was denied permission to meet all stakeholders in Myanmar’s crisis. ASEAN will be inviting only a “non-political actor” from Myanmar (that the military can choose).

24 December
VIO Massacre in Kayah state (35 people killed, tortured, burnt by the the military


3 January

POL The NUG held a virtual press conference regarding the massacre in Kayah State on 24 December.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magwe regions and Kayah State (150 regime troops killed over 5 days) and in Mandalay Region (18 soldiers killed)


4 January

INT As Myanmar marks Independence Day only 4 messages of “felicitations” were addressed to MAH: the Cambodian PM, Cambodian King, Russian President, and Belarusian PM. Messages were also sent to the junta’s Foreign Affairs Ministry from Cambodia, Serbia, Russia, and North Korea. France and the US put out statements of condemnations of violence. 

INT Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun told that the regime would not allow Cambodian PM Hun Sen to meet with resistance figures during his state visit planned for 7-8 January.

POL To mark Myanmar’s Independence Day MAH honored 1 000 staff, including soldiers, police, ministries staff and several hundred assassinated ward administrators.

CDM The NUG’s Command &Control Unit claimed that they are able to coordinate with 35 undisclosed resistance groups.

INT 217 Myanmar and Cambodian CSOs condemn Hun Sen's support for MAH and the Tatmadaw.

VIO Clash: in Mon State (30 soldiers killed).


5 January

INT Indonesian President Joko Widodo discussed Myanmar’s political situation with the Cambodian PM Hun Sen over the phone and called for the implementation of the ASEAN’s five-point consensus.

POL The NUG recently met virtually with the leadership of AA where they discussed a range of issues including possible future cooperation.

POL The NUG’s Ministry of Human Rights issued a statement condemning the killings of 35 civilians in the 24 December massacre and calling on the UNSC to hold an immediate plenary meeting on Myanmar and adopt a resolution that blocks the flow of arms and cash to the junta and that it refers the junta’s crimes to the ICC.

CDM 3 resistance groups declared an alliance with the NUG’s Command & Control Unit of Yangon Region. 

VIO The acting president of NUG, Duwa Lashi La, called the ongoing people’s defensive war against the junta (launched nearly 4 months ago) a “second struggle for independence”.

VIO Clashes: in Kayah and Chin States (20 junta soldiers killed over the last 2 days).


6 January

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (23 junta soldiers killed).


7 January

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen began his 2-day visit (on the Cambodian “Victory against genocide day”) at the invitation of MAH. By meeting with MAH he became the 1st foreign leader to meet the junta leadership since the coup. They discussed cooperation in the development of Buddhism, efforts to reduce the double taxation in trade, and humanitarian assistance to Myanmar. Hun Sen suggested that ASEAN member states form a “troika”, which would include Cambodia (current ASEAN chair), Brunei (former chair), Indonesia (future chair), and work together to reinforce the implementation of a ceasefire in Myanmar. Cambodian PM Hun Sen reportedly asked Min Aung Hlaing to release Turnell during their meeting.

CDM Protests in Mandalay, Tanintharyi, and Monywa took place ahead of Hun Sen’s arrival.

ECN The regime announced new taxes on internet services and the registration of mobile SIM cards through an amendment to the 2021 tax law. Users have to pay an additional K20,000 to activate a SIM card, while internet service providers will be required to charge customers a 15% commercial tax (rather than the standard 5%).  

POL CRPH issued a statement regarding Cambodian PM’s visit, stating that “his meeting with MAH will not benefit Myanmar and its people" and might be interpreted as a changing of stance by the ASEAN.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (32 soldiers were killed).


8 January

INT Cambodian foreign minister Prak Sokhonn told reporters that Hun Sen’s visit should not be interpreted as Cambodia legitimising the military regime, but that Cambodia is just exploring various solutions.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (30 soldiers killed; a junta helicopter and tank destroyed, and 20 000 IDPs fleeing).


9 January

INT The NUG ambassador to ASEAN, Bo Hla Tint, commented on Cambodian PM’s trip to Myanmar, claiming that the amount of aid he delivered was “not significant” and that the visit undermined the current position of other ASEAN members.

VIO 130 junta soldiers arrived at a village in Sagaing Region and abducted civilians in the area to use them as human shields before raiding a PDF base. The TNLA inspected shops in Shan State and seized and destroyed any military-linked products. A 5-carriage train carrying security police and soldiers to an operation in Mandalay was hit by a time-bomb, leaving a police injured.


10 January

POL A special court set up by the Myanmar junta in Naypyitaw sentenced ASSK to an additional 4 years’ imprisonment in 3 cases against her, including alleged illegal possession of walkie-talkies and breaching COVID-19 restrictions.

POL Major reshuffle in the junta: the judge advocate general Aung Lin Dwe was transferred to the reserve force (while he remains the secretary of SAC), replaced by Myo Thet Naung; the inspector and auditor general Min Naing was also reassigned to the reserve forces, replaced by Soe Min Oo, and others. 


11 January

INT China stated it “will fully support Cambodia” in its work as the ASEAN chair in “making an important contribution to managing the differences among parties of Myanmar.”

ECN Justice for Myanmar published a report revealing that US companies imported nearly 1 600 tonnes of Myanmar teak wood, despite sanctions.

POL The military is for the 1st time requiring the wives of its mid-ranking officers to undergo military training. 

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (20 soldiers killed); in Sagaing Region (30 soldiers killed); in Magway Region (15 soldiers killed) and in Karenni State (50 000 residents fled due to airstrikes and gunfire).


13 January

INT Malaysian foreign minister Saifuddin Abdullah commented on Cambodia’s PM trip to Myanmar that it should have been avoided because it did no good in terms of mediation between ASEAN and the regime. 

INT The Indonesian foreign ministry urged Cambodia to stick to the 5-point consensus and to implement what has been agreed to in previous ASEAN meetings.

INT Iranian airlines sanctioned by the US may have delivered weapons including guided missiles during the Iranian delegation visit. 

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (30 soldiers were killed). 50 ward and village administrators in Sagaing resigned following death threats from a resistance group.


14 January

POL The junta filed 5 new corruption charges against ASSK and Win Myint, under the Anti-Corruption Law, related to the purchase and use of a helicopter from the National Disaster Management Fund.

INT Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Loong urged in a video call Hun Sen (Chair of ASEAN) to exclude Myanmar from ASEAN meetings until the SAC implements ASEAN’s 5-point consensus.


15 January

POL  The Karenni National Progressive Party rejected an offer for peace talks made by MAH in comments marking the 70th anniversary of Kayah State Day.


17 January

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen met with ASEAN Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi in Phnom Penh where the two discussed Myanmar, specifically Hun Sen’s plan to address the crisis, which includes a ceasefire agreement and the end of violence, providing assistance to those in need, and “open the gate of negotiating a solution.” 

INT A Serbian delegation reportedly arrived in Myanmar to discuss the supply of artillery to the military regime. 

INT Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Naypyitaw, where he signed a contract for the sale of Russian Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems, Orlan-10E reconnaissance drones, and radar equipment.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (10 soldiers were killed), and in Magway Region, junta forces burnt down 100 houses. Hundreds of Buddhist monks fled Loikow and Demoso.


18 January

POL The junta provided military training and weapons to hundreds of military supporters, members of the USDP, and former soldiers in several cities, as it struggled with a shortage of human resources.

ECN 3 electricity pylons supplying the China-backed Tagaung Taung nickel-processing plant in Sagaing Region have been blown up this month, forcing production to halt.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region and Chin and Kachin States (45 soldiers were killed) on 16, 17, and 18 January, and in Magwe Region (hundreds of residents from 20 villages were forced to flee their homes). 2 more journalists and a graphic designer were arrested as part of the junta’s ongoing crackdown on the free press. 


19 January

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (15 junta fighters were killed).


20 January

ECN Several donors donated K30 million to the Tatmadaw for activities to “protect race and religion”.


21 January

ECN The oil giants Total and Chevron decided to withdraw from Myanmar. In a letter to Human Rights Watch, TotalEnergies said it had spoken with French and US authorities about the implementation of targeted sanctions, and would “comply with” and “support” such sanctions. 

ECN Lebanon's M1 Group found a Myanmar firm to partner with to take over Norwegian Telenor's business in Myanmar.

VIO The military gave 88 Generation activist Ko Jimmy the death sentence.

VIO Clash: in Magway Region (the junta forces torched another 132 houses).


25 January

CDM The military warned that those who adhere to or promote revolutionary forces’ calls to close businesses and participate in silent protest on the upcoming coup anniversary could face life in prison.


26 January

INT China has urged the KIO/A to refrain from fighting the Myanmar military, including in areas near the Chinese border, ahead of the upcoming Olympics in Beijing. The KIO/A announced it would cooperate with China by refraining from fighting near the Chinese border.

ECN The NUG announced a blacklist of business owners allegedly supporting the military through the arms trade. 


27 January

POL The junta released 2 ailing NLD figures from prison: NLD Central Executive Committee member Han Tha Myint, and former Planning and Finance Minister U Soe Win.

ECN Australian energy firm Woodside announced its withdrawal from junta-run Myanmar.

POL The NUCC started a 3-day online congress, attended by 388 delegates representing MPs, political parties, and civil society, and ratified Parts I and II of the Federal Democracy Charter and an interim constitutional arrangement.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 junta soldiers were killed over the past 5 days).


28 January

CDM The junta forces arrested 13 Yangon and Mandalay shop owners who notified customers that their businesses will be closed on 1 February.


29 January

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (10 soldiers were killed). In Magway Region, PDF groups led an attack on a police station causing the police and soldiers inside to flee. Weapons were seized from the police station following the raid.


31 January

POL MAH obtained a 6-month extension on the state of emergency from the National Defence and Security Council (made up of top military chiefs and cooperative politicians). 

CDM Civil servants working under the junta in Myaing were warned in a letter to leave by February 10 or action would be taken for non-compliance and urged them to join the CDM. 80% of public employees in Magway Region joined the CDM.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe, Sagaing, and Tanintharyi regions, and Chin, Shan, and Kayah states (3 dozen junta soldiers were killed in 3 days); in Sagaing Region junta forces set fire to 2 villages and burned them to ashes; and in Karenni State (45 locals were killed in military shellings and airstrikes during January).

1 February

CDM Myanmar people marked the 1st coup anniversary with a silent strike. Also, pro-military demonstrations were held in an effort to counter the silent strike.

CDM Aung Aung, a man from Kyaukpadaung, burned himself alive in protest against the military. 

INT The US, UK, and Canada imposed new sanctions.

INT The new UN special envoy to Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, gave an interview where she stated that while the military is not the legitimate government “at this time”, “they have a legitimate role.” A day later, 247 CSOs rejected her proposal that those defying the military must negotiate power-sharing as a solution to the current crisis.

VIO NUG Yangon Division Command launched attacks against 24 junta targets across Yangon; KIA attacked 5 Myanmar army bases in Kachin and northern Shan states.


2 February

INT CDM The CDM and NUG are among the nominees for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

VIO One year since the coup: The junta killed over 1 500 people and detained 11 000 in the year following the coup. Report by Altsean. Clashes: in Sagaing Region (20 junta forces killed when Tatmadaw boats attacked on Chindwin River). 


3 February

INT ASEAN barred the junta regime from an upcoming meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers on 16-17 February.

POL The junta filed the 11th corruption charge against ASSK for bribery under section 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law, for allegedly receiving $550,000 of donations to her Daw Khin Kyi Foundation. 

CDM The junta arrested and charged more than a 100 people in the past week for their social media posts in support of the anti-regime movement.

VIO The KIA and local PDFs in Kachin State´s Putao, Mohnyin, and Hpakant attacked 5 military bases and police stations this week.


6 February

INT Australia's Foreign Minister called for the "immediate release" of Sean Turnell.

VIO Clashes: in Sayaging (38 junta soldiers were killed).


7 February

POL On the 61st anniversary of Kachin Revolution Day, the KIO’s chairman called for greater cooperation with the NUG, as violence once again surges across the state. 

CDM The KNU issued a statement warning all armed forces and civil servants working under the junta in Kayin State to resign and to stand with the people.

CDM ECN A Myanmar citizen filed a complaint with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority against Telenor Group in an attempt to stop the transfer of sensitive user data in the controversial sale of its Myanmar subsidiary to military-linked companies.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing region and Kayah State (26 junta soldiers were killed and 700 houses destroyed) and in Kachin State (200 junta troops were killed within 3 days).


8 February

INT US President Joe Biden extended for 1 more year his “national emergency” in Myanmar, an executive order imposed on 10 February 202, which gave his administration broad powers to impose sanctions. 

CDM 30 civil servants working for the General Administration Department and Ministry of Education in Sagaing Region resigned. 

VIO The junta detained at least 46 Rohingya in Kyauktan Township in Yangon Region for traveling without official documents.


9 February 

EXM Internet and phone blackouts continued to sweep through Kayah State.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (50 junta forces were killed; the army carried out airstrikes on 8 villages with 70 people detained). Resistance forces and urban guerrilla fighters began targeting the homes of 45 pilots working for the juta’s airstrike campaigns.


10 February

ECN Taiwan shipping giant Evergreen Marine said it would no longer send its ships to dock at a military-owned port terminal in Myanmar.

VIO A camp for IDPs in Karenni State was hit by an artillery shell fired by the military (1 person was injured and several shelters and a church were destroyed). Mong Ko residents accused the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) of recruiting minors.

VIO A junta court gave hefty prison sentences to a group of 9 students who were accused of trying to join the armed resistance movement and tortured them in detention.


11 February

ECN INT The NUG’s acting president Duwa Lashi La called on the PM of Norway to intervene to prevent the sale of the Myanmar arm of Telenor to a junta-linked company.  

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region and Kayah State (38 junta soldiers and 5 resistance fighters were killed; 5 000 residents of Sagaing Region were forced to flee their homes). The AA and the military repeatedly clashed in Rakhine with dozens of junta soldiers killed and several captured

VIO Junta troops were deployed in Kabaung Kya from 11 to 14 February and torched 39 houses. It was the 13th such attack on Kabaung Kya Village over the past few months, in which a total of 124 houses have been reduced to ashes.


12 February

POL The Diamond Jubilee Union Day ceremony was organized by the junta to celebrate the 75th Union Day commemorating the signing of the Panglong Agreement. Representatives from 10 EAOs attended Myanmar’s junta-organized event in Naypyitaw (6 signatories to the NCA and 4 non-signatories).

POL The junta announced an amnesty for 814 prisoners to mark the country’s Union Day. 

VIO Clashes: in Naypyitaw (40 junta soldiers were killed).


13 February

CDM The All Burma Federation of Student Unions, North Dagon Oppressed People’s Strike Coalition, and the Spring Coalition General Strike Committee protested in Yangon and chanted slogans against the military dictatorship and in support of political prisoners in Insein prison who have gone on a hunger strike. 

VIO Clashes: in Naypyitaw (40 Myanmar junta soldiers were killed by the PDF over the weekend) and in Magway Region (25 soldiers were killed in 3 days).


14 February

INT Japan continues to admit Myanmar military personnel to its education and training programs despite condemning the coup.

INT Japan’s Foreign Minister met with the son and appointed successor of Cambodian PM, ​​Hun Manet (who is currently commander of Cambodia’s army) and agreed to cooperate in dealing with the situation in Myanmar.

POL ASSK went on trial on election fraud charges, the latest in a series of criminal prosecutions by the military-run government in which she has already been sentenced to 6 years in prison.

INT VIO Combined resistance forces staged an attack against a section of a Chinese oil and gas pipeline in Mandalay. In response, security forces detained 24 people.


15 February

INT The ICJ settled on the junta to represent Myanmar in the case brought forward by The Gambia. The junta-appointed 8-member team led by Ko Ko Hlaing (on the US Treasury sanctions list) will attend the hearing virtually on 21 February.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 regime troops and militia were killed) and in Shan State (armored vehicles carrying over 200 reinforcements deployed across Mobye randomly shot at civilian houses; 200-300 junta soldiers from LID 66 occupied the town of Mobye in southern Shan State, leading to clashes with PDF fighters civilians fleeing).


16 February

INT The 2-day ASEAN foreign ministers’ summit hosted by Cambodia took place without Myanmar representatives (the bloc invited a “non-political representative”). Prak Sokhonn, Cambodia's foreign minister, has been confirmed as the new ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar.

INT A 24-member Russian military delegation comprising pilots has been in Mandalay since 28 January. Russian pilots have often visited Myanmar to provide aviation training and maintain aircraft at Meiktila Air Base in Mandalay Region. 

CDM 3 PDFs active in Naypyitaw demanded the resignations of all local officials, whom they regard as vital to the military regime’s administration of the country. 

EXM Norway’s Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestra announced that Telenor would not be able to prevent the transfer of customer data to the military.

VIO The junta is increasingly confiscating the property of citizens who support the revolutionary movement, such as the Yangon house of high-profile pro-democracy activist and writer Pencilo, who had already fled to the US.


17 February

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (20 junta soldiers and 20 resistance fighters were killed) and in Sagaing Region (14 resistance fighters were reportedly killed).


19 February

VIO Clash: in Yangon Region (17 soldiers were killed).


20 February

POL INT The junta rejected the ASEAN special envoy’s request to meet shadow government representatives. 


21 February

INT The EU announced a new (4th) round of sanction, targeting 22 persons and 4 entities (Htoo Group, International Group of Enterpreneurs, Mining Enterprise 1, and MOGE).

INT The ICJ held public hearings (hybrid form) in the case The Gambia v. Myanmar on 21-28 February. 

CDM VIO 20 youths in Magwe Region were detained for distributing leaflets calling for people to join the “Six Twos Revolution” general strike on the following day (22/02/2022). 

VIO Pekon PDF seized ammunition airdropped to supply junta forces. 


22 February

INT The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews, issued a report to the UN HRC today that identifies Serbia, China, and Russia (2 permanent members of the UNSC) to have supplied weapons to the Myanmar military since the coup.

CDM The turnout in the “Six Twos Revolution” (22/02/2022) was nowhere near as protests last year, they were still widespread. Political prisoners in Insein, Pathein, and Loikaw prisons smeared their faces with thanaka and observed a silence, as an act of solidarity with the protesters outside. 


23 February

POL The junta-appointed UEC for the 2nd time (1st time on 8 February) threatened the NLD and the SNLD (major parties that won in the 2020 election) with disbandment if they don’t comply with its order to submit their financial accounts for inspection by 9 March.

VIO Clash: in Shan State (100 soldiers and 40 resistance fighters were killed in an 8-day fighting), and in Sagaing Region (PDF rescued 40 villagers). 


24 February

INT The Cambodian and Malaysian PMs called for the “timely and effective implementation” of ASEAN’s 5-Point Consensus and the “importance of seeing positive developments in the Rohingya issue on Myanmar during a meeting in Phnom Penh.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing (the junta burned down more than 40 houses and killed 1 resident), and in Yangon (the junta detained more than 70 Rohingya, not clear why).


25 February

INT The military junta spokesman Zaw Min Tun backed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, telling that Russia was acting to maintain its sovereignty, and praising Moscow’s role in balancing global power. Acting president of the NUG, Duwa Lashi La, condemned the invasion.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing (the junta burned down more than 400 houses and killed 3 residents).


26 February

VIO The junta detained 80 preschool children (all under the age of 12) at a school in Chin Pone village in Sagaing Region and held them as human shields after a raid.  

VIO Clash: in Magway Region (10 junta soldiers were killed).


27 February

VIO The military launched another round of airstrikes in Demoso Township in Kayah State and in Yinmabin Township in Sagaing Region. In Chin State the military burned down 100 houses.

INT A military delegation from Belarus arrived in Naypyitaw (due to leave on 3 March).

CDM Activists staged protests to show solidarity with the people of Ukraine.


28 February

POL The junta dissolved 6 departments under its Myanmar Police Force and incorporated them into combat units.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 residents were killed, 5 PDFs, 6 junta soldiers, and 100 out of 250 houses were set on fire); in Yangon Region's Kayan (3 military vehicles were destroyed by mines), and in Sagaing Region (60 junta soldiers targeted and burnt down 100 houses). 

1 March

INT The Gambia delivered its 2nd round of oral arguments at the ICJ in its case against Myanmar, bringing the preliminary hearing portion of the case to a close.

INT Burma Campaign UK added 28 more companies to its “Dirty List,” among them Japanese companies and 2 American tech companies. There are now 116 companies on the list.

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (24 junta soldiers were killed). 


2 March

INT ECN An Iranian-owned cargo plane arrived at Naypyitaw and unloaded cargo that may have included raw materials for printing banknotes as well as ammunition. 

CDM The junta released 5 celebrities who had been previously jailed for their anti-military and anti-coup resistance to mark Peasants' Day.

VIO Clashes: in Chin State (40 junta soldiers were killed when the Chin National Army used landmines to attack a military convoy of 30 vehicles).


3 March

CDM 100 Tatmadaw Air Force personnel defected and joined the CDM. 

INT UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun cosponsored and voted in favor of the UNGA resolution condemning the Russian invasion.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay Region (junta soldiers torched 150 houses) and in Magway Region (junta forces burned down 230 houses). 

ECN VIO The military turned to digital messaging accounts operated by nationalist supporters to target and track down opponents


4 March

VIO POL The junta terminated the citizenship of 11 (incl. 8 members of the NUG) prominent resistance figures.


5 March

INT Myanmar junta spokesman Major General Zaw Min Tun said that the regime might have difficulties purchasing arms from Russia after the exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT system in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

POL The AA held a virtual press conference in which it restated the group’s neutrality


6 March

EXM The junta cut internet access across Sagaing Region where armed resistance to the junta is strong. 

VIO Clashes: in Kayah State (75 junta soldiers were killed) and in Kayah State (85 junta soldiers were killed during the weekend).


7 March

POL The junta-controlled Ministry of Immigration and Population imposed new travel restrictions on its citizens, making national registration cards, necessary for travel as of 1 April.

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen requested Japanese Special Envoy Yohei Sasakawa to work with Cambodian Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, who is serving as the ASEAN chair’s special envoy on Myanmar, in his efforts to bring democracy to Myanmar. 

EXM Myanmar’s regime cut internet access across 34 townships in Sagaing Region where armed resistance to the junta is strong. 

VIO Clash: in Kachin State (30 military soldiers were killed).


8 March

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (14 soldiers and 3 civilians were killed) and in Magway Region (20 soldiers were killed).


9 March

INT The US State Department recognized the NUG’s Deputy Minister for Women, Youth and Children Affairs Ma Ei Thinzar Maung for her human rights and pro-democracy activities with the International Women of Courage award.

VIO Clash: in Karen State (the junta dropped bombs from a helicopter after the KNU warned them to leave the territory so that displaced persons could return home).


10 March

INT The ICJ allowed the junta to represent Myanmar despite objections from international organizations and the NUG. 

INT Yohei Sasakawa, Japan’s special envoy to Myanmar, met with 2 former government peace brokers in Chiang Mai, ahead of his meeting with representatives from several EAOs. 

INT The UK urged Myanmar's former ambassador to leave the official London residence where he has continued to live since he was ousted for criticizing last year's military coup, citing pressure from the junta. 

VIO 10 children were killed by junta forces in less than a week, bringing the number of children killed since last year’s coup to around 120.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing (250 houses were burned down by the junta forces).

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (KNU captured 27 soldiers).

VIO POL The junta terminated the citizenship of another 16 prominent resistance figures (the 1st round was announced on 4 March).


11 March

ECN Veteran democracy activist Min Ko Naing delivered a message on the importance of financially backing the revolution to topple the junta as a new scheme to generate funds will be launched by the NUG.

EXM Telegram removed 2 pro-military channels from its platform – Han Nyein Oo and Thazin Oo, which have been spreading pro-military disinformation, doxing activists, and encouraging violence. 

POL The junta confirmed the switch to a proportional representation system for the 2023 general election (endorsed by MAH on 31 January), allowing MAH to secure the presidency.


13 March

ECN NUG defense minister U Ye Mon said at an online fundraiser to mark Myanmar Human Rights Day that the ministry had so far received US$30 million to arm the PDFs under its command.

CDM VIO Teenage girls who participated in an anti-coup protest in Mingalar Taung Nyunt to mark the Myanmar Human Rights Day (the 34th anniversary of the death of Ko Phone Maw and Ko Soe Naing, who were shot dead by riot police on 13 March 1988) were badly injured after being arrested and beaten by junta security forces.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (16 soldiers were killed and 20 injured). 


14 March

POL Former Brigadier General Thura U Aung Ko, who served as the Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture under the NLD government, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for alleged corruption.

POL ASSK denied accepting bribes from U Phyo Min Thein, the Yangon Region chief minister, at a court hearing in Naypyitaw.

VIO The NUG investigated the 1st case against a PDF leader, Lieutenant Thanmani. 90 resistance groups across the country accused his PDF, the PDF-Yinmarbin, of being involved in at least 5 incidents in which they allegedly killed 9 resistance fighters and 12 civilians.


15 March

INT UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet called on the international community to take immediate action against systematic human rights abuses and violence perpetrated by the Tatmadaw, saying they amounted to war crimes or crimes against humanity. 

ECN The NUG defense ministry has developed a new donation structure in which Myanmar citizens at home and abroad are invited to donate money through a sort of sponsorship program. 

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta forces raided and burned down 93 houses). 


16 March

ECN TotalEnergies said Thai PTTEP would take over equity stakes in local units and resume some of its operations in Myanmar.

ECN A delegation led by junta Home Affairs Minister attended in Russia the “EXPOTECXNOSTRAZH-2022” from 16-18 March and discussed with a senior executive of Rosobonexport security products that can be used to combat “violence, drug and gang crimes.”

VIO INT NUG Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min announced that the NUG was planning to take action against the junta in an Australian court over the massacre of at least 42 civilians near Moso village in Kayah State on 24 December. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (10 civilians were killed and the junta forces burned down 30 buildings) and in Shan State (15 soldiers were killed and 3 main roads to Demoso in Kayah State were blocked by fighting between PDF and regime forces).


17 March

ECN There has been an influx of counterfeit cash, stemming from difficulties in printing physical money. With a significant cash shortage, an online black market selling fake currency emerged. 

INT The Deputy Commander of Special Forces in Cambodia invited armed personnel of Myanmar to visit the Cambodian Special Forces Command and also suggested sending Cambodian special forces to train in Myanmar.


18 March

CDM Political prisoners held in Dawei, Tanintharyi Region, who raised 3-finger salutes against military rule before their court hearings, were placed in solitary confinement for nearly a month.

INT The regime’s armed forces Chief of the General Staff General Maung Maung Aye, Chief of Staff  (Army) Lieutenant General Moe Myint Tun and Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo joined the 19th ASEAN Chiefs of Defense Forces Meeting (ACDFM-19).

ECN The junta gave the final approval for the sale of Norwegian Telenor's operations in the country to a local company and a Lebanese investment firm.


19 March

VIO Clash: in Bago Region (3 700 people from 17 villages fled their homes after junta airstrikes). 


20 March

INT US President Joe Biden’s administration determined that the violence committed against the Rohingya amounts to genocide and crimes against humanity. 

INT The PMs of Cambodia and Japan urged the Myanmar junta to comply with the ASEAN 5-point consensus, and pave the way for ASEAN to distribute humanitarian aid to the Myanmar people.  

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (17 soldiers were killed). 


21 March

INT The Cambodian Foreign Minister and ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar, Prak Sokhonn, began his 3-day trip with meetings with top junta leaders (with MAH and Wunna Maung Lwin). After the trip, he concluded that the various stakeholders “are not yet ready for these negotiations”. He didn’t meet with the NUG.

INT The US ruled that the Tatmadaw led by MAH committed genocide against the Rohingya minority.

CDM A campaign was launched to protest against Prak Sokhonn’s itinerary, saying that only Win Myint and ASSK are the official government. Also, activists gathered in Mandalay to demonstrate against Sokhonn.

CDM POL 3 lieutenant colonels serving as battalion commanders for the military defected to the KNU, making them the highest-ranking soldiers to do so since the coup. 

VIO The junta ordered private hospitals and clinics in Mandalay to hand over information about doctors, nurses, and patients. Clashes: in Kayin State (12 000 flee as military fires heavy weapons) and in Sagaing Region (the junta kidnapped 30 men, detained 25 people, and raided a village of 150 households).


22 March

POL The junta detained Khin Shwe, a business tycoon and chair of the military-linked Zaykabar Group, as the 1st detained crony since the coup, along with his son Zay Thiha. 

EXM Junta courts sentenced 2 journalists to 2 years in prison, one year after their arrests and charges of violating Section 505a of the Penal Code for incitement.


23 March

CDM Anti-dictatorship activists in Mandalay asked people not to participate in celebrations for the Myanmar New Year (Thingyan) which are being arranged by the military.

POL The junta enacted a new law making it compulsory for law enforcement officers to fight alongside soldiers on the front lines, while expanding their powers to restrict citizens’ civil liberties.


24 March

POL The junta reached out to ethnic armed groups for talks because it wanted to show it is implementing the ASEAN 5-point consensus.

INT The NUG opened a Representative Office in France.

VIO The junta is planning to intensify its anti-resistance activities in Sagaing Region with the help of allied militias.

VIO Fortify Rights published a new report on the military’s attacks against civilians, focusing on atrocities during the first 6 months of the coup.


25 March

INT  The NUG foreign ministry lobbied the international community (especially European countries) to offer asylum to military defectors as a means to boost the revolution.

INT The US, Canada, and Britain imposed sanctions on arms dealers and companies involved in procuring weapons for the junta. Here is the sanction list.

POL The KNU rejected an offer to join a body formed to negotiate a ceasefire in Karen State, saying it cannot participate while regime forces remain in its territory.

POL The UEC announced adopting a Closed List PR system for the upcoming election, except for the ethnic affairs minister races, which will still use FPTP. 

ECN MEHL was 6 months late in sharing profits with soldiers who were required to buy and maintain a stake in the conglomerate.

VIO A Myanmar military convoy consisting of 80 vehicles including artillery and armored vehicles have arrived in Mindat in southern Chin State.


26 March

INT  Members of the Eurasian Economic Union, which has 5 member states including Russia and Belarus, met with the military in Naypyidaw to discuss bilateral trade promotion and defense services.


27 March

INT Justice for Myanmar published a list of 19 Russian arms suppliers that have provided the military with equipment, calling for them to be sanctioned.

POL During Armed Forces Day MAH paid respects to 25 retired senior military officials who attended the anniversary of the founding of the Myanmar military. Former President Thein Sein was a guest of honor.

INT 21 countries issued a statement remembering those killed by the Tatmadaw, including 100 people on Armed Forces Day last year, and also calling on countries supplying arms to the Tatmadaw to stop.

CDM A number of demonstrations were held across the country. 

VIO Clash: in Kayin State (61 soldiers were killed).


28 March

EXM The junta detained Nay Naw, a journalist with the local outlet Karen Information Center. He was later charged with incitement under section 505-A of the Penal Code.

29 March

INT US President Joe Biden and Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong jointly called for the release of all political detainees in Myanmar, in a statement released after talks at the White House.


30 March

INT The 5th annual BIMSTEC summit in Sri Lanka was attended by officials from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Myanmar junta’s Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin attended virtually.

EXM A court in Hpakant Township, Kachin State, sentenced 2 freelance journalists to 18 months each for incitement under section 505-A of the Penal Code.


31 March

INT  Junta Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin was in China from 31 March to 2 April at the invitation of Wang Yi. Wang expressed Beijing’s desire that the 2 sides should advance the construction of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor; strengthen cooperation on industrial parks, cross-border power grids, and connectivity; and implement landmark projects. On ASEAN’s 5-point consensus, Wang stated that member states should continue to “adhere to the ASEAN way”, specifically pertaining to non-interference, and “work with Myanmar constructively”. 

POL ASSK appeared in court in Naypyitaw after being kept in quarantine after some people at her house tested positive for COVID-19.

POL EXM A court inside Yangon’s Insein Prison gave 3-year sentences to a journalist  Phoe Thar and 9 student activists for their opposition to the military dictatorship.

1 April

INT The UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the Myanmar crisis after its 49th regular session. The resolution extended the mandates of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar for another year. 

VIO Myanmar military tribunal sentenced 8 more youths to death. 


2 April

INT The NUG warned China that any effort to build a partnership with the military regime would be rejected by Myanmar’s people and could seriously damage China’s international reputation in a statement after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his junta-appointed counterpart Wunna Maung Lwin in China.


3 April

POL A group of signatories to the NCA wrapped up their 5-day summit in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 8 signatories sent an official representative to the conference, with only the Chin National Front and the KNU absent.

POL ECN The junta ordered that foreign exchange earned by locals must be converted into the local currency at the official rate within one working day (no-dollar policy).

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta burned down 200 houses).


4 April

POL ECN Japan and Singapore asked for exemptions to the no-dollar policy.


5 April

EXM An internal court in Sintgaing, Mandalay Region sentenced Win Naing Oo, the chief of staff of Channel Mandalay TV, to 5 years in prison on terrorism charges.

VIO US$1 million were donated to Project Dragonfly, an initiative to help shoot down junta jet fighters and aircraft that are cracking down on civilians and PDFs.

VIO 20 junta personnel in civilian clothes raided a preschool and abducted a 4-year-old boy, instead of his father, who is accused of supporting the PDF.


7 April

INT  The US House of Representatives passed the BURMA Act of 2021 (H.R. 5497) by unanimous consent.

POL The NUG announced a slew of financial rewards to encourage more deserting junta soldiers to either bring war machines with them or destroy them while in service. Tatmadaw personnel who defect with fighter jets, military helicopters, navy boats, and navy ships and join the CDM will receive a reward of US$500,000 and those who defect with tanks and armored vehicles will receive US$100,000. 

INT The Australian ambassador to Myanmar Andrea Faulkner meet with members of the junta leadership, including MAH.

INT In a meeting at the White House between the NUG’s Minister of Human Rights Aung Myo Min and Edgard Kagan, Senior Director for East Asia and Ocean National Security Council, US support for cooperation with regional countries to support the activist movement in Myanmar was discussed. It was the 1st time a NUG minister is invited to the White House.  

VIO The vice-governor of the junta-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar, Than Than Swe, was shot at her house in Yangon’s Bahan Township, becoming the highest-ranking regime official so far to be attacked

VIO Junta forces conducted severe offensive operations at PDF bases in Sidoktaya Township, Magway Region.

VIO Clash: In Mindat (the Chinland Defence Force killed 16 junta soldiers).


8 April

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (750 houses in 13 villages burned since 5 April). 


9 April

POL Myanmar’s regime raised the official retirement age for civil servants to 62 in a bid to shore up military manpower.

VIO The NUG’s Southern Command outlined that the new resistance Nan Htike Aung Operation would besides Yangon also encompass Mon and Kayin States, and the regions of Bago, Ayeyarwaddy, and Tanintharyi, targeting soldiers, local administrators, and military informants. 


10 April

VIO Clash: in the Karen State (40 military soldiers were killed, the junta sent a column of around 300 soldiers to the region).


13 April

CDM Myanmar marked its New Year water festival with silent protests and boycotts. The state-run media worked overtime all week to pretend that everything was normal.

INT The only foreign representative who participated in the celebrations was North Korea’s ambassador to Myanmar Jong Ho Bom.

CDM In Sagaing Region, 20 000 students are being taught by 2,000 CDM teachers under the mechanisms of NUG and Kani People Administration.

VIO Clash: in Yangon Region (10 junta soldiers were killed). 

VIO The commander of the AA warned the EAOs to ready themselves for war against the junta after a recent escalation in Rakhine State. 


14 April

POL The Interim Chin National Consultative Council issued a statement on marking its 1-year anniversary; it is planning to develop the Chinland Charter and Chinland Government.

INT The junta Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned and rejected the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2021, which includes Myanmar, issued by the US State Department on 12 April 2022. 

INT NUG representatives met with Linda ThomasGreenfield, US Representative to the UN in New York. 


16 April

POL The NUG marked its 1-year anniversary.


17 April

POL To mark the Myanmar New Year, SAC pardoned 1 619 prisoners and 42 foreigners (Sean Turnell not among them).

INT Tokyo announced that it will offer Myanmar nationals residing in Japan a year-long extension on their visas, instead of the usual 6-months due to the lack of progress in advancing peace in Myanmar.

VIO CDM PDF fighters provided security for an anti-military protest in Sagaing Region. 5 resistance fighters were killed by junta soldiers.


18 April

POL The NUG set up a FB page, People’s Embrace, to help the junta soldiers and police to defect with military equippment. So far, there were up to 30 enquiries made.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


19 April

ECN There were long queues outside of gas stations in Yangon, Mandalay, Myitkyina, and Sittwe, over fears of a possible fuel shortage. The junta Ministry of Electricity and Energy released a statement that “a fuel shortage is impossible.”

INT Chen Hai, China’s ambassador to Myanmar, and Vinya Kumar, India’s ambassador to Myanmar, held separate meetings with UEC head U Thein Soe on April 19 and 25 respectively to discuss the military regime’s planned new election.


20 April

ECN The junta-controlled Central Bank issued a new directive clarifying which businesses and organizations were to be exempt from the foreign currency ban, including its own ministries and 7 other entities, all listed here

VIO The Karen National Defense Organization called on the Myanmar army to withdraw from two bases in Mon State’s Bilin Township within 3 days or face military action. 

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta forces burnt down 17 houses).


21 April

CDM A coalition of 16 resistance groups warned MEHL and Chinese companies to suspend work and urged employees at copper mines in Sagaing Region to join the CDM by 5 May. 

CDM The Blue Shirt Campaign: to express solidarity with Myanmar's political prisoners and democracy internationally. 

INT A Cambodian delegation, led by Secretary of State for the MOFA and Head of the Office of the ASEAN Special Envoy, Kung Phoak, visited Myanmar and met with the junta to discuss ASEAN humanitarian assistance and peacemaking

POL The military regime issued an “emergency alert” to all of its units across the country to prepare for resistance attacks.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta burnt down 40 houses).

VIO The new pro-regime Thwe Thout vigilante group announced that to counter resistance attacks on junta targets, it was launching “Operation Red” against the supporters of the NLD and PDFs.


22 April

POL MAH invited the leaders of EAOs for talks “to end armed conflict” in a short and unusual televised address without any date or specific groups mentioned. EAO leaders are to register by 9 May.

POL Former Deputy Minister of Construction Kyaw Lin and former Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Thaung Tun were sentenced to 20 and 9 years in prison under anti-corruption charges.

VIO The junta forces killed the wife of the vice-chairperson of the Mandalay District NLD branch during interrogation and dumped her body by the side of the road. 

VIO 500 villagers of Ywangan, Shan State, fled their homes after the regime sent 400 reinforcements to the township. Clash: in Sagaing Region (20 junta soldiers were killed).

VIO The regime sent 400 reinforcements to Ywangan Township, Danu Self-Administered Zone, Shan State, due to which 500 residents fled their homes.


23 April

POL The NUG Minister of Home Affairs Lwin Ko Latt stated that interim people administrations were implemented in 29 townships of Sagaing Region and 7 townships of Magway Region; they will accept taxes contributed by the people.


24 April

POL The former Kachin State Chief Minister Dr. Khet Aung and former Finance Minister Wai Lin were sentenced to 12 and 9 years in prison under anti-corruption charges.


25 April

INT 558 domestic organisations wrote an open letter to Xi Jinping to warn him that Chinese projects in Myanmar could be targeted if China cooperates with the junta. 

INT Thailand appointed its own special envoy to Myanmar, Pornpimol Kanchalak, to facilitate greater coordination on Myanmar.

INT An informal 1st publicly-known meeting between the NUG and Malaysian Minister for Foreign Affairs Saifuddin Abdullah took place.

INT The ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights sent a letter to ASEAN leaders stating that MAH has totally failed to implement any of the Five Point Consensus, and they suggested reconsidering the role and appointment mechanism of the Special Envoy to Myanmar.


26 April

ECN The US announced it will transfer US$1 billion to the NUG as soon as possible.

INT Japan defence minister announced that it will continue training Myanmar military soldiers at 2 separate military training facilities, despite concurrently also criticising the regime and calling for peace. 

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (200 houses were torched). 


27 April

POL A Myanmar junta court found ASSK guilty of corruption for supposedly accepting bribes worth US$600,000 in cash and gold from deposed Yangon chief minister Phyo Min Thein and sentenced to 5 years in prison (in addition to the 6 years she is already serving for other cases against her). 

POL The junta-installed UEC member Khin Maung Oo spoke about the regime’s plans to hold elections next year, the plan is here

ECN The Central Bank released a statement aimed at assuaging the fears of traders importing or exporting goods to and from China and Thailand. The message confirmed that the regime’s no-dollar policy “has no effect” on border trade with either country.

INT General Director Sergey Kogogin of Russian truck giant Kamaz visited Myanmar and held talks with the junta to manufacture trucks in Myanmar, train personnel, and establish a service network.

VIO Myanmar’s military junta was increasingly using landmines in Kayah State in addition to air raids, artillery strikes, and destruction of property in the resistance stronghold.


28 April

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta soldiers burnt down 70 houses). 


29 April

INT MAH met with Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov (an autonomous republic with its own head of government and state council which declared its sovereignty from the former Soviet Union in 1990).

INT ECN Malaysia's state energy firm Petronas said it has withdrawn from Blocks M12, M13 and M14 located in the Yetagun gas field off Myanmar, the latest exit by a major energy company since the coup.


30 April

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (junta soldiers burnt down 600 houses in 5 townships; 5000 residents fled).

1 May

POL The junta is proceeding with its plan to hold an election next year, announcing the addition of 46 new districts to the existing 75, for a total of 121.

ECN NGOs warn that Total Energies continue to fund the junta despite the fact that Total Energies and Chevron announced their planned withdrawal from Myanmar on 21 January.

VIO The military dropped several bombs on a village in territory controlled by the KNU. Clash: in Sagaing Region (the junta burned a village of 800 households).


2 May

POL Myanmar’s military regime filed 2 more charges of corruption against detained ASSK after handing her a 5-year prison sentence for corruption on 27 April.

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen spoke with MAH over the phone about implementing the 5-point consensus, with a focus on “speedy progress on achieving three immediate priorities”, referring to cessation of violence, humanitarian aid and constructive dialogue and demanded release of all political prisoners, including Australian economist Sean Turnell, and ASSK.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (PDF killed 35 junta soldiers and 1 300 houses were razed by the junta from April 29 to May 2). 


3 May

CDM The protesters climbed to Mya Leik mountain and unfurled a 30-foot-long banner that criticized the junta. 

VIO Clash: in Saging Region (42 civilians have been killed from 30 April to 3 May).

VIO Myanmar’s military regime detained 300 civilians for interrogation following an attack on a junta convoy in Kawhmu on the outskirts of Yangon.


4 May

INT CDM Migrants from Myanmar in New Zealand raised over $3 million funds to reportedly buy surface-to-air missiles and help PDF in efforts to fight the country's military junta.

INT UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer met for the first time  with CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt to discuss humanitarian aid, an end to the Myanmar crisis, freeing political detainees, and the restoration of civilian governance.

VIO 30 Rakhine youths detained in Ayeyarwady Region and accused of associating with the Arakan Army were being tortured at a naval base. Clash: in Chin State (12 junta soldiers were killed when CDF-Mindat attacked the 70 vehicles convoy).


5 May

ECN NUG started selling MAH's house for US$10 million. In the following 3 days, people bought shares worth US$2 million.

INT The junta’s state-run MRTV app was removed from Apple’s App Store and the Google Play Store, a day after it was launched.


6 May

INT The Consultative Meeting on ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar was held in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia. It was attended by SAC Union Minister for International Cooperation U Ko Ko Hlaing. The meeting focused on how to deliver humanitarian assistance to Myanmar through the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management.


7 May

VIO Clash: in Kayah State (25 soldiers were killed, 6 detained, and 4 military vehicles destroyed).


9 May

VIO Clash: Sagaing Region (8 PDF soldiers were captured and killed by the junta forces). 


10 May

POL The former deputy governor of the Central Bank detained by the junta for more than a year was formally accused of corruption by the military council—a charge that carries a prison sentence of 15 years.


11 May

INT More than 637 domestic organizations and 220 000 individuals signed an open letter to Biden, which lobbies to financially isolate the junta.

INT NUG foreign minister Daw Zin Mar Aung arrived in Washington, where she met with State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet and the president’s advisers for human rights and national security.

VIO 50 junta forces abducted 100 villagers to use them as human shields in Mon State. Clashes: in Chin and Kayah states and Sagaing Region (65 junta soldiers have been killed in the last 3 days).


12 May

INT A 2-day US-ASEAN Special Summit was held in Washington and concluded with a symbolic gesture: as regional leaders met with US Vice President Kamala Harris for lunch, the junta's absence was spotlighted with an empty seat at the table complete with food and drink. While the military was not invited, the parallel NUG Foreign minister Zin Mar Aung met with officials on the sidelines, including State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet and the president’s advisers for human rights and national security (on 11 May) and her Malaysian counterpart Saifuddin Abdullah (on 13 May).

VIO Clash: in Shan State (15 junta troops were killed). 


13 May

POL Committees representing 12 region and state Hluttaws issued a joint statement opposing any attempt to hold elections.

INT Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah met his NUG counterpart on the sidelines of the US-ASEAN Special Summit (12-13 May).


14 May

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (PDF fighters killed 18 junta soldiers). 


15 May

INT The junta started issuing tourist visas again (after 2 years of suspension). 


16 May

POL The NUG met with the AA. The statement afterward stated the two sides held “cordial discussions on the current political situation” in Myanmar and exchanged “views.


17 May

ECN POL Senior AA officer urges Rakhine people not to invest in the new town project in Gwa Township and to boycott military products. 

INT US Senator Mitch McConnell met with NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung at the US Capitol in Washington DC. They discussed Myanmar’s current situation and the “the importance of continued support from the US and friends of freedom around the world”. 

VIO The Mandalay home of NUG secretary of defense Naing Htoo Aung was bombed by a group of unidentified armed men in plainclothes.


18 May

POL The junta stopped issuing passports to striking civil servants in an effort to prevent them from leaving the country. 

INT The junta Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Aung Naing Oo participated in the ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting. Covered items included challenges due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, COVID-19, boosting regional economic cooperation, and preparations for the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference in June.

VIO The KNL Army and allied resistance forces scored a decisive victory in Kayin State’s Myawaddy Township, storming and seizing a military outpost in Thay Baw Boe village that has been under military control for 32 years.


19 May

POL NUG Interim President Duwa Lashi La has announced that judicial bodies have been formed in 15 townships in Sagaing Region and judicial powers had been delegated to them.


20 May

POL General Yawd Serk, the chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State Army-South, met with regime MAH, becoming the first ethnic leader to join the junta’s peace talks.

VIO Clash:  Sagaing Region (junta torched around 500 houses and 5 000 people have been forced to flee their homes). 


21 May

INT US President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol released a joint statement after Biden’s visit to South Korea. Among other international topics, both leaders condemned the military takeover in Myanmar and called on all nations to grant asylum to Myanmar nationals and prohibit arms sales to Myanmar. 


23 May

POL The country’s major EAOs rejected the junta’s recent offer of peace talks as neither genuine nor all-inclusive, the NMSP became the 2nd EAO, after the Restoration Council of Shan State Army-South, to meet with MAH in Naypyitaw.


24 May

EXM The regime has cut phone and internet services in nearly a dozen townships in resistance stronghold areas in Sagaing Region.

INT Leaders from the Quad met in Tokyo to discuss matters related to the Asia Pacific, including Myanmar. In a joint statement released after the meeting, the leaders called for the “immediate end to violence in Myanmar” as well as the release of all political prisoners and engagement in “constructive dialogue”.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (38 soldiers and 2 PDF fighters were killed).


25 May

INT NUG Health Minister Dr Zaw Wai Soe held a meeting with the Amanda Milling, UK Minister of State for Asia and the Middle East and Member of Parliament in London.


26 May

ECN Myanmar's central bank has ordered ministries and local governments not to use foreign currencies for domestic transactions, to help relieve pressure on the kyat currency.

CDM POL The Department of Basic Education has banned 16 private schools in Nay Pyi Taw accused of being involved in politics from opening for the 2022-2023 academic year.

VIO POL The NUG Ministry of Defense stated that those joining SAC People’s Security Teams would no longer be regarded as civilians and would be targeted by military action. NUG urged them to defect to the PDFs with arms.

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen met with UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer during the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, where the 2 discussed Myanmar and Cambodia’s role as the ASEAN chair.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (10 000 civilians from 19 villages fled their homes since 25 May).


27 May

INT The UNSC failed to agree on a statement aimed at pushing Myanmar’s junta to take steps toward a peaceful solution to the country’s ongoing crisis. China and the UK, which drafted the text, blamed each other for the failure of the day-long negotiation.


28 May

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 soldiers and Pyusawhti members were killed).


29 May

INT NUG Health Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe discussed the support being provided by the NUG to the PDFs at a meeting with Myanmar revolutionary families at London South Bank University.

VIO Clashes: in Bago Region (2 regime vehicles attacked) and in Sagaing Region (16 soldiers were killed).


30 May

POL The junta met with a delegation from the United Wa State Party (being the 4th EAO in the peace talks). The group continues committed to its neutrality.


31 May

POL Businessman Maung Weik, the key witness in a corruption case against ASSK, testified that an alleged bribe paid to her was really a donation to her charity. 

VIO The regime council warned residents of 2 Mandalay townships that it will punish all their relatives if a family member provides aid to PDF.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed). 

1 June

POL NUG declared that any agreements made with the terrorist regime were illegal and warned that they won’t be recognized, as the junta continued to hold talks with a number of EAO.

POL The NUG and 3 allied organizations objected to ASEAN’s decision to provide humanitarian aid to Myanmar through the country’s military regime.

INT NUG Health Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe visited Brussels and held a meeting with EEAS Deputy Managing Director Paola Pampaloni.

INT The junta met with Bangladeshi border guards in Maungdaw Township in Rakhine State to discuss the termination of a construction site and “activities of terrorists in border areas”.


2 June

INT Turkey opened an investigation into the atrocities committed by members of the regime, including MAH, marking the 1st time that a national authority has opened a probe since the coup.

ECN Telenor Myanmar rebranded itself as Atom following its sale to Lebanon’s M1 Group and Myanmar’s Shwe Byain Phyu (tied with the junta). 

VIO Clash: in Kachin and Northern Shan States (6 000 people fled their homes and 25 were killed).


3 June

POL Myanmar’s junta approved execution orders for the death sentences handed down to 4 people, including former NLD lawmaker Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw and veteran democracy activist Ko Jimmy for their anti-regime activities  The French Embassy in Myanmar condemned the SAC’s decision.

ECN The NUG issued a statement criticizing the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office for sponsoring an event at the military-linked Lotte Hotel in Yangon.

VIO The regime approved orders to carry out the death sentences of 4 people, including Ko Jimmy (aka Kyaw Min Yu), veteran democracy activist, and Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw, former NLD lawmaker. 200 organizations called for ending these executions. The UN and a number of countries and other world organizations joined local groups in condemning the junta’s recent announcement.


4 June

POL The MNDAA, also known as the Mongla group, was the 5th EAO to meet with the junta in a series of peace talks

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (30 soldiers and Pyusawhti members were killed).


6 June

EXM The junta charged The Irrawaddy’s former photojournalist Zaw Zaw with incitement.

INT Myanmar junta police chief Major General Zin Min Htet visited Thailand, holding the 1st work committee meeting with the chief of the Royal Thai Police Suwat Jangyodsukon on the prevention of cross-border crime.


7 June

POL NUG President Duwa Lashi La announced the formation of the People's Police Force, which would essentially be a police force under the command of the parallel government. 

EXM UN human rights experts, including UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar Tom Andrews, issued a statement yesterday condemning the junta’s attempts to establish a “digital dictatorship” (restrict internet access and censor and survey online activity).

VIO Clashes: in Kayah State (10 junta soldiers were killed) and in Sagaing Region (180 houses were burned down). Regime forces destroyed 100 houses in the Catholic village of Chan Thar in Sagaing Region’s Ye-U Township. 


8 June

INT The US State Department’s Counselor, Derek Chollet, has urged the ASEAN to engage with NUG. 

INT Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde met her NUG counterpart Daw Zin Mar Aung in Stockholm to discuss cooperation between the two countries. 

VIO WHO worker shot dead in Mon State. Clash: in Magwe Region (20 regime troops were killed).


9 June

INT Wunna Maung Lwin, Union Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, received the Cambodian Delegation in Naypyitaw. 

POL The junta indicted ASSK and Sean Turnell, as well as 3 NLD cabinet members, for charges under the Official Secrets Act.

VIO Clash: in Magwe Region (13 regime soldiers were killed). 


11 June

INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen urged MAH “to refrain from carrying out the death sentences”. The SAC rejected the request.


12 June

POL The Arakan Liberation Party delegation led by its Vice-Chairwoman Saw Mya Yarzar Lin arrived in Naypyitaw to meet with MAH as the 4th EAO (out of 10) for peace talks.

VIO Clashes: in Kachin and Chin states and Sagaing Region (90 junta soldiers were killed in firefights with the PDF and in Sagaing junta, soldiers took 60 hostages). Regime forces carried out arson attacks targeting at least 30 villages along the border of Magway and Sagaing regions and used civilians as human shields against PDF


13 June

VIO 80 junta troops torkech houses in 3 villages and used civilians as human shields against PDFs while torching houses in rural areas of Sagaing Region on 12-13 June.  


14 June

POL ASSK  made her 2nd public statement during her court hearing in Naypyitaw, she urged citizens to cooperate in the name of unity.

POL The AA held a press conference, where it touted good relations with the NUG, threatened an escalation of “military confrontation” with the junta and claimed to have received 100 defectors/deserters since the coup.

CDM The military captured 30 young adults participants in anti-junta flash demonstrations in Yangon.

VIO 5 000 people from Sagaing Region have fled their homes as regime forces raided and burned down over 1 000 houses in 4 villages within 3 days.


15 June

POL The Pa-O National Liberation Organization arrived in Naypyitaw, becoming the 7th EAO to meet the junta as part of its peace talks efforts. 

VIO In Demoso Township in Kayah State, junta forces burned down a Catholic church during clashes with the resistance forces.


16 June

EXM The junta was using the Mytel telecommunications operator to track and eavesdrop on its own soldiers by monitoring their communications and locations in an effort to halt the growing number of defections from regime forces.

INT The UK Government imposed new sanctions on organizations responsible for supplying aircraft parts to the Myanmar military. Alongside Russian companies, three local entities (Sky Aviator Company Limited, Synpex Shwe Company Limited, and Myanmar New Era Trading Company Limited) were included in this updated sanction list.

INT For the 4th time, the military regime has been excluded from an international meeting, with India’s decision not to invite the junta’s foreign minister to its meeting with ASEAN foreign ministers on 16-17 June.

VIO Clashes: in Magwe and Sagaing regions (18 regime troops were killed within 2 days).


17 June

VIO 2 500 people have been forced from their homes in struggle to survive in forested areas without even basic supplies by recent clashes between the junta and PDF in Chin State.


19 June

CDM From countryside and major cities, the Myanmar people united to celebrate

ASSK´s 77th birthday, calling for her release from junta detention. 100 political prisoners were locked in a fish-paste warehouse in Mandalay’s Obo Prison for celebrating ASSK’s 77th.


20 June

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (15 soldiers were killed).


21 June

CDM During a press conference, NUG media official Ko Nay Phone Latt said that the PDFs were becoming stronger, more organized, and were getting closer to the level of a professional army.


22 June

INT The junta’s delegation led by Minister of Defense General Mya Tun Oo arrived in Cambodia for the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting in Phnom Penh. Japanese Defence Minister Nobuo Kishi told his junta counterpart there that the military must immediately end violence against civilians.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (12 PDF fighters were killed) and in Sagaing Region (25 junta troops and allied militia members were killed by the PDFs). / The junta abducted 20 residents in Rakhine State after the AA seized the staff at a military security office. 


23 June

POL The Myanmar junta confirmed that it has moved ASSK to prison from an undisclosed location where she had been under house arrest, and placed in solitary confinement.

VIO Clash: in Sagaing Region (50 civilians have been detained as hostages during a nighttime junta raid). 


25 June

INT US State Department Counselor Derek Chollet met virtually with NUG PM Mahn Win Khaing Than to discuss Myanmar’s “humanitarian needs, and our common efforts to help restore Burma’s path to democracy”.


26 June

ECN The junta was advertizing and pushing Advancing Telecommunications of Myanmar (ATOM), the revamped name for Telenor Myanmar, as a new and better service to “enhance connectivity”.


27 June

INT Junta Minister for International Cooperation Ko Ko Hlaing met with Chinese ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai in Naypyitaw.

INT Cambodia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement urging the junta to facilitate ASSK’s return “to the home where she was originally detained.” Also the ASEAN Special Envoy asked for the same. 

INT CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt met in New York with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and permanent representatives from UN member countries. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Mandalay regions (40 junta troops were killed); in Bago Region (19 junta forces were killed during 2 days of fighting) and in Mon State (7 000 civilians fled their homes). 


28 June

ECN The NUG awarded K34.4 million to 3 junta officers and 15 soldiers who defected to the CDM-side with their weapons. 


29 June

INT The junta confirmed that it has withdrawn its ambassadors to Australia, Brunei, and Germany, and replaced them with charges d'affaires. The move is retribution for these countries downgrading their own representation, seen as a way to avoid granting the junta formal diplomatic recognition.

INT MAH met with a delegation led by Lieutenant-General Apichet Suesat of the Royal Thai Army in Naypyitaw. They discussed and exchanged views on several matters including the strengthening of ties between both militaries, stability along the shared border, increased cooperation in anti-narcotics operations, conditions on peace talks with EAOs, and the Thai Army’s support for the return of CDM staff and students from border areas. The SAC plans to establish camps around border areas to welcome and facilitate "the return of CDM staff, students, and youth entering the legal fold".

EXM The military detained 3 more lawyers representing junta opponents in Mandalay. 

POL Ma Ba Tha monks have been rallying villagers to support military rule and formed militias. 

VIO 9 resistance members, including 4 teenagers, were detained and killed by the junta while they were unarmed in Shwebo Township, Sagaing Region, to attend medical training.


30 June

INT As a part of the 2nd official mission of the ASEAN Special Envoy, Prak Sokhonn met with MAH in Naypyitaw. They exchanged views on the progress of implementing 5 points consensus. He also met with SAC officials, 7 EAOs, and 7 political parties, and also with diplomats from France, US, Australia, and the EU in Yangon, exchanging views on the progress of the ASEAN 5-point consensus and providing humanitarian assistance to people in need.

ECN Japanese Kirin said it has agreed to a buyout of its shares in a Myanmar joint venture with a junta-linked conglomerate, completing its exit from the market.

VIO 7 000 civilians from 20 villages in Sagaing Region, fled their homes amid regime raids. / The junta used massive airstrikes to defend strategic outposts in Karen State near to the border with Thailand. Thailand scrambled fighter jets near its border with Myanmar and issued a warning to the military government over the airspace violation. Two F-16 fighter jets were deployed when radar detected a plane in Thai airspace in Tak province close to the Myanmar border, which was carrying out attacks on EAOs. The aircraft strayed into Thai airspace on the same day as a Thai military delegation traveled to Naypyidaw for border talks. The military apologized.

1 July

VIO 2-year-old girl shot in the neck as family fleed raid by the junta forces. 

ECN The junta hosted a press conference to discuss Myanmar’s economic situation (fuel shortages, etc.) and the spokesperson Zaw Min Tun sent shockwaves when he said that negotiating with ASSK was “not impossible.”


2 July

INT Delegations from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam arrived in Bagan to attend the 7th Lancang – Mekong Cooperation Meeting (25 July). They were welcomed by several SAC officials. At the event, ASEAN Special Envoy Prak Sokhonn had a bilateral meeting with China’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi. Yi also met with his SAC counterpart exchanging views on several matters including the strengthening of ties between the 2 countries.

VIO Locals claimed that a militia operating under the Pa-O National Organisation has been forcibly recruiting members from villages across multiple southern Shan State townships to fight against anti-junta resistance groups. 


3 July

INT MAH and his military leaders have been prosecuted in Argentina and Turkey, and will be prosecuted in other countries, said Kyaw Win from Burma Human Rights Network. 

VIO Clashes: in Mon State (8 soldiers killed and 5 injured in landmine attack on regime convoy). / KNU seized 5 junta bases in KNU’s Nyaunglebin district, Bago Region.


4 July

INT New Zealand withdrew from an ASEAN counter-terrorism meeting co-chaired by Myanmar and Russia planned for 20-21 July. 

INT Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Bagan on 2 July and co-chaired the 7th Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ meeting on 4 July. He urged all political parties in Myanmar to prioritize the big picture and the interests of the people, and take rational and pragmatic efforts so as to restore stability and achieve peace. On the other hand, Beijing reaffirmed its continued support for Myanmar’s military regime and vowed to protect its neighbour and its legitimate interests.

INT Moscow sent several trainers and technicians to assist the Myanmar Air Force, including 6 new Su-30 jet fighters. Russian personel will stay in Myanmar until the warranty period is over.

VIO Clashes: Shan State (40 regime soldiers and 11 PDF members were killed) and in Karen State (6 AA soldiers were killed when the junta aircraft bombed an outpost of the Rakhine armed group located in an area controlled by its ally). / 2 NLD members, Pan Myint and Ko Ko Maung, who were detained by the regime last week alongside lawmaker Kyaw Myo Min, were found dead with signs of torture after detention.


5 July

POL The Myanmar Navy of Myanmar conducted a joint naval and air exercises named Sea Shield-2022 on 1-5 July with the participation of 2 submarines (Minye Theinkhathu and Minye Kyaw Htin) from the Tatmadaw off the coast of Rakhine State.

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (6 AA fighters were killed by junta airstrikes and a clinic and garment factory were destroyed); in Bago Region (40 000 IDPs were displaced by military shelling and airstrikes)

INT VIO India’s Manipur temporarily closed the country’s border with Myanmar after 2 Indian nationals were killed in Sagaing Region. This was the 1st time foreigners were killed since the coup.The following day, Indian protestors set fire to a police outpost on the Myanmar side of the border. Chief Minister of Indian Manipur called for “justice for the victims”. On 8 July the Tamu PDF in Sagaing Region named 2 pro-junta militia members who allegedly killed the 2 Indian men.

INT Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi arrived in Bagan on 2 July and co-chaired the 7th Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ meeting on 4 July. He urged all political parties in Myanmar to prioritize the big picture and the interests of the people, and take rational and pragmatic efforts so as to restore stability and achieve peace. On the other hand, Beijing reaffirmed its continued support for Myanmar’s military regime and vowed to protect its neighbour and its legitimate interests.


6 July

POL After several weeks the junta’s peace talks resumed with a 10th delegation from the Lahu Democratic Union arriving in Naypyitaw. 

VIO 5 000 residents from over 10 villages in Sagaing Region have been forced to flee their homes after the Myanmar military airlifted reinforcements into the area.


8 July

VIO Clashes: in Magwe Region (2 000 IDPs were displaced by Myanmar Regime's Arson Attacks in Magwe as the junta´s forces raided and burned down 2 villages).


9 July

POL The NLD released a statement saying it will not accept the junta’s upcoming sham election next year.


10 July

EXM The junta government installed Chinese-built cameras with facial recognition capabilities in several cities.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (35 junta troops, including a major, were killed).

INT The Thai government demanded compensation from the junta over the intrusion into Thai air space on 30 June.

INT The junta delegation, led by MAH and Air Force Chief Tun Aung, was welcomed at the Moscow airport by Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Vasilievich Fomin. MAH held separate meetings with Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation (and signed an MoU), Russian Federal Space Agency (aka Roscosmos), Tatneft oil company, and the Ministry of Defence. The topics discussed in the meetings include the enhancement of cooperation in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical, agricultural, livestock, industrial, and food sectors through the use of nuclear energy, and collaboration between the 2 countries in military technology. 


11 July

VIO The house of MAH’s sister in Mayangone Township in Yangon Region was bombed. The Federal Liberation Army and the Union of Myanmar Civil Defense, two resistance groups, claimed responsibility for the attack.  


12 July

INT 448 local and international organizations are calling on South Korea to boycott the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus Experts’ Working Group (ADMM-Plus EWG) on Counter-Terrorism, which is co-chaired by Russia and Myanmar and is scheduled for 20-21 July in Moscow. Australia and NZ withdrew from the meeting.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 civilians were used as human shields by the junta while troops defused a remote-controlled bomb laid by the PDF). 


13 July

INT The head of the British embassy in Myanmar, Pete Vowles, tweeted that his time in Myanmar has come to an “abrupt end” - he was forced by the junta to leave.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (40 soldiers were killed during 3 days of heavy fighting).


14 July

INT The junta delegation in Russia met with Russian lackey, the President of Tatarstan, Rustam Nurgaliyevich Minnikhanov, as well as with the Governor of Saint Petersburg Alexander Beglov. The Governor expressed gratitude for Myanmar’s visa exemption for Russian citizens, and they discussed opening the Myanmar Consulate in Saint Petersburg. 

POL The Shan State Progress Party met with a junta delegation in Shan State.

POL The regime’s Commerce Ministry held a meeting to discuss buying 1 000 tonnes of rice with public funds and delivering it to the Sri Lankan people as humanitarian aid.

ECN The Central Bank of Myanmar ordered companies to suspend repayment of foreign loans.

INT Statement on the VTC meeting between the acting President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (junta forced over 10 000 people from a dozen villages to flee their homes).


15 July

INT ECN Illegal rare earth mining controlled by a militia sponsored by the Myanmar military has increased by at least 5 times in Kachin State in areas along the border with China, while there has been a rapid influx of Chinese workers. 

ECN POL The price of pharmaceuticals has increased by 5 to 10 percent and some medicines are out of stock because of the red tape being applied in the application procedure for import permits. 

ECN The NUG Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment announced they would sell another estate of the MAH


16 July

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (25 soldiers were killed as fighting intensifies between KIA and the junta). / The junta was blocking humanitarian organisations from accessing northern parts of Rakhine State.


18 July

VIO Clashes: in Maungdaw (14 border guard police were captured and 6 AA fighters were killed) and in Bago (2 600 people were displaced on 15-18 July). / The AA ambush in Rakhine’s Maungdaw Township (a response to sporadic skirmishes and the killing on July 6 of six AA soldiers in an aerial bombing in Kayin State) sparked frantic Tatmadaw troop deployments. In the ambush AA said it killed 20 junta troops.


19 July

CDM People across Myanmar celebrated Martyrs’ Day (which marks the anniversary of the assassination of General Aung San) - protests were dispersed within a short time to avoid confrontations with security forces.

CDM Saw Nerdah Bo Mya, the former commander of the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO, one of the KNU’s 2 armed wings) formed the Kawthoolei Army, a new Karen armed group (composed of former KNDO/DKBA-5 fighters and PDF members).

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (50 soldiers were killed and 2 jets and a helicopter conducted 20 attacks over several hours); in Monywa (6 junta troops were killed), and in Rakin State (20 junta security personnel were killed).


20 July

INT ECN Ooredoo (a telecommunications company in Myanmar), plans to sell its operation and leave the country.

INT ASEAN special envoy planed 3rd trip to Myanmar; hoped to use Aung San Suu Kyi’s influence to end violence.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (33 soldiers were killed). / The military regime started arresting villagers in Rakhine State, after it suffered casualties in a clash with the EAO and the AA there. / 50 regime soldiers are currently stationed in a Catholic church in the southern Shan State to protect themselves. 

EXM The junta cut off internet and telecommunication services in Gangaw Township in Magway Region. 


21 July

VIO 12 villagers found dead/massacred in Sagaing Region.


22 July

POL Ko Jimmy and Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw were permitted to virtually meet their families for the 1st time since their arrests. The families were also allowed to give a small amount of food via prison authorities.


24 July

CDM People protested in Japan after the Japanese government invited the junta to the funeral of Shinzo Abe on 27 September.


25 July

VIO 4 democracy activists (Ko Jimmy, Phyo Zeya Thaw, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw) were sentenced to death (from 3 June) in a closed-door trial by the military in what is believed to be the 1st use of capital punishment in decades./ Family members had spoken to them (online) on 21 July but had no idea it was the last time. Thebodies were cremated the same day the executions were carried out and despite repeated pleas from the families the junta has not returned the ashes to them. / Lt-Gen Soe Htut, the junta’s minister for home affairs and a key ally of Myanmar junta leader personally supervised the hangings of 4 men. 

INT International responses: Statements of condemnation have rolled in from governments and organisations around the world: the US, France, Germany, Czechia, UN, UNSC, G7, ASEAN, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and a joint statement from the EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, and the UK.

POL Responses within Myanmar: The AA, Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF), and the People's Party  released a condeming statement in response to the executions. The coalition of the AA, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army also put out a joint statement. The Yangon Region Military Command under the NUG vowed to avenge their deaths and some urban guerilla groups have already taken matters into their own hands. 

CDM In Yangon, a group of activists also protested against the executions. Uniformed police and soldiers were stopping random pedestrians and checking phones. On Facebook, many changed their profile picture to black or red as a form of protest. Protests broke out also inside the Insein Prison

POL Also hundreds of pro-army protesters gathered in Yangon in a show of support for the Myanmar regime’s recent executions.

ECN The military reversed its position on accepting Thai baht and Chinese yuan for settling border trade transactions and ordered that the trade be carried out with US dollars at the official exchange rate set by the junta-controlled Central Bank of Myanmar, which forced local exporters to stop the border trade with Thailand and China.

ECN The NUG Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment announced that they have received 8.5 million USD from the ongoing sale of MAH’s house with over 85% of shares having been sold. The house is priced at 10 million USD with shares being on sale by NUG since 5 May 2022.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (villagers discovered 5 bodies, one day after 100 junta soldiers left the village, in which they detained 20 villagers; the PDF killed 15 soldiers and damaged Tatmadaw boats). 


26 July

VIO Myanmar’s military regime has detained 8 residents in Rakhine State, after the AA abducted the town’s police chief on 24 July.


27 July

VIO POL 50 people armed with knives and sticks visited Phyo Zeya Thaw’s and Ko Jimmy’s parents' home, throwing stones, eggs, and other materials at the house. 

VIO POL Political prisoners facing the death penalty inside Yangon’s Insein Prison have been separated from the rest of the prison population. Currently 117 people are facing the death penalty.

VIO A PDF camp in Sagaing Region was seized and burned down after the Myanmar military launched airstrikes and raided the camp.


28 July

POL The NUG, the CRPH, along with the KNU, Karenni National Progressive Party, Chin National Front, All Burma Students Democratic Front, and the NLD vowed in a joint statement to fight the regime on all fronts and by all means.

VIO 20 Myanmar junta personnel have been killed by PDFs nationwide in retaliation for the military regime’s execution of 4 activists on 25 July. / The junta detained more than 70 people in Kalay in Sagaing Region.


30 July

INT Malaysia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Saifuddin Abudullah accused the SAC of “monopolizing, politicizing, and weaponizing humanitarian aid”. He said that Malaysia would “oppose any election held by the SAC and that the ASEAN should do the same”. 

POL The SAC convened the National Defence and Security Council to extend the State of Emergency for 6 more months.

VIO Clashes: in Karen State (80 junta soldiers were killed). / 6 PDF members from Mandalay Region were sentenced to death. / A Japanese filmmaker, Toru Kubota, has been detained after he attended a protest in Yangon, as the latest foreigner


31 July

INT NUG foreign minister Daw Zin Mar Aung asked the UNSC to send troops and weapons using the R2P principle to stop the regime killing more civilians. 

ECN INT The NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance, and Investment (MoPFI) released a list of 8 companies from China and Singapore currently investing in Myanmar with the junta and reiterated its call for companies to suspend their active investment projects unconditionally.

VIO Clashes: in Karen State (188 villagers crossed into Thailand to escape the fighting).

INT The NUG announced the official opening of a representative office in Japan. The opening ceremony was attended by MPs. 

CDM Oath-taking ceremonies pledging allegiance to the resistance took plce across the country. / Yangon residents banged pots and pans and sounded vehicle horns as a part of a public pledge to defeat the dictatorship.

CDM INT A fundraising event for the revolution in Malaysia’s Selangor State was attended by thousands of Myanmar people.


1 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (10 people were killed and 110 students and teachers from an NUG school detained). / 55 000 bags of rice donated by Nippon Foundation to IDPs in 9 townships in Rakhine State could not be delivered because of a ban imposed by the regime council. / The military held 60 children hostage following a raid on a village in Sagaing Region.


2 August

INT US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, met NUG Deputy Foreign Minister, U Moe Zaw Oo, and said sanctions would continue against the junta.


3 August

INT The NUG opened its Australian office in Canberra.

INT The ASEAN 55th Foreign Ministers’ one-day meeting took place in Phnom Penh without the Myanmar junta (which refused to send a non-political representative). According to Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah the conflict in Myanmar was among the major issues that were discussed.

INT Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met in Myanmar with MAH and junta Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin, marking one of the highest-level visits by a foreign official since the coup. MAH suggested moving Russia’s Embassy to Naypyitaw and opening a consulate in Mandalay. The  Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova confirmed that Russia intends to normalize relations with the junta following elections planned for 2023.


5 August

ECN The NUG launched the 2nd sale of the MAH’s illegally seized property in Yangon to help fund its revolution, the property beside Inya Lake is valued at over $20 million. 

ECN The junta-appointed Central Bank of Myanmar officially depreciated the kyat further from K1 850 to K2 100 against the US dollar. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (50 junta soldiers were killed in 2 days).


6 August

CDM Anti-coup revolutionary strike held in a village from Sagaing's Yinmabin township.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 people were killed, 12 injured, and 2 men abducted by the junta) / The NUG’s defense ministry announced offering cash rewards to junta soldiers who defect with anti-aircraft weapons, as the regime increasingly uses airstrikes on both resistance fighters and civilian targets.


7 August

CDM INT Myanmar nationals living in South Korea marched in Seoul to condemn Myanmar’s recent execution of 4 democracy activists, demanding action to stop the flow of funds & arms, as well as targeted sanctions against MOGE.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Magway regions (100 junta soldiers were killed over the weekend as PDFs launched attacks on military units) and in Bago Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


8 August

ECN Myanmar’s central bank weakened its kyat currency from 1,850 to 2,100 per dollar.

CDM In Yangon, Sagaing Regions, and Kachin State, and in Sydney, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, the United States, and France protests were held to mark the 34th anniversary of the 8888 national uprising against the junta. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (in Tabayin, Myinmu and Monywa townships 29 civilians and PDF fighters were killed in the junta raids from 1-8 August and 100 troops set fire to an estimated 20 houses in Pakokku Township), and Kachin State (10 junta soldiers were killed). / The KIA and PDF seized 2 military camps in Kachin State. 


9 August

VIO 1,851 people from 414 households were reported to have fled the Sezin village in Kachin State because of the fighting and arson attacks by the junta. About 500 houses in the village were set on fire by junta forces and the SNA. 


10 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 PDF soldiers were killed and 25 weapons seized by Konethar and Yameikthar villages).


11 August

POL The UEC issued a notice requiring political parties to seek its prior approval before meeting foreign organizations and individuals.

INT Justice for Myanmar found that 116 companies with 262 directors and shareholders—a third of them registered in Singapore—deserve closer scrutiny and stiffer sanctions for acting as arms brokers for Myanmar’s military. 

INT A lawmaker from Japan’s ruling party met with MAH, following the arrest Japanese filmmaker Toru Kubota on 30 July by the Myanmar junta. 

CDM INT Chiang Mai University in Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding with the Spring University Myanmar to take in 500 students. The SUM was founded in May 2021, in collaboration with the NUG’s education ministry, to provide education for students who were boycotting the junta-led schools. 

POL INT Sean Turnell testified at a hearing in Naypyitaw for the 1st time since his trial began. He denied the allegations against him and pleaded not guilty. 

VIO Clashes: in Chin, Kachin, and Karen states and Sagaing and Magwe regions (80 regime forces were killed in firefights with PDF groups and EAOs); and in Sagaing Region (70 civilians and PDF fighters were trapped in a village after military airstrikes). / TNLA abducted 80 villagers in Mogok, Mandalay Region.


12 August

ECN The junta formed a new committee to buy oil and gas from Russia, led by Lieutenant-General Nyo Saw. 


13 August

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (37 junta soldiers were killed). 


14 August

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (11 junta soldiers were killed); in Kayah State (19 junta soldiers were killed). / A commercial center, homes, and businesses in Sagaing Region were in ruins after a 3-day rampage by regime forces. / Junta soldiers burnt Haimual village in Chin State. / Military operations in Mon State and Bago Region have displaced more than 150 000 people.


15 August

INT ECN Associated Press reported that the EU sanctions on the military-controlled MOGE have significantly cut the Myanmar military’s oil revenues, it led the Bank of China to withhold payments in euros to MOGE for payment of the gas from the Shwe gas pipeline to China. 

POL A court sentenced ASSK to 6 years in prison after finding her guilty in 4 corruption cases. So far, she has been sentenced to 17 years prison with all her cases.

INT UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer met with MAH in Naypyitaw, in her 1st visit to Myanmar. She published a statement after her meeting with MAH claiming that her goal was to “communicate in person the pragmatic steps to de-escalate the violence, address the multidimensional crisis and advance unfettered humanitarian assistance”. Following the meeting, 864 CSOs demand the withdrawal of the envoy’s mandate.  

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed) and in Kayin State (12 junta forces were killed). / The remains of 18 people, including the body of a 10-year-old girl, were found in village of Yin Paung Taing in Sagaing Region.


17 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing (junta soldiers destroyed more than 60 houses). / Military called in air support to the clash site with the AA in Rakhine State. / The junta troops burned down the entire village of NgaTaMhyaw in Sagaing region.


19 August

POL The head of the Central Bank was replaced as part of a surprise reshuffle by the junta. Deputy Governor Than Than Swe, who was hospitalized after being shot by unidentified attackers at her home on 7 April, will now head the bank, replacing Than Nyein.

ECN The German multinational company, Beiersdorf, whose products include Nivea and Hansaplast, is leaving Myanmar.

ECN The kyat’s value dropped to a record low since the coup – the real cost of $1 rose to K3,100, way above the junta’s reference rate. The kyat’s depreciation sent fuel prices up.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Mawgay regions (50 junta soldiers raided Hlaykhote and Ngataraw villages, burning down nearly 750 houses in 3 days). 


21 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions (46 junta forces personnel were killed).


22 August

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


23 August

POL The junta’s peace talks continued with another round of meetings between the Pa-O National Liberation Organization, the Lahu Democratic Union, and the Arakan Liberation Party, later joined by the Restoration Council of Shan State

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (45 junta soldiers were killed) and in Karen State (the military carried out air raids).


24 August

VIO The military regime has arrested UK’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Vicky Bowman, along with her husband, Ko Htein Lin, a former political prisoner. 


25 August

INT The UK sanctioned 3 Tatmadaw-linked businesses, including companies owned by MAH's son and daughter (Star Sapphire Group of Companies linked to Khin Thiri Thet Mon, and Sky One Construction Co Ltd). The UK also sanctioned the International Gateways Group of Companies Ltd. The UK also confirmed its intention to support the Gambia’s genocide case against Myanmar at the IJC. 


26 August

POL The junta's transport ministry has ordered all bus companies to record the exact personal data of passengers before selling the tickets. Passengers must give a "recommendation letter" and their Citizenship Scrutiny Card. This is likely an attempt to limit the movements of PDF fighters.

INT The Myanmar military attended the International Army Games in Russia. Myanmar Deputy Commander-in-Chief Soe Win met with Russian Deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin.

VIO 100 soldiers raided a PDF camp near Thaungwaing village in Bago Region, detaining 19 civilians and resistance fighters including an 8-year-old boy.


27 August

CDM VIO The junta detained 20 people, including 3 striking civil servants participating in the CDM. 50 soldiers blocked off the staff quarters at the university and searched the houses. 


28 August

VIO Myanmar junta soldiers raped at least 7 women during raids on two villages in Kani Township, Sagaing Region.


29 August

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay (15 soldiers were killed) and in Sagaing (10 people were killed in junta raids and aerial attacks).


30 August

ECN The kyat resumed its wild slide against the US dollar. No business wants to import goods at a great loss and some shops in Shan State were closed due to kyat depreciation. The Central Bank announced it will pump $200 million into the market to counter rising commodity prices.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (25 junta soldiers were killed in 2 days).


31 August

POL KNU and Democratic Karen Buddhist Army came to a historic agreement to reunify as the Kawthoolei Armed Forces, to fight against the military dictatorship. 

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (19 junta police officers were killed) and in Sagaing Region (34 junta forces were killed). / Anti-regime forces attacked 2 bases run by the Shanni Nationalities Army in Sagaing Region.

1 September

CDM The All Arakan Youth Organization Network called for a boycott of military-linked products in Rakhine State because of hardship caused by military transport bans and civilian casualties from junta attacks.

POL MAH met former dictator Than Shwe.

CDM In Mandalay’s Obo Prison 21 people, including teachers and students that demonstrated against the junta, were sentenced to 3 years in prison under section 505-A of the Penal Code.

VIO Military troops detained 19 members of the Black Dragon Force Pyapon resistance group operating in Ayeyarwady Region.


2 September

POL The military regime has handed a 1-year prison sentences to Britain’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Vicky Bowman, and her husband, Ko Htein Lin, for breaching the Immigration Act.

POL ASSK was found guilty of electoral fraud and sentenced to 3 years in jail with hard labour.


4 September

INT MAH arrived in Vladivostok to attend the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF-2022). This is MAH’s 3rd trip to Russia, coming just a month after his last visit, and about a week after his deputy Soe Win returned from his trip. 

CDM In Yangon, activists displayed a poster reading “UN Prove Your Existence for Justice” in front of the UN office in Yangon in support of reappointing current ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun. 

VIO  The military carried out airstrikes against the AA in Rakhine State.


5 September

INT The UN Special Envoy on Myanmar said she would visit the Myanmar again only if she were allowed to meet ASSK.


6 September

INT The Myanmar military regime and Russian state-owned nuclear corporation Rosatom have signed a roadmap for further atomic energy cooperation including the possible implementation of a modular reactor project in Myanmar on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia.

INT An unprecedented legal petition has been filed in Indonesia to open a case against the junta for crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the genocide against the country’s Muslim population.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (a group of 60 junta personnel raided two villages, and burned down 15 houses).


7 September

INT MAH held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the 7th Eastern Economic Forum 2022 in Vladivostok, Russia.

INT ECN Myanmar has started buying Russian oil products and is ready to pay for deliveries in roubles. 


8 September

INT ECN Ooredoo sold its Myanmar operation to the Singapore-based Nine Communications firm for US$576 million, completing the exodus of foreign telecom companies from Myanmar.

INT A personal meeting took place between Czech Minister Jan Lipavsky and NUG Minister Daw Zin Aung Mar Aung.

POL A junta court inside Naypyitaw Prison heard the last testimony in the case against economic advisor Sean Turnell under the colonial-era Official Secrets Act.

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (20 junta soldiers were killed).


9 September

INT NUG Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung, Human Rights Minister Aung Myo Min and Representative Officer Lin Thant visited the grave of Vaclav Havel in the Czechia.


11 September

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine State (13 regime troops were killed) and in Shan State (60 junta troops were killed). / Myanmar’s military carried out multiple airstrikes in northern Rakhine State following the fall of another base to the AA.


13 September

VIO EXM At least 15 people, including 2 freelance journalists, were arrested during a crackdown on a protest in Yangon.


14 September

POL The KNU/KNLA-Peace Council and the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army became the latest groups to join the junta’s 2nd round of peace talks

VIO Myanmar’s junta added a charge that carries a death sentence against jailed protest leader Ko Wai Moe Naing for his role in the protest movement against military rule.


15 September

EXM A court in Yangon sentenced Myanmar journalist Htet Htet Khine, a freelance producer for BBC Media Action, to three years in prison with hard labour.


16 September

POL Leaders of the UWSA and AA met in Mongla, Shan State to establish personal ties between the allies and deepen cooperation.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (11 children were killed in junta air strikes). / The military regime ordered the UN and international NGOs operating in Rakhine State to halt their operations. / The military is continuing its efforts to form militias around the country by arming villagers near Naypyitaw.


17 September

INT CDM Myanmar people protest outside UN headquarters in NYC to demand that U Kyaw Moe Tun remain Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN.


19 September

INT Myanmar (along with Russia and Belarus) have not been invited to Queen Elizabeth’s state funeral.


20 September

POL The junta warned the public against showing moral support for the resistance movement, threatening jail terms of up to 10 years just for liking or sharing its content on social media.

ECN Myanmar was discussing with burgeoning ally Russia the use of its Mir bank card for payments.

INT Malaysian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Saifuddin Abdullah, met with representatives from the NUG, NUCC, CRPH, and Myanmar’s ambassador to the UN, Kyaw Moe Tun. 

INT Japan announced that it would stop accepting Myanmar military cadets for training under its defence ministry beginning in 2023.


25 September

VIO Junta soldiers raided Kyatsu Aint village in Magway Region, before launching an arson attack, due to which 700 residents had to flee. 


26 September

INT Progressive Voice published 2 open letters against the junta. The first was signed by 567 CSOs, calling for leaders from EAOs not to attend the junta’s peace talks. And the other letter was signed by 36 CSOs, urging France to formally support the Gambia’s case against Myanmar at the ICJ. The UK, Germany, Canada, and the Netherlands already supported it.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay Region (34 junta soldiers were killed). 


27 September

EXM Freelance BBC reporter Htet Htet Khine was sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the country’s Unlawful Associations Act


28 September

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (11 regime troops were killed). 


29 September

POL ASSK’s economic advisor Sean Turnell was sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act and for visa violations. The Australian Senate Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong issued a statement calling for the immediate release of Sean Turnell.

POL ASSK was sentenced to an additional 3 years in prison for breaching the Official Secrets Act. 


30 September

VIO A passenger was injured on a Myanmar National Airline flight when the plane was hit by a bullet as it prepared to land at Loikaw, Kayah State. 


2 October

ECN The import of vehicles has been temporarily suspended by the trade authority, as an effort to reduce the use of foreign currency.


11 October

CDM 21 PDFs in the area united under the KNU leadership in Thaton, Mon State.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (20 junta soldiers and pro-regime militia members were killed).


12 October

POL ASSK’s was given three additional years for charges on corruption, extending her prison sentence to 26 years. 

ECN The Japanese firm Toyota Motor Corp has begun assembling autos in Myanmar after delays due to the coup.

INT UN Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun called on the UNSC to ask the ICC to take action against the inhumane activities of the military junta.

CDM INT The Myanmar  community in California, US, gathered to call for the US to support democracy in Myanmar. 

INT The US Special Rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar Tom Andrews published a report outlining the “human rights and humanitarian catastrophe in Myanmar” while calling on the international community to work more closely with Myanmar civil society.

VIO More than 40 junta troops have been killed in the 2-days attack by the PDFs in Sagaing, Magwe, Mandalay, and Tanintharyi regions and Chin State.


13 October

POL Aung Naing Oo, who was appointed deputy director of the President’s Office under the NLD, was sentenced to 10 years in prison yesterday for violating the Official Secrets Act.

ECN A Chinese-backed power plant opened in Rakhine State.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Magwe, Bago, Tanintharyi region, and Mon State (30 regime personnel were killed in the last 2 days). 


14 October

POL Australian economist Sean Turnell, who received his first convictions in late September, was transferred from Naypyitaw Prison back to Insein Prison in Yangon where he had previously been held for over a year when he was first arrested. 

INT The junta received a delegation led by Chinese Ambassador to Myanmar Chen Hai at the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations in Naypyitaw.

VIO The military burned down 700 homes in Sagaing and Magway regions.


15 October

POL The NUG has opened its 1st township court in Sagaing Region.

EXM The junta threatened to take legal action against BBC Burmese and The Irrawaddy under the communications and news media laws


17 October

INT The NUG said it wanted to work with China to bring peace to Myanmar.

INT At the invitation of the Electoral Commission of South Africa and the Association of World Election Bodies South Africa, a delegation led by U Thein Soe, Chairman of the UEC, attended the 5th General Assembly held in Cape Town, from 17-22 October.

VIO Clashes: in Kayah State (20 junta soldiers were killed). 


18 October

POL ASSK and President Win Myint face corruption charges over helicopter use during natural disasters.

INT The Myanmar Air Force ordered several FTC-2000G midrange fighter jets from China.

INT Junta-appointed police chief Major General Zin Min Htet attended the 90th General Assembly of the international police organization, Interpol, in New Delhi 18-21 October.

VIO Clashes: between Kyainseikgyi and Myawaddy Townships (when the KNLA and PDFs attacked a detachment of the military’s Light Infantry Battalion 358).


19 October

VIO Clashes: in Chin, Shan, and Kayah States and Sagaing, Magwe, and Yangon Regions (50 regime forces were killed in 2 days). / 2 explosions inside of Insein Prison killed 8 people; no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

INT Zin Mar Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the NUG, talked about genuine cooperation and mutual respect with Ann Linde Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden.


22 October

ECN Russian traders arrived to a jade and gems emporium in Naypyitaw, as the junta seeks to earn hard currency by selling the country’s jewels.


23 October

VIO Clashes: in Kachin State (60 people were killed in junta airstrikes during a music festival and 50 victims have been prevented by junta troops from being treated at hospitals in nearby towns), and in Kayin State (26 regime soldiers and 3 PDF fighters were killed).


25 October

INT The UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo urged Malaysia to stop deporting refugees back to Myanmar. / The UN special envoy, Noeleen Heyzer, urged ASEAN to end forced returns of Myanmar nationals fleeing for safety.


26 October

INT A Myanmar junta commander has visited Bangladesh’s military chief General SM Shafiuddin Ahmed in Dhaka in an apparent attempt to improve relations and boost regional security.


27 October

INT The ASEAN held emergency talks in Indonesia about Myanmar’s peace process in advance of the upcoming ASEAN and East Asia summits in Cambodia on 10-13 November. The military regime said that implementation of the ASEAN peace plan would “create more negative implications.”


28 October

ECN The regime-controlled Central Bank announced that Myanmar migrant workers who send remittances via official banking channels will be rewarded K30 for every $1, or equivalent, remitted.

VIO Clashes: in Tanintharyi Region (20 regime soldiers were killed).


29 October

INT SAC-M's 1st time in Washington DC. Yanghee Lee, founding member of the SAC-M, met with the official Permanent Representative of Myanmar to the UN and Canada, had a meeting at the White House NSC and visited the NUG Office in DC.

EXM The junta has officially banned The Irrawaddy news outlet and charged its former director Thang Win with breaking national security laws.

VIO Clashes: in Magway Region (the junta burned down nearly 300 houses in the last 3 days); in Mandalay Region (11 police officers were killed), and in Kachin State (81 regime soldiers were killed).


30 October

EXM The regime released several political prisoners, including NLD finance minister Soe Win, journalists Zaw Thet Htwe and Zaw Win Maung, singer Po Po and beuty blogger Win Min Than. 

VIO 170 junta forces personnel and 9 PDF fighters were killed throughout the country.


31 October

EXM The military banned The Irrawaddy and charged the media outlet’s registered publisher for violating national security laws. 

POL The Magway District Court sentenced Win Myint Hlaing, a deposed lawmaker from Taungdwingyi Township in Magway Region to a staggering 148 years in prison on terrorism charges.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (17 dead bodies were discovered), and in Rakhine State (24 regime soldiers were killed in past 3 days and a large amount of weapons and ammunition seized).

1 November

POL The regime has enacted a new Organization Registration Law with tougher restrictions and rules on both domestic and international NGOs.

POL An internal court in Pyay Prison in Bago Region sentenced 10 political prisoners, including charity workers and poets, to between three and 30 years of imprisonment.

POL The junta’s Health Ministry fired and revoked the licences of more than 550 doctors.

INT EXM  The Committee to Protect Journalists added Myanmar to its annual Global Impunity Index, ranking Myanmar among the leading jailers of media workers globally.


2 November

ECN China opened a new shipping route from Qinzhou Port (Guangxi) to Yangon, which takes 12 days. 

INT EXM Myanmar ranked as 176th out of 180 countries in the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2022 World Press Freedom Index.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay, Magwe, and Sagaing regions, and Rakhine and Karen states (56 regime forces were killed in a week). / Nationalist monks and junta-affiliated Pyu Saw Htee militias have forcibly recruited villagers in Sagaing Region.


3 November

INT Kyaw Moe Tun, Myanmar's ambassador to the UN, attended the UNGA and 30 subsequent meetings, and has been urging the international community and the UN to take action against the military.

POL The former NLD parlimentarian Win Myint Hlaing was sentenced to 173 years in prison, the longest in Myanmar’s history.

VIO Clashes: in Kanbalu Township (50 Myanmar army troops were ambushed), in Kayin State (24 regime soldiers were killed), and in Magwe, Mandalay, Sagaing and Tanintharyi regions and Karen and Rakhine states (22 regime personnel including a pro-regime militia leader were killed in 2 days).


4 November

INT The military started taking delivery of a batch of Russian-made combat jets.


5 November

INT The NUG Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung’s speech at the Global Town Hall 2022 was dropped from the meeting’s agenda at the last minute.


6 November

INT The US imposed sanctions on a 3 Myanmar individuals and 1 entity engaging in procuring Russian-made weapons from Belarus.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (18 civilians and PDFs were killed).


8 November

INT The 5th package of EU sanctions targeted the SAC, and 19 Myanmar individuals, including the Minister of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Htun Htun Oo, high-ranking members of the Tatmadaw, members of the UEC, as well as business people providing support to the Tatmadaw. (Sanctions currently apply to a total of 84 individuals and 11 entities.)


9 November

INT Junta-appointed Minister of Agriculture, Livestock mand Irrigation Tin Htut Oo had a meeting with Alexander Sergeevich Shatirov, Russian director of Fund RC-Investments in Naypyitaw, where the junta has invited Russian business people to invest in Myanmar’s agriculture sector.


10 November

INT The Australian government announced that it would prioritize humanitarian visas for Myanmar nationals fleeing from the military. / The Australian government also announced to provide $135 million in 2022-23 to assist with the Humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. 

INT The 4-day annual ASEAN Summit started in Cambodia without Myanmar representatives. Leaders signed the joint communique maintaining the need for “concrete, practical, and measurable indicators with a specific timeline” to enforce the 5-Point Consensus (5PC). / The NUG declared they stood ready to partner with ASEAN Chair and Special Envoy to shape the process.


11 November

INT The junta shooting team competed in the 30th ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet held in Vietnam.


12 November

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (60 junta soldiers were killed in 3 days).


13 November

INT The junta objected ASEAN’s review on the Five Point Consens and its engagement with the country’s ‘unlawful’ organizations.


14 November

VIO A military helicopeter mistakendly killed 60 regime troops in Myaung Township, Sagaing Region. / Clashes: in Magway Region (230 buildings were burned down by the junta), and in Yangon, Bago, Magwe and Sagaing regions and Kayah and Mon states (130 regime forces were killed in 3 days).

INT Malaysia announced it will not support the Myanmar junta’s planned election next year, becoming the 1st among the 10 members of the ASEAN to reject the polls.

CDM Mandalay protest leader Dr Tayza San led a protest with hundreds people against the military dictatorship.


15 November

INT A Myanmar junta delegation visited Russia. The junta Minister for Transport and Communications attended the 16th International Forum and Transport Week 2022 exhibition in Moscow from 15-18 November. On 16 November, both civil aviation authorities agreed to flights to Yangon from Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, and Krasnoyarsk with Myanmar Airways International next year. The junta Minister for Science and Technology signed a deal in St Petersburg with state-run nuclear corporation Rosatom to establish a nuclear tech hub in Yangon.

VIO Clashes: in Mandalay, Magwe, Sagaing and Bago regions and Karen and Kayah states (31 junta forces were killed in 3 days).


16 November

VIO INT Clashes: in Kayin State (3 Chinese nationals killed by junta airstrike on Thabyukhae mining block) and in Magwe Region (3 junta jet fighters were destroyed by KNLA).


17 November

POL INT 6 000 prisoners across the country have been released, including 4 foreigners (former British Embassador Vicky Bowman, Australian economics adviser Sean Turnell, Japanese journalist Toru Kubota, and American-Myanmar botanist Kyaw Htay Oo), and 6 journalists, 11 celebrities, and other high-profile political prisoners, as part of a National Day (17 November) pardon. Some have, however, been rearrested.

VIO Clashes: in Rakhine and Kayah states and Mandalay, Sagaing, and Yangon regions (45 regime soldiers were killed in 2 days).


20 November

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (385 houses in 7 villages were burned down by junta forces in arson attacks in 2 days).


21 November

INT MAH met with India’s Ministry of External Affairs Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra in Naypyitaw to discuss cooperation on defense, security, peace, and tranquillity at the border region of both countries. 

INT Junta Defense Minister General Mya Tun Oo was excluded from the meeting of Southeast Asian defense chiefs by host country Cambodia held on 21-23 November.

INT Junta Minister of International Cooperation Ko Ko Hlaing participated in the China-Indian Ocean Region Forum on Development and Cooperation via videoconferencing.


22 November

INT Sean Turnell gave his 1st interview since his release on 18 November, telling that he was interrogated while chained to a metal chair, forced to eat out of a bucket, contracted COVID-19 5-times and could hear the sounds of other people being tortured.

INT A Myanmar delegation led by junta Chairman U Than Swe of the Anti-Corruption Commission attended the 18th meeting of ASEAN-Parties Against Corruption in Cambodia.

VIO Clashes: in Mon State and Tanintharyi, Sagaing and Magwe regions (65 regime forces were killed in 3 days).


23 November

VIO 95 of 130 houses in the Kyuhala Township were burned down by the Myanmar military.


24 November

INT ECN The Australian Bank ANZ announced to withdraw its operations in Myanmar by early 2023. 

VIO Clashes: Yinmabin Township (4 junta members killed by a mine attack).


29 November

POL Two lawmakers from the NLD, Dr.Pyae Phyo Oo and Wai Lin Aung, were sentenced to 26 years in prison.


30 November

POL The former deputy speaker of Myanmar’s Lower Gouse Tun Tun Hein was sentenced to 20 years in prison for alleged treason.

POL The US Embassy issued a security alert for Myanmar due to increased violent attacks in public areas.

POL ASSK has been sentenced to a further 7 years in prison, taking her overall jail time to 33 years.

1 December

VIO CDM Myanmar sentenced 11 young citizens to death for their resistance movement against the military regime.


2 December

INT The UN Human Rights Chief Vokler Türk condemned the Myanmar military for holding secretive courts in human rights violations and called for the suspension of all executions and a return to a moratorium on the death penalty.

VIO The military forces carried out a 3-day attack on a Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army base located on the northern Shan state’s border with China.


3 December

VIO Clashes: Shwebo and Htigyaint Township in Sagaing Region (200 houses burnt).


5 December

INT Russian Economic Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov visited Naypyitaw and signed 7 agreements with local businesses regarding trade, disease control, education, and science.


7 December

INT POL Junta Foreign Minister Wunna Maung Lwin visited Cambodia and met with Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss bilateral relations and ASEAN issues.


9 December

INT The US House passed the Burma Act (previously passed by the US House in April 2021) with new amendments. The bill has yet to pass the Senate before becoming law.


11 December

VIO Clashes: Sagaing Region (the military set fire to 8 villages).


12 December

INT Thailand’s new ambassador to Myanmar, Mongkol Visitump, held meetings with Myanmar military personnel.

INT The UNGA Credentials Committee  rejected the Myanmar military’s attempts to take Myanmar’s seat in the UN and agreed to uphold NUG-backed ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun’s status as Myanmar's ambassador to the UN. 

INT The US will not immediately replace the current outgoing ambassador to Myanmar, Thomas Vajda, in an attempt to avoid possible interpretations legitimizing the military government. 


13 December

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (30 airstrikes were launched by the military).


14 December

INT The first-ever summit between the leaders of EU and ASEAN member states (EU-ASEAN commemorative summit), marking 45 years of diplomatic relations, took place in Brussels without any representatives from Myanmar. The NUG criticized both the EU and ASEAN for failing to take action against the military regime at the summit.

POL Several activists were given harsh prison sentences, such as Shwe Htoo (former political prisoner under Than Shwe), 17 years, Sue Sha Shinn Thant (LGBTI+ activist), 22 years. 


16 December

INT The US Senate passed the Burma Act (passed by the US House on 9 December), broadening the government’s authority to impose sanctions and aid resistance groups (it does not include arms).


18 December

VIO An explosion on a passenger ferry injured 17 people.


19 December

VIO Clashes: Insein Prison (8 killed in the bombing).


20 December

POL VIO 20 village administrators resigned out of fear for their safety amid rising tensions between the military and the AA in Rakhine State; in total, 100 village administrators submitted their resignations over 2 months. 

VIO Clashes: Indaw Township (40 junta soldiers were killed). 


21 December

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers were killed).


22 December

INT The UN Security Council adopted its 1st resolution on Myanmar in 74 years, demanding an end to violence and for the junta to free all political detainees.

INT Thailand hosted an informal regional talk on the crisis in Myanmar. Representatives of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia met with 3 junta ministers (the NUG was excluded), while Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei did not attend the meeting. 


23 December

INT US President Biden signed the Burma Act into law.


24 December

VIO 30 civilians were burned in their vehicles in Kayah State.


26 December

VIO Clashes: in Sataung Township (the military destroyed 707 houses in 5 villages).


28 December

EXM Chief editor of Kamayut Media U Han Tha Nyein was sentenced to 5 additional years in prison under the electronic communications law.

INT Representatives of 7 EAOs held an introducing meeting with the new Chinese special envoy to Myanmar, Deng Xijun, in China’s Yunnan Province.


29 December

POL ECN MAH approved an additional military budget of more than 440 billion kyats (US$155 million) to fund his multi-front war.

7 January
INT Cambodian PM Hun Sen visited Myanmar. By meeting with MAH he became the 1st foreign leader to meet the junta leadership since the coup. 

17 January
INT Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu visited Naypyitaw, where he signed a contract for the sale of Russian Pantsir-S1 surface-to-air missile systems, Orlan-10E reconnaissance drones, and radar equipment.

21 January
ECN The oil giants Total and Chevron decided to withdraw from Myanmar. 

31 January
POL MAH obtained a 6-month extension on the state of emergency from the National Defence and Security Council (made up of top military chiefs and cooperative politicians). He did so again in July.

1 February
CDM One year since the coup: The junta killed over 1 500 people and detained 11 000. Myanmar people marked the 1st coup anniversary with a silent strike. Also, pro-military demonstrations were held in an effort to counter the silent strike.
INT The US, UK, and Canada imposed new sanctions.

16 February
INT The 2-day ASEAN foreign ministers’ summit hosted by Cambodia took place without Myanmar representatives (the bloc invited a “non-political representative”). Prak Sokhonn, Cambodia's foreign minister, has been confirmed as the new ASEAN special envoy to Myanmar.

21 February
INT The EU announced a new (4th) round of sanction, targeting 22 persons and 4 entities (Htoo Group, International Group of Enterpreneurs, Mining Enterprise 1, and MOGE).

26 February
VIO The junta detained 80 preschool children (all under the age of 12) at a school in Chin Pone village in Sagaing Region and held them as human shields after a raid.  

10 March
VIO 10 children were killed by junta forces in less than a week, bringing the number of children killed since last year’s coup to around 120.

11 March
POL The junta confirmed the switch to a proportional representation system for the 2023 general election (endorsed by MAH on 31 January).

25 March
INT The US, Canada, and Britain imposed sanctions on arms dealers and companies involved in procuring weapons for the junta. Here is the sanction list.

7 April
INT  The US House of Representatives passed the BURMA Act of 2021 (H.R. 5497).

15 May
INT The junta started issuing tourist visas again (after 2 years of suspension). 

23 May
POL The country’s major EAOs rejected the junta’s recent offer of peace talks as neither genuine nor all-inclusive.

3 June
POL VIO The regime approved orders to carry out the death sentences of 4 people, including Ko Jimmy, democracy activist, and Ko Phyo Zeya Thaw, former NLD lawmaker. The executions were carried out on 25 July,  the bodies cremated the same day and the ashes not returned to the families. 

16 June
INT The UK imposed new sanctions on organizations responsible for supplying aircraft parts to the Myanmar military (Russian companies and 3 local entities). 

3 July
INT MAH and his military leaders have been prosecuted in Argentina and Turkey. In September, a legal petition has been filed also in Indonesia to open a case against the junta.

5 July
INT VIO India’s Manipur temporarily closed the country’s border with Myanmar after 2 Indian nationals were killed in Sagaing Region. This was the 1st time foreigners were killed since the coup. 

10 July
INT MAH held meetings in Russia with Rosatom (and signed an MoU), Roscosmos, Tatneft oil company, and the Ministry of Defence. 3 weeks later, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov met in Myanmar with MAH, marking one of the highest-level visits by a foreign official since the coup. 

1 August
VIO The military held 60 children hostage following a raid on a village in Sagaing Region.

15 August
INT UN Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer met with MAH in her 1st visit to Myanmar to “communicate in person the pragmatic steps to de-escalate the violence”. Following the meeting, 864 CSOs demand the withdrawal of the envoy’s mandate.  

19 August
ECN The kyat’s value dropped to a record low since the coup – the real cost of $1 rose to K3,100, way above the junta’s reference rate. The kyat’s depreciation sent fuel prices up.

25 August
INT The UK sanctioned 3 Tatmadaw-linked businesses, including companies owned by MAH's son and daughter.

4 September
INT MAH attended the Eastern Economic Forum in his 3rd trip to Russia, and held talks with Vladimir Putin. With Rosatom, a roadmap for further atomic energy cooperation has been signed.

1 November
INT EXM  The Committee to Protect Journalists added Myanmar to its annual Global Impunity Index, ranking Myanmar among the leading jailers of media workers globally. Myanmar ranked as 176th out of 180 countries in the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) 2022 World Press Freedom Index.

6 November
INT The US imposed sanctions on a 3 Myanmar individuals and 1 entity engaging in procuring Russian-made weapons from Belarus.

8 November
INT The 5th package of EU sanctions targeted the SAC and 19 Myanmar individuals. (Sanctions currently apply to a total of 84 individuals and 11 entities.)

17 November
POL INT 6 000 prisoners across the country have been released, incl. former British Ambassador Vicky Bowman, Australian economic adviser Sean Turnell, Japanese journalist Toru Kubota, and American-Myanmar botanist Kyaw Htay Oo, and varopus journalists and celebrities, as part of a National Day (17 November) pardon. Some have, however, been rearrested.

16 December
INT The US Senate passed the Burma Act, broadening the government’s authority to impose sanctions and aid resistance groups (it does not include arms).

22 December
INT The UN Security Council adopted its 1st resolution on Myanmar in 74 years, demanding an end to violence and for the junta to free all political detainees.


POL The military regime began a nationwide campaign to compile voter lists in preparation for the 2023 sham ‘election.’ 

INT On, 20 February, the EU imposed the sixth round of sanctions against 9 individuals and 7 entities. 

POL The military-run Union Election Commission dissolved the NLD and 39 other parties for not complying with a strict new Political Party Registration Law.

VIO At least 165 people were killed after Myanmar's military bombed Kanbalu township in the central Sagaing region.

INT Myanmar’s military junta is holding up humanitarian access to some cyclone-hit communities in western Rakhine state after Cyclone Mocha devastated the lives and livelihoods of millions.

INT ASEAN appointed the Myanmar military junta as the bloc’s new coordinator of ASEAN’s relations with the Russian regime, a position that is supposed to run until 2027.

INT On 9 July, Thailand’s foreign minister Don Pramudwinai met with ASSK (hostage diplomacy).

INT On 20 July, the EU imposed the seventh round of sanctions against six individuals and one entity.
The military junta decided to postpone the sham election it promised to hold in August 2023. In a statement on state television ongoing violence was stated as the reason for the delay.

POL MAH purged several generals over coup fears.

POL The Brotherhood Alliance (Ta’ang National Liberation Army, the Arakan Army, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army) seizes vital towns on the Chinese border from the military.

1 January

POL MAH handed out decorations to honor his predecessors and ultranationalist Buddhist monk U Wirathu on New Year’s Day.


3 January

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (30 junta soldiers and pro-regime militia members were killed).


4 January

POL The military’s proxy party USDP met with 37 other political parties that attended the junta-organized Independence Day parade in Naypyitaw where MAH announced the sham 2023 elections.

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (200 soldiers were killed). / 3 leaders of the regime-allied Arakan Liberation Army were assassinated in Sittwe.


5 January

POL The military government released 7,012 prisoners under an amnesty to mark independence day. Among the released Thura Aung Ko (former government minister) and Htin Lin Oo (author and NLD official).

POL Officials from the United Wa State Party, Shan State Progress Party, and MNDAA met with the junta’s State Peace Talks Team in Naypyitaw to discuss the groups’ political needs and the basic articles of the constitution. 

INT Chinese officials urged the Myanmar military government to reopen the border crossing in northern Shan State.

CDM Mandalay PDFs held talks with the NUG to discuss operations and the creation of more battalions.


6 January

VIO Clashes: in Karen, Sagaing, Mandalay, and Magwe regions (110 military soldiers were killed over 6 days). /  After the release of 7 000 prisoners across the country, prison guards in Pathein Prison killed 2 political prisoners and brutally beat 60 other people during an altercation.


7 January

VIO Riots broke out in a prison west of Yangon, killing 1 and injuring 60 prisoners. / 2 female resistance fighters blew themselves up to avoid being searched by military soldiers based in Sagaing Region.


8 January

VIO Clashes: in Kayin State (48 junta soldiers were killed).


9 January

INT Journalist Bertil Lintner wrote that Chinese surveillance technology using facial and licence recognition software has played a key role in blunting the effectiveness of anti-junta urban guerillas in cities. Last year, Reuters also reported that Myanmar companies installing cameras for the junta were sourcing from Chinese firms

INT Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim met with Indonesian President Joko Widodo to discuss the relevance of the 5PC. 

INT The regime council withdrew the pardon under which Sean Turnell was released from prison. 

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing region (junta forces burned 150 houses).


10 January

VIO INT The junta air force dropped bombs on both sides of the Myanmar-India border, killing 5 ethnic-Chin opposition soldiers and destroying civilian structures.


11 January

INT Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi announced that she will lead a newly-set up office of the ASEAN special envoy on Myanmar, to engage with all stakeholders to address the post-coup crisisin Myanmar..

INT China didn´t pick up on an invitation to attend the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) summit in Myanmar.

INT officials found assets belonging Myanmar’s military’s officials’ family during a drug raid on Bangkok apartment of a Myanmar tycoon.

VIO Clashes: across the country (65 junta forces were killed in 4 days) and in Sagaing Region (junta forces burned down 90 houses and forced 300 residents to flee).


12 January

VIO PDF launched bomb attacks on voter registration sites in Mandalay, as a warning to people helping with the military regime’s preparations for the elections.


13 January

VIO Clashes: in Shan State (30 junta soldiers were killed).


15 January

POL The chairman of the USDP travelled to Shan State to woo ethnic support for the junta’s planned election.

POL Junta Home Affairs Minister Lieutenant-General Soe Htut urged military officials to take advantage of the ongoing “pre-poll census” to track down resistance groups.

ECN CDM The NUG raised $100 million from selling bonds, auctioning the property of MAH and collecting taxes to oppose the junta. 

POL The junta had moved deposed President Win Myint from an undisclosed location in Naypyitaw to Taungoo Prison.

VIO 2 PDF groups used IEDs to attack 12 soldiers providing security for census takers in Magway Region.


16 January

POL The Arakan Army and the military exchanged 10 prisoners in Rakhine State’s Ponnagyun Township for the 2nd time since their informal ceasefire in November last year.

VIO Clashes: across the country (64 junta forces were killed in the last 3 days). / Karen coalition forces attacked the police station at Kawtvein village in the KNU-controlled area in Kayin State.


17 January

POL The military fully suspended issuing and renewing passports, as well as accepting new passport applications.


19 January

POL MAH met Thai Chief of Defense Forces General Chalermpol Srisawat in Ngapali Beach, Rakhine State, to discuss promotion of ties and cooperation between the two militaries during the 3-day meeting.

INT Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Panjaitan, a former general, said while participating in a panel at the World Economic Forum that Myanmar’s military regime should give up power and let someone qualified run the country.

VIO The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front and the PDF-Tamu burned down the township election sub-commission office in Sagaing Region


20 January

CDM VIO Clashes: across the country (87 junta forces were killed in 3 days). / The military arrested 10 women in Mandalay Region accused of providing financial support to the PDFs; some were raped by junta officers at an interrogation centre. / Nerdah Bo Mya’s Kawthoolei Army faces allegations of committing another massacre of 8 men whose bodies were discovered with gunshot wounds in Tanintharyi Region after they admitted the 1st massacre of 25 men in Myawaddy Township in June 2021.


21 January

CDM VIO Resistance groups have attacked 6 Myanmar junta offices in Yangon, Sagaing, and Magwe regions in two days to disrupt plans for a general election later this year.


22 January

CDM VIO Clashes: across the country (47 junta forces were killed in 3 days), in Sagaing Region (junta forces raided Charity Clinic looking to arrest doctors and a nurse participating in the CDM).


24 January

INT A Human Right group, Fortify Rights, filed a criminal complaints against Myanmar’s military accusing it of geneocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity in Germany.

INT In Lunar New Year greetings, the NUG Foreign Ministry thanked China for standing by the people of Myanmar at the UN, in particular on the UNSC.

INT The European Parliament urged ASEAN, in light of the Tatmadaw’s unwillingness to achieve progress on the 5-PC, to work with the NUG to achieve a sustainable democratic resolution for Myanmar.


25 January

INT Norway’s sovereign wealth fund excluded 2 companies from China and India for selling weapons to Myanmar.

INT The EU provided support for human rights defenders to document abuses, and has allocated €125m in assistance for the people of Myanmar since the coup

CDM The pro-democracy forces called on the public to stage a silent strike to mark the 2nd anniversary of the coup.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing, Mandalay and Magwe regions and Karen State (PDFs raided and burned down a junta-run general administration office, immigration office, and military offices and killed 57 junta forces including pro-regime Pyu Saw Htee militia members in the last 3 days).


26 January

INT The Australian government expressed its concern over the Myanmar military seeking to revoke the amnesty of Sean Turnell.

POL The military regime’s a new Political Parties Registration Law effectively dissolves existing political parties in favor of the military’s proxy USDP. It requires political parties to reregister within 60 days or face dissolution, recruit at least 100 000 members within 90 days, open offices in 150 of the country’s 330 townships within 6 months, and deposit 100 million kyats (US$35,000 at the unofficial rate) in a state-owned bank. 


27 January

POL The military regime is forcing wives of policy officers in Rakhine State to take military training.

ECN INT A Japanese construction firm was granted an exemption by the US to make payments to a Myanmar military-owned company under the current sanction. The payments are related to work on a Japanese government-funded bridge in Yangon.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (34 junta-allied Pyu Saw Htee members were killed and 7 villages were torched).


28 January

POL The junta regime was giving the 2nd military training to the wives of police in Rakhine State.


30 January

INT MAH received a delegation led by Anatoly Bulochnikov, Vice-President of the Russia-Myanmar Association for Friendship and Cooperation in Naypyitaw.

INT Amnesty International demanded that UN Security Council refers junta to International Criminal Court and embargo on weapons.

VIO Clashes: in Sagaing Region (a convoy transporting junta commanders was ambushed twice with landmines).


31 January

INT EU Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala addressed Myanmar MPs in the CRPH naming the election as "the sham electoral exercise being prepared by the military junta."

INT Australia, Canada, the UK, and USA imposed further sanctions on members of the military junta, its businesses, and jet fuel suppliers, marking the two-year anniversary of the coup.


POL The Brotherhood Alliance in northern Myanmar agreed to a ceasefire with the ruling military during China-mediated talks
INT On 31 January, the US announced sanctions against two entities closely associated with the military regime, as well as four cronies, under Executive Order 14014.

POL The junta imposes enforced conscription and targets IDPs and Rohngya. Those evading conscription will face penalties in the form of heavy fines or imprisonment for 3-5 years.

VIO The military bombs Karenni school during class, killing 4 children and injuring at least 15 others.

​INT On 26 April, the EU announced the extension of sanctions and restrictive measures for one year, until 30 April 2025.

​INT The UN appointed Julie Bishop, a former Australian foreign minister, as the special envoy for Myanmar. The position has been vacant for nearly one year since Noeleen Heyzer.

VIO The military killed 76 in a village massacre in in Byian Phyu village in Sittwe Township, Rakhine State.

POL The junta breaks ceasefire with the Brotherhood Alliance, reignites Operation 1027 in Northern Shan State.